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Everything posted by Chaingunfighter

  1. Chaingunfighter

    Status report lateness

    But as has been explained before, there are reasons for as to why status reports come later than usual, and they never seem to include "we're lazy and don't want to give the playerbase this update." You might not be the kind of person that finds excuses valid if something was "promised" beforehand (I'm not entirely sure it was, though), but that doesn't change the fact that they are there. Although I must say that it's not really logical to hold people accountable for everything they say (it's not unreasonable, as things should go how they're said) because it doesn't take into account any possible differentiation and the fact that unexpected events can pop up changing the course of what was said. Plus, it's not like you were promised a status report on that day, but moreso you were told quite some time back that status reports would now be released on a new schedule, and the glaringly obvious fact that it won't happen every time. Your expectations are slightly high, yes.
  2. Chaingunfighter

    Working cellphones

    Wrecks are just used because they're all that's available and give off the apocalyptic feel. There's no real justification for as to why you've got fresh fruit and working electricity as well as some pristine houses but at the same time decrepit old structures and rusted out cars.
  3. Chaingunfighter

    Chris Alluding to new gun ?

    Well, it's been asked multiple times whether anti-materiel rifles and such would be added and the general dev answer seems to be "No." (although it's often somewhat ambiguous.) Things like the desert eagle, while an extreme oddity, have never really been commented on before. Aesthetic-wise you're right in that they probably aren't as reserved on what they add as they could be, but their disdain towards AMRs stemmed from their effect on gameplay rather than the fact that an M107 isn't the most plausible weapon to find (though it wouldn't be the worst sniper rifle to add if they felt like adding them.) I definitely think that they've changed their mindset on weapons a lot; the devs frowned upon having multi-platform optics for civilian rifles before as they didn't want everyone to be "leet sniporz", and yet now we have a hunting scope that works on several different guns. With snipers themselves it also seems like things have changed because they were very hesitant to add the SVD even though it had been in progress for over a year, yet not only did we get the SVD with the update, but also the VSS Vintorez and a marksman scope dedicated for AKs. .308 Winchester and 9x39/SP-6 were other things that had been in discussion for awhile but always seemed unlikely until recently, especially considering how few guns can even use SP-6. And yeah, I honestly don't really think a Desert Eagle, Mauser C96, or even UMP45 would've been as valid an idea if it were brought up a year ago from today. What hasn't changed is their need to keep ammunition names different from each other. But hey, if they're concerned they can just add 7.62x25mm under ".30 Tokarev" or something.
  4. Chaingunfighter

    Chris Alluding to new gun ?

    That's an M107 with Chris' past model of a Barrett MRAD and a MAC-10 underneath it. It's already been said that we'll (probably) never have semi-automatic AMRs like that, and Chris has said that even including the bolt-action MRAD is a pipe dream at this point, but that MAC-10 seems like a real possibility. If the MAC is indeed for DayZ, then we'll have a pretty good fleshed out system of SMGs; the .380 PM73 and Skorpion, 9x19 MP5K, .45 UMP45, and the MAC could be any of those three calibers (MAC-10 in 9x19/.45 or MAC-11 in .380)
  5. Chaingunfighter

    Loot; A highly debated topic.

    Having a large amount of firearms available doesn't mean they're going to be common. However, no, we're not playing Caveman-Z where everyone runs around in animal hide skins and the improvised bow is practically the only ranged weapon (that you ever experience, at least.) That stuff's an option for those people who like to play with it but I don't think DayZ would be better if you're meant to die five hundred times before finding your first bit of food. Mods will certainly provide this, but DayZ is, if anything, a survival game, not a death simulator. (Implying grueling but feasible survivability as opposed to near certain death no matter what)
  6. Chaingunfighter

    Basic Basebuilding system

    That's not very realistic - if keypad locks are added then they'd only sensibly be a very rare item you have to loot, and everyone who uses them would need to remember the code themselves (none of that "your character remembers and can open the door normally" stuff) DayZ can have keypad locks (though I don't really see the necessity), but they have to make sense and shouldn't give you super security; you can still shoot through a door with a keypad lock, but if you want to take the time to keypad lock a door then by all means go ahead. It just doesn't seem like there's a big point to it if it's going to be realistic at the same time.
  7. Chaingunfighter

    Basic Basebuilding system

    I really don't think you'd be using an axe or chainsaw to reinforce a door - they'd be good tools for cutting wood but not for doing the construction itself. However, I can imagine that basic barricading will probably include putting boards up on doors and maybe windows - metal I'm not so sure about but I'd be very surprised if it weren't added in the future. Also, you really can't just throw keypad locks on any door with ease - they have to be installed and also have to fit the respective door in order to work, and seeing as how most of the buildings in Chernarus are old and have varying door sizes I doubt that you'd see a generic kind of keypad lock that fits all. However, I do think having some sort of automatic locks that spawn pre-placed (at random) on certain doors in government buildings, like the new school, hospitals, police stations, or military bases, would be cool, as well as just having some of the buildings be locked on server creation. So yes, you could shoot the doors open or bust in with a melee weapon, but you're going to make a lot of noise that you don't want to.
  8. Chaingunfighter

    5.56 Bolt action rifle (Remington 700)

    If they did the military M24 then I'm 100% sure it'd be bipod compatible, and honestly even if they picked a regular M700 I still can't see any reason why the ATLAS bipod shouldn't work unless they picked a variant that doesn't support it.
  9. Chaingunfighter

    Status Report - 14 May 15

    .380 would be the more sensible option because there's an older Vz.62 that's almost exactly like the Vz.61 but in .380 instead of .32. Plus, .380 is a rather under-utilized caliber as of right now and 9x19 has a lot more options so it's better for it to just go to the limited one.
  10. Chaingunfighter

    Tokarev SVT 40

    I could live with that - I just think that were an SVT to be added as is it'd be more appropriate to have the PU scope just attach than have the PSO-1 just attach.
  11. Chaingunfighter

    Tokarev SVT 40

    The only problem I have with the SVT using the PSO-1 is that it would essentially just make it a different skin for the SVD. Part of the point of these older guns (Mosin, SVT, SKS) is that they have access to scopes but they're limited in usefulness with them because they're meant to be civilian weapons. It's really just to differentiate the two guns - because gameplay wise they are very similar. Honestly if it were that much of a problem I'd rather it just not have any optics at all than give it the PSO-1.
  12. Chaingunfighter

    Czechoslovakian Samopal Vzor 58 (Vz. 58)

    I wouldn't have a huge problem with this but I really fail to see the point - internally and operationally it's a completely different gun to the AK series but in terms of physical appearance it's very similar, and that's not to mention that gameplay-wise you're basically just getting a different AKM with a different (nearly identical) 30 round magazine and maybe some different attachments. Granted the AK101 uses the exact same model and attachments as the AK74, and I'm perfectly fine with both so I can't really disagree with this, but I'm not sure it would really be worth modeling an entirely new gun purely for the variety. (Since even guns like the AUG which [currently] perform identical to the M4A1 still have visual variation, while the Vz. 58 is hard to distinguish from an AK to the untrained eye.) I could see gibonez' idea of this being a lower end assault rifle working, though. These guns are actually modified far more often than original AKMs, but considering how modular the current AK platforms we have are I wouldn't mind if this thing had only bare bones attachments (with the exception of something like a scope rail for NATO optics) .
  13. Chaingunfighter

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    At least it has a nice reloading animation :\
  14. Chaingunfighter

    Tokarev SVT 40

    It is a surplus and is definitely the only realistic WW2-era battle rifle worth putting in, but it'd still be pretty uncommon. I wouldn't say to the point of the SVD as the SVD is going to be extremely rare eventually, but to the point that its rarer than most civilian guns now. You could make arguments that an SVT would be more common than the Colt Python or Thompson Contender or Blaze 95 or whatnot but in the end that just can't be done because it's a battle rifle and you've got to have some form of balancing in to prevent it from going haywire.
  15. Chaingunfighter

    Tokarev SVT 40

    The SVT does not use SVD magazines, nor does it usually mount the PSO-1 (it could use the PU, though.) 'SVD ammo' aka 7.62x54mmR is the only caliber this gun is available in anyway so there's nothing else it could use. And no, this would not be very common, at least compared to an SKS or Mosin and the vast majority of other civilian guns in the game. Yes, over 2 million were produced but SVT-40s fell out of use pretty quickly because they were expensive to maintain and could not be field stripped. Sure, it wouldn't be as rare as a Red 9 or whatnot but it'd definitely be harder to find than most of the civilian guns, which is understandable considering it's basically the somewhat inferior but still powerful civilian SVD.
  16. Chaingunfighter

    Gold Desert Eagle .44

    Seeing as how the central economy is now based on individual servers rather than game wide I don't think it'll make too much of a difference. But I can actually see if it were really game-wide then people would just take all the limited vehicles and weapons and drop them into the ocean, never to be used again.
  17. Chaingunfighter

    Gold Desert Eagle .44

    It's so weird seeing back to when the M4A1 still had atrocious dispersion and about half the rifles we have now weren't in the game. However it is to be noted that the 'AS50' was just an extremely low-poly and untextured p3d model of the words 'TROLOLOL' as a joke to the people that go mining into the files. This is actually the gun itself with a good quality model and it was purchased to boot. The only way I can imagine this being a trick is if they bought the model to not waste time on making a new one, but that seems really unlikely.
  18. Chaingunfighter

    Gold Desert Eagle .44

    Please tell me this is a joke, like the AS50_TWS from awhile back. And if it's not, for whatever reason, then I'm not sure why they didn't use the 'regular' version in .357. At least then they could have it be the rarest central-economy unicorn in the game with a small niche (semi-auto .357) rather than this. The model's gorgeous - congratulations on getting the dev team to buy it and use it for whatever they may, whether or not it gets used in the game.
  19. Chaingunfighter

    DPM Uniforms Added

    Don't see why not - I'd rather have complete uniform sets anyway, because right now most of the military gear is pretty loose save for set specific ones like SMERSH. Because unlike weapons, gear and uniforms are rarely country specific (and even weapons are super intermixed nowadays.) Surplus armor, BDUs, helmets, and whatnot are still extremely common and because of how cheap it is, how good the quality is, and how available it is, anyone that can get their hands on it will do so. Hell, I have a 1980's USMC LBV in new condition that I got for a meager $20 USD. This stuff really isn't that hard to get. Fact of the matter is that 'improvised survivor look' is only something you really see in fiction. The vast majority of survivors would just be using old civilian clothes or government-issue gear, with improvised/crafted clothing only being common with a small number of people (over time you'd see more of that than old clothes, but if the human race was going to last they'd have to get beyond using just cow hides for clothes at some point.)
  20. Chaingunfighter

    Making The CR-527 A More Viable Rifle

    SKS has always been stuck with just the PU scope, unless you count the brief period after it was first implemented and could use the LRS, albeit one that clipped with the gun and didn't line up with the sights. I honestly can't imagine it getting any further optics, especially because PU scopes being used on the SKS were a pretty big rarity themselves. It's fine where it's at anyway; the SKS is a very good rifle and even though the PU isn't the greatest scope you can still use the SKS as a de facto DMR as it stands. As for OP; 10 round magazines sound like a good idea, and as the loot systems become more rounded out I'd expect the magazine to rifle ratio will be improved upon. It's also one of the four rifles (alongside the Sporter, Blaze, and currently unimplemented Winchester M70) that are confirmed to be using the hunting scope that'll be in 0.56. However, I don't think that the CR-527 should be spawning with magazines if other guns cannot. It's not meant to be a high tier weapon and shouldn't just receive random buffs to compensate unless they're to make it more realistic. The best solution to get more people to use this over the SKS is to make it more common and the SKS less so. However, as far as I'm aware the devs did say that weapons spawning with a variety of attachments was confirmed.
  21. Chaingunfighter

    Blaze with scope !

    The Blaze is certainly a very well rounded and simple to use firearm, and probably one of the best for newer players to use. It's powerful, has great iron sights, is extremely accurate, and by design is pretty good in close quarters. It's also one of those weapons that works pretty differently to the majority of other guns, so it promotes its own style of gunplay. And even the 'disadvantages' of a small two-round capacity and high recoil are arguably offset by the fact that it has quick reloads, and teaches you better fire control. The Blaze isn't really the best long-ranged firearm as it stands because of the Mosin, but in the future once it becomes PU only and hopefully gets a reduction in its standard accuracy that will change. Medium range is debatable - the Blaze works best here of any range, but it's also the range that the Repeater, SKS, and most ARs become effective, and with the Blaze at this range you've got to take your shots carefully or any of the aforementioned weapons will absolutely destroy the Blaze. At short ranges it's still pretty good (definitely the best large caliber rifle for this combat) but short range really comes down to who hits their target first, and shotguns, pistols, or anything automatic are far better here. Also, for right now the FNX45 is probably the easiest to use sidearm, not the Magnum, because .45 ACP and .357 Magnum rounds do the same damage currently, and the FNX's 15 round capacity, suppressor/flashlight capability, and unique red dot sight, all make it better in CQB.
  22. Chaingunfighter

    Weapon Changes

    PSO-1 will no longer spawn as a separate attachment in the game world but will come with a 7.62x54mmR version mounted on the SVD and a 9x39mm version mounted on the VSS Vintorez. Apparently these will be removable from those guns, so you'll probably still be able to put a PSO-1 on AKs so long as you find a gun that comes with it first. However, it won't be too useful as 7.62x39, 5.45x39, and 5.56x45 ballistics on the AKM, AK101, and AK74 are very different from the 9x39 and 7.62x54 versions, so it probably won't be worth looking for just to have on an AK (besides, the VSS and SVD are prizes themselves.) They're adding a Kashtan C-1 optic that's meant for intermediate caliber rifles that will act as the "replacement" for the PSO-1 on them, though, so you won't be detracted. Like the previous, this will probably be usable on the SVD and VSS as well, but again not too useful. Mosin isn't getting the LRS anymore because they've got a hunting scope that will be usable on a larger variety of rifles. However, according to Peter it's possible they may add some sort of optics mount for the Mosin in the future that will once again let you use LRS-equivalents on it.
  23. Chaingunfighter

    Blaze with scope !

    Well, anything that gives you an advantage in killing in general is inevitably going to make specific types of killing easier as well. I really don't think the vast majority of people who hunt down others are using Sporter-22s or CR-527s, and a scope for the Blaze 95 is a very niche upgrade at best considering the recoil and two round capacity. If anything you should be more worried about the SVD, and to a lesser degree the UMP-45, because those actually do seriously expand ways of killing others. That's, of course, besides the fact that people killing others isn't a good reason to not expand upon weapons.
  24. Chaingunfighter

    Blaze with scope !

    SKS will probably be stuck with the PU scope - this kind of scope wouldn't work on them at all (just like how the LRS didn't when the SKS was first added and you could use all optics on it) Mosin won't be as much of a sniper weapon either considering the PU is a lower power short-ranged scope and it's far less accurate than some of the other rifles being added. The main advantage you'll have in the Mosin is reliability and stopping power. The CR-527 (as with every other weapon here) is only going to be improved by having a scope, but not by much. It's meant as a brush gun for small game, and using it with a scope to shoot rabbits or whatnot will probably be the most major thing you see with it. The scope for the Blaze, like with the CR-527, is mainly going to help it in the hunting aspect. In a combat situation the Blaze isn't too viable anyway and slapping a scope on it would actually make it even harder to use as you lose some of your first person view, but this will help for trips into the woods. The Sporter-22 will actually be made a somewhat viable poor man's assassin rifle with this scope. .22LR right now sucks, but a Sporter-22 with a 30-round magazine, ghillie wrap, improvised suppressor, and scope will be awesome for doing stealth stuff.
  25. Chaingunfighter

    Does DayZ need aeiral transport?

    The main problem with the C-130s is that they turned around on the ground at an abysmal rate, so you had a lot more choices for places to land but not take off. However, yeah, there were far more places a skilled pilot could land and take off from than just the three runways.