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Everything posted by Chaingunfighter

  1. Chaingunfighter

    IR Markers

    NVGs would be more common than the M4A1, Blaser B95, Colt Python, FNX-45, cowboy hats, PayDay and clown masks, and a lot of the westernized food/clothing, because NVGs are actually used by Russia, as well as smaller states in lower quantities.
  2. Chaingunfighter

    Weapon damage needs a massive boost

    And this is why people need to read the thread before making an opinion on it, not just the title. He's talking about having taken too much damage to survive. And he's right, it is odd that you can survive a blast from a sawed-off shotgun at point-blank range. It should not be possible for that unless you have thick body armor on, and even then it would still hurt. A lot.
  3. Chaingunfighter

    I really need a morphine auto-injector.

    You do know there's a Medical Assistance post pinned right at the top of this forum, right?
  4. Chaingunfighter

    Weapon Balance vs "Realism"

    Yes, but I believe that should be the consideration for shooting, not just having some flimsy and gimmicky mechanic which essentially forces that behavior on those who actually could shoot that way. Obviously they can (and should) alter the shooting mechanics (Ammo quality affecting accuracy and degrading the weapon faster, better wind/environmental factor simulation, correct ballistic velocity, etc.) but to put an arbitrary value on the gun because not many people could shoot some way is quite annoying. The M4 is probably only the way it is because of them messing around with values more than it being intentional. My statement mainly addresses people who think it should stay the same.
  5. Chaingunfighter

    Where is the crossbow?

    Coming soon to an update near you.
  6. Chaingunfighter

    Weapon Balance vs "Realism"

    But intentionally forcing a poor gun accuracy to "simulate" untrained shooting is a bad mechanic. It should be realistic and left up to how you use it in the game, even if it is easier than real life, because it makes actual good shooting impossible.
  7. Chaingunfighter

    Weapon Balance vs "Realism"

    Gonna throw in a wildcard here and interject how I like the "Blaze 95" more than anything else all of the sudden. Seriously, it works so great in close quarters but is the (current) second-most accurate weapon in the game. Not to mention it uses 7.62x51 which is very powerful.
  8. Chaingunfighter

    Ideas to make Chernarus feel more Eastern European

    USMC invaded Chernarus in 2009 through ArmA canon (Assuming it's true in the DayZ universe, which there's no real reason not to believe) and resulting occupation would have likely led to USMC support during an apocalyptic event.
  9. Chaingunfighter

    More AK Gun Talk And Wish List Of Future Weapons

    Yeah, obviously they need a few AK variants to fit the setting but guns like the G3, FN FAL, M16A2/M16A4 and M14/M1A would be cool, and reasonable (except the M14, but, whatever) additions.
  10. Chaingunfighter

    More AK Gun Talk And Wish List Of Future Weapons

    The only Kalashnikov guns they "need" are the AK-74, AKM and AKS-74U. The AK-47 is relatively rare nowadays and is marginally different from the AKM. Not saying it wouldn't fit, but honestly it isn't necessary with the more realistic variations. I'd still prefer them doing a Type 56, SA Vz. 58 and AK-105 before doing an AK-47.
  11. Chaingunfighter

    Dayz Events.

    These would be interesting as features to possibly happen (I.E. large numbers of zombies spawning or uncontained fires spreading) but I don't think the server should force having hordes attacking towns and fires starting randomly, it would just become redundant. That being said, if someone were "careless" (possibly with intent) with a fire, or with their signal flares then there may be a massive forest fire spreading across the land or a huge horde descending upon a city. (or both at the same time)
  12. Someone could just disable in-game voice or use a phone/external program/other computer/text chat. It would be mighty interesting but it would not end up solving anything for most.
  13. Chaingunfighter

    My humble wish list for foreseeable future

    I wouldn't expect any brand new stuff that they haven't been working on to show up for a few months. Remember that they've been working on the Ruger 10/22, CZ-75 and Remington 870 and Blaser B95 since (at least) Pax Prime and that was way back in 2013. Not to mention the B95 just came out, the 10/22 is close but not out and the CZ-75 and Remington 870 are not confirmed for any soon-to-come update. Though maybe we'll get something else they haven't shown off yet. That being said, I hope the suppressor, compensator are fixed (the scope magnification may be intentionally reduced because your in-game sight is different than in real life)
  14. Chaingunfighter

    Ruined Gear Upon Shooting People

    But that's because most people KoS for fun or out of fear, they don't give to fucks about the loot they get. I'd rather have it be realistic than have some marginal and terrible feature for people who kill "validly" (not saying KoS isn't valid, but still).
  15. Chaingunfighter

    Civilian Weapon Suggestions

    Why not? The 17 is the most popular variant internationally. Do you just not like it because it's "overused"?
  16. Chaingunfighter

    Vehicles: Common bicycles / Capture able Trains

    I don't know about having the trains, as they would be very difficult to upkeep and not to mention there could be debris along the tracks rendering them useless. Bicycles are almost certain, though.
  17. Chaingunfighter

    <<<< Zombie Improvements. >>>>

    Getting every zombie within 1km (Mind you they're faster than you and just 1 hit = certain death) and having to use headshots only would be the worst. thing. ever. Also, Rocket has said that there will not be reanimated players. 30 5.56 bullets will probably do more damage to a body than one 12 gauge shotgun blast. Seriously, your ideas would all be moot with this statement by the time the Remington 870 gets put in, unless every zombie on the map heard you shoot it.
  18. Chaingunfighter

    Standalone Item/Weapon Req. MegaThread

    In an attempt to quell the mass amount of individual item/weapon threads that continuously pop up for people who wish to have their items implemented. I will list, as well as provide a brief description of the particular user's requests. So, instead of making your own thread for that gun, or item, or object, or UFO added, why not put it here? Weaponry Melee - Blunt - Melee - Bladed - Firearms - Handguns|Revolvers - Firearms - Sub-Machine Guns - Firearms - Rifles|Carbines - Firearms - Shotguns - Firearms - Light/General Purpose/Heavy Machine Guns - Firearms - Grenade Launchers/Missile Launchers/RPGs - Other - Bows/Crossbows/Throwing Weapons/Miscellaneous weaponry - Items Clothing/Headware/Armor/Glasses/Masks - Fresh/Rotten Perishable Food/Non-Perishable Food - Medical Gear/Medicine - Gear - Junk/Trash items -
  19. Battlefield is slightly more realistic in the firearm mechanics (Round chambering, semi-correct reloading, etc.) and in graphic design, but in the end the gunplay, physics, tactics and everything else really pales "action-shooter", not realistic gameplay.
  20. Chaingunfighter

    AK 47 or AK 74[POLL]

    This screenshot is pre-alpha and months old. The AK-74 will clearly come first.
  21. Chaingunfighter

    server loot

    Nope, it's the same (Or should be) for every server. Either you've gone to already looted places, or just had poor luck so far.
  22. Chaingunfighter

    Any love for the PKM ?

    PKM eez good gun to have in dis good gamez
  23. "Pre-alpha"? Once a game is released it is, by definition, at least alpha.
  24. Many replies to replies to replies. It's endless. And I was only bringing up the past two games because they are the general standpoint for FPS games which are following the trend of "never before seen" guns. The MAC-10 is perfectly reasonable, and I do hope to see door gunners. Having AH-1Zs/AH-1s (Or MI-24s) would be realistic if there were US involvement, but I can't say I personally want them because it would end up feeling too military at the point you give people access to gunships/attack helicopters/fighters, in addition to being annoying. Having helicopters is a good idea, but I think the immersion would get broken when you're suddenly under attack from a gunship. Basic civilian/military transport/cargo helicopters and planes are fine, as well as "technicals" like UAZs with machine guns would be the best end-game content for me, no APCs/Tanks/Jets/Gunship Helis are necessary.
  25. Chaingunfighter

    Ideas to make Chernarus feel more Eastern European

    Nope, it's in its' own country of Chernarus, which is based off of the Czech Republic in terrain and culture (with influence from post, in-midst of and pre-Soviet union ideology as well) It's an acceptable break from reality, considering there are people who are that race/want to play as that race, and it would feel somewhat racist if they kept it out, or worse, took it out. ------------------------------------------ And to OP, AKs will eventually come. The M4A1 was done to test the versatility of the attachment system. I wouldn't expect them to remove the M4A1 from the game, though.