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Everything posted by CosmicBadger

  1. CosmicBadger

    Arma Combined Ops or Arma Complete?

    Yeah i was in the same boat this morning, in the end i just went for Combined Ops. I'm sure that will do me :)
  2. CosmicBadger


    Hey guys, So at new year i stumbled across this game and it actually inspired me to finally build a PC and after 2 months its done! I'm looking for a server which has little cheating (I believe these are called Whitelisted?) Private Hive and a few other things.... A decent sized population i.e chance of seeing people but not running into them every 5 mins. A Balanced amount of vehicles. A healthy split in Bandits/Survivors Basically i'm looking for a balanced server. Anyone have any ideas? I keep seeing Balota Buddies pop up, How would i go about joining one of there servers? Oh and im a Brit :)
  3. CosmicBadger


    Yeah didn't have the spare 700 odd quid in one go so bought parts every week or so.