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Everything posted by Chaingunfighter

  1. Chaingunfighter

    One man Weapons platform

    Not as efficient as you'd think, unless you were carrying a gun for someone else or had a camp to store 'em at. You'd have to drop the M4 before you could ever use the SKS or other guns, and you don't have any holster to pull out either of the pistols. If I were you I'd drop either the M4 or SKS and one of the pistols, and save room to have enough ammo for your primary, secondary and tertiary weapons. (Best bet would be the SKS, Sawed-Off IZH-43 and FNX if you wanted the most effective variety)
  2. I don't like it. Not long enough.
  3. Set up an IOS like parameter that automatically deletes the game from your Steam account if you re-log more than 3 times. No, but seriously, the timer should only be low for the first 1-2 relogs, after that I don't think any shorter than 30 minutes does any good.
  4. Chaingunfighter

    New ballistic parameters in upcoming patch!

    Does it include fixing the M4's abysmal accuracy?
  5. Chaingunfighter

    The antihop/exiting timers..

    I will admit that I have thoroughly checked through an area to be sure it was safe before logging off... only to log back in later and find my character dead, and been completely annoyed to find it was because of a zombie who spawned after I logged out. But honestly, that's a rarity. If you don't have the time to play DayZ, you shouldn't play it. The timer needs to be longer, not shorter. I'd say at least 4-5 minutes because it's very easy to climb on top of a building with a ladder that takes 30 seconds and then log off because the people couldn't catch up to you in time.
  6. Chaingunfighter

    DayZ has an IMFDB page!

    Go check it out: http://www.imfdb.org/wiki/DayZ And please, feel free to contribute to the article. There aren't many good resources around for DayZ information.
  7. Chaingunfighter

    Premium loot -- A balanced proposal to "gearing up"

    Yeah, but people would just camp the places that spawn them. It would be very time consuming for them to randomize it, I mean the most randomization for loot-spawns we had was chopper crashes and those spawned in the middle of fields, it would be incredibly annoying to code containers with weapons that don't glitch. With that, you end up with having set locations which only increases the number of people camping them for people who want gear. Not everything valuable is going to be strung-up inside a safe after the apocalypse. In the situation of an apocalypse, I can imagine people would be struggling to get their items away from safeguarded locations. Military forces, law enforcement, private security companies, etc. All of them are going to be rushing to their armories to get weapons to defend themselves, and they probably wouldn't take the time to lock the door when you've got infected beating down the fences. The sense of a panicked environment where only a few people made it out, trying to get what they can and throwing everything else around is realistic and adds to the atmosphere. It actually makes a lot of sense that you find guns, ammo, gear, food and other things strewn around, as they were rushed to get something specific, and not just guns/ammo/medicine/food/whatever. Granted, I do want safes/locked containers eventually, but I don't think you should have to look in a safe just because you want some 5.56 bullets.
  8. Chaingunfighter

    Give 2 choices for logout timer: "wait" and "exit now"

    It's annoying to be mauled to death by wandering zombies you had no idea were there when logging out.
  9. Chaingunfighter

    Premium loot -- A balanced proposal to "gearing up"

    I dunno. I like the idea of having some locked containers around, but having all of the "premium" loot spawning inside seems a little dumb, not to mention unrealistic. Maybe having locked armories with a higher chance of spawning better weapons/gear I could support, but it would still increase camping ten-fold and wouldn't really make it that much harder to get better stuff.
  10. Chaingunfighter

    Several russian weapons that Id like to see in Dayz

    No, it's Chernarus, which is based off of the terrain of a part of the Czech Republic. The country is mainly based on the Czech republic in terms of culture, but there's also a lot of Soviet and Post-Soviet culture as well. In general, it takes a "Post-Soviet country influenced by modern Western technology". It doesn't matter, the TKB-011 isn't at all realistic. The FNX-45 was used because most of the files used were part of ArmA 3's "4-five .45". The Colt Python was created by someone who does not (or did not) work at DayZ staff. Something like the Steyr AUG would be 1000x more realistic, and you would probably never see a Steyr AUG in Chernarus. And even though your statement about overlooked designs becoming popular is true, the TKB-011 has not become popular at all, it's a dead design, albeit a cool one.
  11. Chaingunfighter

    List of Ideal Weapons for the SA

    I'd say just do the AKM. There's no real reason for them to make both and the AKM is the more realistic one.
  12. Chaingunfighter

    Improved Loot [SA]

    The only problem I have with the third idea is that the game leaves your character in the world after leaving the server so hiding in buildings would become very annoying even if you weren't combat logging (I think wandering zombies can still kill you if they see you)
  13. Chaingunfighter

    List of Ideal Weapons for the SA

    But AK-47s are pretty rare nowadays, AKMs are the most common, and thus most authentic version. I would like to see a rarer Type 56 with ability for a bayonet, but who knows?
  14. Chaingunfighter

    List of Ideal Weapons for the SA

    Yeah the APS I was on the fence about. I think it would make a good addition though, as there aren't very many viable "machine-pistols" and they would change up the gunplay a bit. The A-91 I did forget, but it's not realistic either. The PP-19 I left out intentionally because it is the most realistic of any of the SMGs he listed, and honestly the only other SMGs that would be realistic would be the PPSh-41, MP5A3/A4/A5 and MP5K (Maybe an MP-40 and PPS-43, too)
  15. Chaingunfighter

    List of Ideal Weapons for the SA

    I'd find the RPD reasonable enough to include. I doubt you would find many SMLEs, but I guess that their canonical existence in Takistan is enough to justify it. I don't know, I doubt anyone really wants a Lee-Enfield after how bad it was in the mod. Also, the CZ-75 and AK-74 are essentially confirmed.
  16. Chaingunfighter

    Master List of Equipable Items the Community Wants in the Game

    True, but I hope the "let's only add niche weapons" ideal is only true until we have weapons filling said niche. I don't want the game to end Fallout-style with only one weapon of each type. It's gonna get annoying seeing the same guns every time you run across someone who fills a particular role (Every sniper using the Mosin-Nagant, most general players using an SKS/Ruger 10/22, etc.)
  17. Chaingunfighter

    List of Ideal Weapons for the SA

    Well, like I said, my philosophy is that they should always (at least currently) put more work into improvised, civilian, and Eastern weapons over anything else, but they have a rather large art/modeling department so I can't be mad if one of them wants to work on a military gun. My posts about military-grade weapons are mainly for the long-term, but who knows? I wouldn't get mad if they did an MG-42 but I think an MG-3 would be a little more realistic for the present times, as actual working MG-42s are very rare even compared to 98ks and MP-40s (at least those were simpler to maintain). I don't even want them to focus on guns right now, though, I want them to do crossbows/compound bows/flare guns or craftable weapons, other ranged weapons besides guns, or maybe have them expand upon the melee weapons. Most of the current melee weapons are actual "weapons" and not really improvised.
  18. Chaingunfighter

    List of Ideal Weapons for the SA

    A lot of these are reasonable (Most of the AKs save for AK-12 and AN-94, PPSh-41, SVT-40, etc.) but there would be no real point in them adding; - The SVT-38, if the more common and similar SVT-40 already exists. No reason to work on two nearly identical rifles. - The Federov Avtomat, few exist anymore outside of museums, and even fewer are still workable. Finding one like this would be nearly impossible. (Also, it's an Automatic Rifle, not select-fire or a battle rifle like the others) - The AN-94 and AK-12, the AN-94 is only sparsely issued, and only to Russian special forces (not any other country). The AK-12 is still a prototype weapon so there's no real reason you'd find it in Chernarus either. - The PKP is not really realistic either, considering they (for the most part) only exist in Russia and the few exports have been for testing purposes to replace older PKMs (which are a reasonable addition) - The Strike One, P-96M, MP-412 (Emphasis on this one) and APS (To some extent). The Strike One never became huge, and the P-96 was relatively unpopular in Russia, leading to few existing. The MP-412 was, as Gews said, a stillborn prototype and never became released. The APS, while not entirely unrealistic, is not huge either. - The AEK-919K, PP-2000, P-90 and PP-90. The AEK-919 and PP-2000 simply haven't spread around enough yet to make them worth having. The P-90, while common in Western countries, is hard to find in Eastern places. The PP-90 is an awful MP5 copy that was never popular either. - I don't know much about the shotguns, but the Saiga 12K is actually quite popular for hunting so I can say it would be reasonable. However, I think sometimes people assume that because DayZ is in a post-Soviet setting that any Russian/Eastern guns are realistic, while any western guns are not. Guns like the MP5A3 and MP5K, G3A3/G3A4, FN FAL, Walther P-38, Mauser K-98K, Type 56, M16A2 and MP-40 would probably still be reasonable additions, but none of those are distinctly Russian.
  19. Chaingunfighter

    Craftable Torch

    Maybe you could spawn with a torch instead, it would add to the "empty" survivor feel. Also, it would make flashlights more valuable as they could last for much longer provided you keep a few batteries.
  20. Chaingunfighter

    Day counting

    I see what you did there.
  21. Chaingunfighter

    2 suggestions that go hand in hand

    Hit detection is definitely something they're working on, but they haven't had a lot of time to focus on it with all of these other big bugs and issues like server hopping. The game's still alpher, though, just keep that in mind. Ragdolls are something I think a lot of people would like (ArmA 3 esque) but I don't know the likelihood of them appearing. It's possible they will come in the future if they decide to re-do the character mesh but at this point they will probably just have to improve the death animations. I haven't actually read any information on the subject and I'm not a modeler, so I wouldn't know if it were planned, though.
  22. Chaingunfighter

    Remove crosshair for all non-melee weapons

    Most of the people that complain about 3P just hate that you can see over/around your character at all. While I'm all for removing the crosshair (not necessarily 3P, but that's a different story) I'd rather just have it be a server option than game-wide, so people who really wanted to play the easy way could. It's much better to compromise and give people the choice rather than choose one side or the other, otherwise the other side comes in and complains equally as much. Of course, this can't be the solution for all issues, but it's a much better model to work off of than just getting rid of (or adding) everything that stirs up controversy in the game.
  23. Chaingunfighter

    Fresh Servers Spawning Open Doors/Gates

    Jokes on you; I search every building I can. I've actually found good loot in places I've seen people exit and enter where they obviously did not look carefully enough, or left it behind. I always check everywhere, you never know when you'll luck out.
  24. Chaingunfighter

    Mosin Nagant Modification Suggestions

    Yeah, it's a cool gun, just not a realistic one for DayZ. Whatever, I'm not complaining, they've needed revolvers for a while and it was "community" made.
  25. Chaingunfighter

    Mosin Nagant Modification Suggestions

    Yeah, if you wanted to, but there's a lot of things you can do in real life that they don't really need to spend the time on considering it's not worth it. Also, sawing off the front end of a Python to make a snub-nosed one would be a terrible idea, considering it removes the front sight on the end of the barrel. You'd be much better off buying a snub-nosed one than destroying the value of a $7,500 gun which will probably never be made again.