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Everything posted by Chaingunfighter

  1. POMZ's and MON-50s/M18s would be fine, but you do realize that the "Landmine" we have in the game is a PMN-2, right? Also, I'm fairly doubtful underwater combat is going to be a thing. You could make a case for the ADS since it's a 5.45 rifle, but I'm not too sure you'd ever get to use it underwater.
  2. Chaingunfighter

    Ark has defecating. DayZ should too!

    Awhile back during the days of the mod, the dev team (at the time - for the most part completely different to who's there now) released a big update to the 'official' vanilla version of the mod that included a bunch of new food items - many of them paying homages to certain developers or moderators who helped out and quite a lot of inside jokes. Anyway, the update released and a large portion of the community hated it for various reasons ("muh immersionz!") and the resulting backlash was so bad that the content was removed. You can still find a lot of that stuff in various community made versions, but it's not in the vanilla mod AFAIK. I wouldn't really say it was "almost" as bad as that because I'm almost certain Cangate was a major influence in the devs eventually abandoning the subreddit for a time, but every time defecation was suggested there were very mixed feelings about it (a lot of people felt strongly against it.) To me it's pretty inconsequential - I don't think there's much to gain from such a system but I don't really have a problem with it either. However, the way ARK does it isn't very realistic and I'm 100% sure if they did add it there would be a lot of people upset, but that's just me.
  3. Chaingunfighter

    DayZ SA Modding: A New Map

    Besides snipers I doubt you'll be dealing with any of those other things (well, not often, that is.) But I do agree that while Altis had epic scale and quite a few interesting locations, for the most part it was relatively flat and featureless desert. I still see potential for a desert map, but it just has to be like the Australia map for ArmA 3 (varied terrain) or even Takistan, which had a lot of vertical gameplay in the towns and also large mountains and valleys that meant you could sneak around on foot easily, but if in a vehicle you were very prone to ambush, which seems like a fair tradeoff to me. This is speaking from a mod perspective though, I'd really prefer if the devs ever decide to do a new map that it actually be new and not something from another one of their games or an "official" version of a community map. With modding I'm sure we'll see both new and ported terrain.
  4. How common are Chiappa firearms worldwide? You probably won't be finding any Rhino revolvers and it's hard to say whether an 1887 even if it's a reproduction makes any sense at all. (Not that it really matters to me - all I care about is if they add it then a flip-cocking animation is a must) Edit: Apparently they have distributors in Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine, and even Russia, so I guess it's not out of the realm of possibility that there are Chiappa 1887s in Chernarus. Granted, they still wouldn't be any common (like the Norinco M14s that are the only real sensible option for a civie M14) but hell, if they want to do any more lever actions a shotgun is probably the way to go (save for the 7.62x54 M1895 that has a special place in my heart)
  5. Chaingunfighter

    Add vodka

    They're in the game files, but it doesn't really mean anything. There's also the Skorpion, a knight helmet, a golden desert eagle, a UH-1Y helicopter, GP-25 and M203 grenade launchers, and all of the upcoming vehicles in the files - the GP-25 and M203 have been in there since release and probably won't be happening anytime soon. However, it isn't unreasonble to presume that most of them will make it in at some point. Either way, there's no way they haven't talked about it (alcohol has been suggested time and time again) so I'm sure vodka is in DayZ's future.
  6. Chaingunfighter

    Double wield pistols

    I see no reason for this to be necessary, but people around here seemed to be pretty fond of the idea of being able to hold items in both hands, so if that ever becomes a reality there's no reason why dual wielding wouldn't be possible. I'm guessing even if it does happen people will cry about "mah immersionz" like they did on the last thread with using both hands - where the general consensus was that you could have two of anything but guns.
  7. The "Sawed-off shotgun" in GTA 5 is really just a compact pump-action based on guns like the factory shortened Mossberg 500 and Serbu Shorty. The MP-133 with pistol grip is a very close analogue to that gun. However, if they ever add that M870 they showed off before (albeit with wood furniture) you could make this; Which would be pretty badass. Besides that the only other sawed-off shotgun design I can think of would be an Over/Under shotgun, and that would be the same as the IZH-43 in a lot of ways.
  8. Chaingunfighter

    Civilian semi-auto rifles

    Well yeah, that stuff is fine. I thought you meant that there should be guns like the MK14 EBR or M72 LAW spawning at general military spawns, not just generic stuff. Glock 18s are somewhat feasible if they want a machine pistol (though some people call the Vz. 64 Skorpion a machine pistol), however, I'd prefer they added a G17 or G19 before it, as otherwise it makes little sense being the only Glock in the game. The only other plausible option would be a CZ 75 Automatic, but I'm not sure they want another CZ 75 in the game.
  9. Chaingunfighter

    Civilian semi-auto rifles

    Western milsurp gear and whatnot is actually very popular and easy to come by all over the world - looking at the conflict in Ukraine there's plenty of tactical western gear used on both sides, and even groups like ISIL have modern plate carriers and whatnot (not ones that were issued to the Iraqi military and police, either.) It's so easily available because there's a high demand for it and most countries have few restrictions on letting it in (as opposed to guns.) Plus, despite what folks like gibonez might say (even though he has a point about tactical guns, to an extent) - the conventional "operator" look we see is mimicked worldwide. However, with rifles like the M4A1 and AUG, there really isn't any reason that the CDF would have any - they have their AKMs, AK74s, and even 5.56 AK-101s, so they have no use for M4s. With the M4A1 in specific they could justify it spawning in barracks and whatnot as military aid from the ArmA 2 conflict, but my guess is that they just wanted a standard rifle to separate the heli crash gear from otherwise. Garand doesn't really make any sense, though. .30-06 is perfectly fine but if it's added it's much better reserved for hunting rifles and whatnot. Besides the Colt 1911 and Browning M2HB (and maybe the M1919) you're going to be hard pressed to justify any American WW2 weapons. Honestly if they're going to add rounds for another style of WW2 guns, which they really don't need to, they'd be better off doing the 7.92x57 round for German weapons like the Gewehr 98 and G43. I still see no reason for either of those, but if you want realism then they're better than a Garand or Springfield. However, really, for remaining WW2 guns all they really have to do is a TT33, PPSh, and SVT40 and they're fine. Maybe throw guns like the DP28/DPM, Luger, and MP40 in later on just for kicks. Otherwise, there's no need. The MP5K and PM73 RAK that spawn aren't rifles/pistols nor Russian. The point of the crashsites is that they have hard to access gear that wouldn't be available to a regular Eastern European army. You might eventually see some western gear get put into regular military spawns, but don't expect it to be super awesome top level gear like the SVD or VSS.
  10. Chaingunfighter

    sizes in clothes and equipment

    I really don't see much benefit to such a system - plus, if they wanted to make it work properly, they'd need to model different character sizes and then also make variations of each model of clothing that don't clip. Plus, it'd kind of throw the character customization out the window being that your body changes so immensely. Blood type works because it's purely script based (not an immense workload) and actually has significant advantages to gameplay; before someone could get badly injured but as long as they had a buddy with a blood bag they'd be fine instantly, albeit with a very high chance of getting guaranteed-death sickness. Now you actually have to prepare more and can't get into firefights all willy nilly. Clothing sizes wouldn't do anything but be annoying.
  11. Chaingunfighter


    You can bet that if any GPS gets added it'll be extremely rare. Really the only use it'll have is for finding your exact position on the fly and (possibly) setting waypoints, otherwise you're better off just using one of the many online maps of Chernarus or finding your own way around (pretty much any direction you go from the spawn points will take you somewhere interesting)
  12. Chaingunfighter


    People really shouldn't be spawning with anything more than they are now (Even flares/chemlights are too much IMO - basic clothes are really all I think are necessary) However, the newest GPS satellite was launched three years ago and has a twelve year lifespan, so unless DayZ takes place past 2023, most US Military satellites would still be functioning (and that's not to mention that there are other mapping satellites out there) And some satellites function far longer than their service life, they're just decommissioned because it becomes unreliable to keep using them. In the event of a worldwide apocalypse where no one is monitoring them they may very well last longer. Also, we really don't know what's outside of Chernarus anyway (maybe the US is still untouched by the disease), and considering that helicopters still crash in the region and you can still find fresh, perishable food, my guess is that it's not long enough for satellites to stop functioning no matter what the state of the world is. The only real maintenance satellites tend to get is software based - it's rare for astronauts to actually go up and fix a satellite unless it's absolutely necessary. GPS Satellites can last over ten years, and considering we're at a point where you can still find fresh imported food that isn't grown in the climate of Chernarus (i.e. Kiwis) I doubt all satellites are down. Though, really, it's just thinking into it too much - if the devs find a GPS appropriate they'll add it, and if not they won't. It will most certainly be incredibly rare in any case.
  13. Chaingunfighter

    cr 75 18 round magazine

    100 Round Beta C Mags were planned as far as I'm aware - there is (or was) a model in the game files and it was mentioned on the list of planned things on an older status report.
  14. Chaingunfighter

    Sidearm Wielding Stance

    That could work, so long as it's cosmetic and has no actual effect on your aiming ability. Otherwise they should just do the stance type system of ArmA 3 where you can choose which one to use.
  15. Chaingunfighter

    cr 75 18 round magazine

    Well, assuming every gun is as common as the real world variant would be, the CR75 would not be common at all. The CZ 75 SP-01 Shadow is a fairly new pistol and hasn't been adopted by any military or law enforcement organization that I'm aware of, and is also very new to the civilian market (though because the gun has a threaded barrel I'm assuming it's a government model.) At the same time, variants of the Makarov, Colt 1911, and Walther P38/P1 have been around for awhile, are in service in many places, and aren't hard to come by for civilian gun owners. Also, if we're talking canon then the Makarov is an actual sidearm of the CDF (at least in ArmA 2) so at the very least it'd make the most sense being common. However, my line of reasoning is that some liberties to the balance of loot spawns need to be taken even if it's not realistic. The CR75 is an upgrade to the Makarov and P1 in pretty much every way, having almost twice the capacity of both (more than that if it gets the real 18 rounder, and even if the Mak gets 12 it's still far more) and a range of attachments that the others don't have. If we followed the "every gun should be as common as their real world counterparts" then the AKM would probably be the most common gun in the game by quite a margin, and I don't think that would be good.
  16. Chaingunfighter

    cr 75 18 round magazine

    In military buildings, yes, and in police structures to a limited extent, but guns like the Makarov, P1, and 1911 would probably still be more common simply as generic civilian weapons. Meaning that overall, something like the Makarov would be the most common handgun, while the CR75 would be the most common in military spawns.
  17. Chaingunfighter

    cr 75 18 round magazine

    Yep, it should definitely be changed to 18 rounds.
  18. Maps are actually quite useful if you just need to check quickly in-game rather than tabbing out and thus making yourself vulnerable. However, yeah, the existence of full, detailed online maps that give you so much more information does make them less useful, but there's nothing you can do to stop it. Walkie talkies are a better example but it was talked about a while back that they'd be expanded upon allowing people to have their own "radio stations" and whatnot, so they may have some purpose in the future (and even if they don't, they're still fun for those who want to talk to randoms or really immerse themselves) Gews kind of addressed what you said anyway - sure, there may be no great reason to write range notes on ingame paper, but that doesn't mean that implementing a system of advanced ballistics is a bad thing. People could use whatever methods they wanted to account for shooting, the point is that more realistic sniping mechanics are beneficial because it wouldn't just be 'point - click - dead' like it often is now. Metagaming is, for all intents and purposes, an inevitability, so it isn't really compelling when it's your sole argument against a feature being added.
  19. Chaingunfighter

    .308 Ammo not named right...

    As was I. Neither of our statements are relevant to the OP.
  20. Chaingunfighter

    DayZ SA Modding: A New Map

    I meant in that the number of people who play vanilla will not be significantly higher for a very long time if the devs suddenly decided modding would never come to standalone. The vast majority of people who play with mods would just leave and go play another game - very few would stay and play vanilla just because that's all that was available. Some might, but for the most part it's just pushing away players. If there were only vanilla DayZ mod servers, there would not be nearly as many people playing is my point.
  21. Chaingunfighter

    possible solution to server hopping for loot?

    Server hopping is just an inevitability of using a game-wide public shard - as long as people can bring their character onto other servers they're going to be able to "unfairly" loot extra things from another server. As has been said before, if server hopping is so much of a concern you may as well just find a private shard to play on - none of that exists there.
  22. Chaingunfighter

    .308 Ammo not named right...

    It's done with concerns over gameplay - there's really no reason for them to have two nearly-identical types of ammunition where sometimes a gun can only use one type and another can use both.
  23. Chaingunfighter

    DayZ SA Modding: A New Map

    The very reason DayZ became popular was because BIS fully embraced modding for ArmA 2. You could have made the same argument back then; "This is supposed to be a realistic representation of actual military combat, so why the fuck are we allowing people to run around looting and fighting zombies?" There are very few highly active vanilla ArmA 2 servers - even most of the dedicated communities play on versions with their own modpacks to improve the experience, yet I've seen far fewer people complaining about ArmA's mods than I have for DayZ. People will just gravitate towards the style of gameplay they like, but there are tons of active DayZ mod servers of all different kinds - sure, it might be hard to find active players on one particular subset all the time, but the vast majority of people get along just fine. That's not to mention that open modding is what keeps a lot of people here. The people who get bored with the vanilla version and go to modded versions will just leave the game if no alternatives are available. It's not like it'll make a huge difference to the vanilla population in the long run.
  24. Chaingunfighter

    Kit to convert AK to bullpup

    We already have a 5.56 bullpup though; the Steyr AUG, and it's far more reasonable than a FAMAS. Before a FAMAS I'd rather see a TAR-21, FN F2000, or even an MSBS Radon first if they're going to do more 5.56 guns in that category. But really, the only ones you could call "necessary" are the Groza, Vepr, A-91, or something Eastern. But my guess is that any new bullpup ARs they add will use the AUG animation as a basis, so I doubt that's too much of a problem. What? Only two people before you brought up the Groza, and OP suggested an AK-to-bullpup conversion, not a new rifle. I'm pretty sure people have been talking about the Groza here since 9x39mm SP-6 rounds were implemented.
  25. Chaingunfighter

    Civilian semi-auto rifles

    You have campaigned for the M16A2 before - so apparently at some point you did think it was worth having. And any new AR-15 type rifles they add will most certainly use the M4A1's model as the basis, meaning that your civilian varmint AR-15 rifles will have all plethora of tacticool gear you dislike.