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Everything posted by Chaingunfighter

  1. Chaingunfighter

    Military Unit Stationed at Gorka? [Lore]

    I love it, gives them good reasons to have some seemingly "unrealistic" objects in the game, even though it's a fictional medium. More so realistic reasons to make them realistic, I guess :P
  2. Chaingunfighter

    New bolt action rifle coming.

    Having a VZ.58 using AKM mags would not be as bothersome as the Mosin using 7.62x51mm or AK-74 firing 5.56x45mm. It's a cool and completely different gun, but it looks very similar to the AKM, generally uses 30 round, 7.62x39mm mags (just like the AKM) and has similar performance. Not saying they shouldn't have it later on, but other 7.62x39mm AK (or AK-based) rifles aren't really needed before things like the AK-74M and AKS-74U.
  3. Chaingunfighter

    Some questions regarding the AK-74

    40mm shells probably wouldn't cause that much destruction. Maybe knock out a fence or sign post, but HE grenades (both thrown frags and launched ones) don't actually do that much damage and rely on shrapnel. I doubt people would revolt if they had them as a rare attachment, especially considering the 40mm grenades themselves could be extremely rare. Also, the 40mm grenades from the M203 and GP-25 only explode if they've traveled a certain distance, so you wouldn't have that many people killing themselves with them. And I fail to see how adding small-arm based explosions is making it into a war game. Grenade launchers are fairly common in the real world, and it's likely that plenty would remain usable after a post-apocalyptic scenario. It's not like they're javelins, or tanks, or gunships, or fighter jets, or anything like that. Even then, the AK-74M probably wouldn't come with the GP-25 pre-attached, so that's not likely the reason they left it out. They have an M203 model, too, and that would be compatible with the M4A1, so...
  4. Chaingunfighter

    New bolt action rifle coming.

    It's actually an intricate design made to bolt down rivets and other metal objects (such as nails, screws, washers, etc.), using a rifled barrel for accurate placement and the ability to do so without a ladder. The addition of scopes and sighting allow construction workers to build everything from panels to aircraft carriers from over 1 KM away. Caliber really refers to the number of times a screw twists around the center body, i.e. a .50 caliber screw twists around 50 times. 40mm explosive screws, on the other hand, spread out in all directions. and are useful for making nailed baseball bats.
  5. Chaingunfighter

    Addressing the Weapon Calibers - Compromises and Proposal

    Good luck convincing them to take out weapons they've already implemented in game. "Boss, I've just finished this awesome model of an SVT-40 and I think it's about ready to b.....", "Nope, sorry, can't have it. Get rid of it, and take it out of the game while you're at it", "But, sir", "Do not question it. Overlord gibonez does not want any stray to the slightest degree in weapons. We've rejected adding 7.62x54mmR, so you'll have to delete the model.", "But, sir!" "I said no questions! Get to it" "*Sigh*, Yes, sir."
  6. Chaingunfighter

    New bolt action rifle coming.

  7. Chaingunfighter

    Ammo Calibration : Poll & Discussion

    I guess people simply cannot understand what "right now" means. They have to have their AK-74s right now, or they'll die! Because it's perfectly reasonable to assume the devs would go through all the time to make a brilliant model of a gun and not eventually add it.
  8. Chaingunfighter

    Make 15%ish chance for pistols to spawn with magazines

    The FNX and Amphibian make up for the lack of mags for their utility (FNX has many attachments, including an MRD, and the Amphibia is suppressed) but the P1, 1911 and CR75 are all essentially useless because you have to find magazines for them. I've seen a few people using pistols with magazines, but they're usually only on highly geared players. As of yet, I've found no one carrying a CR75 or P1 with a magazine. And yeah, in most CQB situations people use an SKS or sawed-off IZH43, because they need no magazine.
  9. Chaingunfighter

    New bolt action rifle coming.

    It's got firepower simply for being a .308 and having 5 rounds, which is a good deal more than the Longhorn and Blaze 95. Again, I doubt they'll take out the PU Scope, Compensator, or ATLAS bipod for it, since all of those can be mounted to the Mosin realistically. Hell, even the LRS can, but whatever.
  10. Chaingunfighter

    Ammo Calibration : Poll & Discussion

    Yep, so now even the lack of them adding one specific thing is making the SA 'Casual, unrealistic, console garbage'. I guess the game has to be exactly like Gibonez' wants it to, or the SA will be the worst thing that exists, at all. Their decision not to include a specific caliber isn't unrealistic, as they are not making any mistakes by refusing to add it. Making an AK-74 fire 5.56x45mm is unrealistic, but that hasn't actually happened. Also, where did 'console' come from? The only major difference between PC-based games and console-based games is that PC-games tend to be played with a keyboard whereas console games are played with a controller/gamepad. Even then, not all consoles have to technically be played using controllers/gamepads and there are plenty of controllers & gamepads for PCs. The fact that one is (mainly) dedicated towards video games whilst the other is intended for a variety of uses has no actual effect on the kind of game and amount of realism or design decisions made for said game (save for hardware, but that's a different issue entirely)
  11. Chaingunfighter

    New bolt action rifle coming.

    The PU scope is a perfectly acceptable attachment for it, and I doubt they'll take away the compensator since it was made specifically for the Mosin. The ATLAS bipod will probably stay as well. The only attachment that they might remove is the LRS, but they haven't really removed attachments from any weapons, save for the LRS from the SKS, and that happened almost immediately after the update.
  12. Chaingunfighter


    The early videos were just ports of the Arma 2 AK-74 for testing, not the new model.
  13. Chaingunfighter

    New bolt action rifle coming.

    CZ-550 isn't that old. It's a newer design than the Mosin. Granted, the CZ-550 is based on the G/K-98 series of rifles, which go back to 1898 with the Gewehr 98, but the Mosin was also designed in the early 1890s, so...
  14. Chaingunfighter

    Should DayZ Be In The Armaverse?

    This is actually an older thread that someone decided to revive. But yes, people like their guns. They're a fundamental part of DayZ. Even if the devs have some odd plan for us all to be cavemen beating eachother down with clubs and bows, the guns will still be in the game. There's no harm in having more guns, it just increases the variety of weaponry. Besides, it gives people something to talk about, and it's not like the people making or discussing in these threads would all be coming up with brilliant, 5 star ideas otherwise.
  15. Chaingunfighter


    A while back I posted Torchia's follow up to that, in which he stated that he's not saying "no", just "not right now". They made the model for the AK-74M, I doubt they'll let it go to waste, but that doesn't mean 5.45x39mm is something we need right now. Besides, he's already considered other calibers like ,410 Gauge and what not, so we won't be stuck with just your list regardless of 5.45x39mm or not.
  16. Chaingunfighter

    Survival (Too Easy?)

    I'm not sure, but I'll be using the ashwood bow a lot. It's so simple, but it just looks so damn badass.
  17. I would love an expansion on the shotgun shells available. You may as well add slugs to that list, since they are no longer lootable and very few actually exist.
  18. Chaingunfighter

    DayZ Virtual Paper Doll - Community Clothing Suggestions (v1.30)

    The underwear area entirely relies on the fact that the devs will add nudity (which may or may not happen, although they probably would've modeled the characters nude already if they really wanted it) unless you just propose swappable clothing in said region. Some of the clothes seem a bit over the top or unnecessary (like the Ninja Suit, I mean wtf?) but a lot of them would be nice aesthetics. Also, the fur hats and clothes could be crafted and provide a lot of extra warmth when (hopefully) temperatures have a bigger effect on the environment and the player.
  19. Chaingunfighter


    I'm not saying they shouldn't have it. I'm all for having all sorts of calibers and tons of guns, and something like 5.45x39mm seems basic. Its ballistics can be compared to 5.56x45mm, though, so there's no real point in adding it in right now. The AK-74 is definitely one of the most fitting rifles, but it's not something we need right now. I'm not arguing for the devs reasoning for dis-including 5.45x39mm, but there are other guns they can work on that would be just as much fun to play around with.
  20. Chaingunfighter


    I agree with you - I'd rather have 5.45x39mm, 5.56x45mm, 7.62x39mm, 7.62x51mm, and 7.62x54mmR instead of just the middle three, but it's semi-understandable at the current game stage. If it were up to me, I'd tell them to just make the 5.45 ammo since the AK-74M model looks (essentially) completed. However, 5.45x39mm has relatively similar ballistics to 5.56x45mm, and 7.62x54mmR is pretty darn close to 7.62x51mm (The difference is there.) I do know that the devs don't want to over complicate the amount of ammunition, but they may simply be waiting until they can centralize the loot spawns, so for example, the massive surplus of .357 rounds we have now will be controlled. That, and it's probably better that they expand on the ammunition they already have in-game before they go along adding new weapons of new types. We've only got 1 .357 gun and they could probably take .45 and 9x19mm a little further before going about with new ammo types. The Longhorn's a cool gun, just as much as any other. Ironically enough, it's less out of place than the other pistols; the 1911 is some super expensive tactical Kimber variant that you tend to only see in the United States, the CR75 is based off of a new prototype CZ-75 SHADOW, the FNX-45 is an incredibly new handgun which just came out two years ago, the magnum is the hyper expensive Colt Python, and the Amphibian is an internally suppressed pistol (Very few of which exist, and most are extremely expensive). The P1 is probably the most reasonable pistol, but the LongHorn isn't terrible either, because it's reasonably affordable and/or common compared to the other pistols.
  21. Chaingunfighter


    Actually, they said it will probably be 5.56x45mm, not 7.62x39mm. Regardless, Chris was simply talking in the immediate term; they don't want to add a huge variety of calibers and stuff until loot is centralized and they have enough content to justify it. There are 7.62x39mm variants of almost every 5.45x39mm AK-74 type weapon. Sure, you miss out on a quite a few, but it's not necessary. Also, I doubt we'll be shut out of a variety of ammo for now, just until later on. They only want to prioritize, and making 5.45 is rather pointless since it's almost exclusively used by AK-74 variants, and a few other rifles/LMGs.
  22. Chaingunfighter

    Should walkie talkies have text chat?

    Don't get why people are acting like the spam isn't already bad over radios, people scream into their mics and do plenty of things to break the immersion. I say yes. It's better than having permanently enabled voice chat, that's for sure.
  23. Chaingunfighter

    Improvised Explosive Devices

    That's how guns work, too. :P
  24. Chaingunfighter

    Realism fix for supplies

    All this would result in is the quick depopulation of servers where all of the loot drops are reached by bandits first and are easily able to control them considering supplies are available nowhere else. I kind of like the idea of random supply drops, but for full servers of up to 100 people, they would have to be either extremely frequent (which is really unrealistic) or full of loot (making hoarding easy). I think respawning loot is sort of a necessary evil, because having only specific spots where loot can become available again would be annoying to deal with.
  25. Categorizing people into groups doesn't work, it doesn't allow for variation of gameplay. Once private hives come into play, I'm sure there will be servers that enforce friendly play, and admins will be free to kick/ban any who don't abide by those rules, but making 'tests' to separate the entire population is a bad idea. Even in reality, people tend not to get along well if they are stuck with people who are just like them for long periods of time, you need people who are different in order to give you a new experience. Trust me, running into someone who just does nothing with you would get just as annoying as with people who shoot at you every time they see you. The system would be skewed anyway, because there'd be plenty of people who run around breaking the rules and never get any repercussions, and also people who would be forced onto servers without actually having done anything, and there would be no way to 'test' whether someone was friendly on an aggressive server (so once you're there, you're stuck). With private hives, you can have your system, but until that point it's tough luck, because there are plenty of people who don't want to be limited to playing with just those who kill and just those who are friendly. Some people actually like the intense action at times which will later be a heated (but not deadly) interaction with bandits, which will later be a group of friendly guys who start a big roving band on a quest, and don't want to be stuck in just one group for that whole time.