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Everything posted by Chaingunfighter

  1. Chaingunfighter

    Ideas for new weapons

    Well then it's just an oversimplified answer, because in the end even an M4A1 with an M9 bayonet would still be a polearm, however the modern M9 bayonet isn't even used in the same way the M7 was in Vietnam, and Vietnam took place over a 100 years after the bayonet stopped being very useful in its original purpose. So yeah, technically an M4A1, Winchester M1897 Trench Gun, Springfield 1861, Two-Handed Falx, Halberd, Corseque, Pike, Spontoon, and ice age hunting spear with a flint tip are all part of the same family in that they are/were "long weapons with a sharp end so that you keep your target at a distance from you", but for a good portion of these that's quite literally as similar as they get.
  2. Chaingunfighter

    Ideas for new weapons

    I was addressing the halberd in particular - I have no issue with long melee weapons, and there are models for improvised spears in the game files as is. Bayonets don't work currently because of animation issues, however the most recent status report addressed that and confirmed that they will be usable (we'll also be able to pistol whip and bash targets with weapon stocks.) Unless you include rifles with bayonets, spears & pikes were mostly superseded by guns in the late 1600s, at least in western European warfare. They were still prevalent even into and beyond the industrial era (hell, some Ethiopian soldiers equipped with spears fought Italians armed with tanks and planes in 1936), but they weren't the main form of warfare by the end nor even for the entire period before that. It's way too general a statement to make.
  3. Chaingunfighter

    Ideas for new weapons

    A halberd is probably one of the least silent melee weapons you can get. It's also unwieldy, very unusable in buildings or tight spaces in general, and of little use against most players armed with firearms (Even early, unrifled flintlock designs made halberds pretty obsolete for anything but anti-cavalry use, so imagine what it would've been like if early line infantry had M4A1s instead of arquebuses.) Sure, you have range, but the thing is so damn heavy that if a person or zombie gets inside of your area of reach, you're screwed. Halberds were much more effective with large formations, especially when those using them had heavy armor - they aren't meant for one on one fighting. Not to say that there can't be one in game - halberds are still among the most common medieval ceremonial weapons, and considering that Chernarus has a ton of castles with a heavy tourist market, you could probably find a few lying around. I'm just saying that using one as a dedicated weapon is probably not a smart idea. (Also, I'd prefer the game not be laden with too much medieval stuff as is - the 'replica' argument only gets you so far. I'd be down with a medieval/renaissance era mod especially if & when horses arrive, but the base game doesn't need everything just to have it.)
  4. The CZ 75 should really be an 18 round handgun, not 15 rounds like it currently is. The G19 will be 15 assuming they don't add 10 rounders or anything from larger models, but considering that this model is tricked out with night sights and a barrel thread I think it's meant as more of a special operations weapon. Your stock, default M9/92FS would be far more ubiquitous but also wouldn't have any support for attachments or suppressors like the CZ 75 and G19 do. (Unless it was an M9A1 or M9A3.) The M9 is probably just worth it to have a complete set of USMC weapons - after all, they did say they were designing a kit around their gear, so that's one good reason to have it. The 93R doesn't make any sense despite how cool it is.
  5. Chaingunfighter

    New Weapons

    If the FN SCAR-H or L is coming it's only sensible as a crash site spawn. The SCAR-L and M4A1 actually don't share that many mechanical characteristics; the closest similarity they share is a receiver that can accept STANAG magazines. Yeah, both were designed to fulfill the same role but that argument basically nullifies any new 5.56 ARs at all. The FN FAL is select-fire as well, so the FN SCAR-H doesn't add anything new in that regard, even though it is more believable than the SCAR-L. And if ArmA 2 OA is lore then the SCAR-L was the main rifle of the US Army, so in that case it actually makes more sense.
  6. Chaingunfighter


    Love the idea of distillation, but to say that it's the sole reason for the development of human civilization is not accurate by any means. Very important? Yes. The reason? No.
  7. Chaingunfighter

    RPG Comeing To DayZ

    But why exactly do simple firearms and vehicles somehow make the difference between ArmA and DayZ less clear? If simply having content shared between games does that then we should never have a Saiga or CZ-550 in the game because those are also in ArmA. Plus, this is an RPG-7. It's not unrealistic by any stretch. Also, considering that you're convinced helicopters will be very detrimental to the game, I'm interested to see what's so bad about RPGs besides the fact that they're a military grade weapon that appears in some other BIS titles.
  8. Chaingunfighter

    Relog/leg break mechanic/suicide

    There are more than enough places on the map high enough that a fall would absolutely kill you. Yeah, obviously the seemingly random leg breakage & sometimes subsequent death is quite annoying, but I don't really see how having people always survive is any better. Falling isn't the only way to get a quick death either; people can run into the water and go prone to drown themselves, find a zombie or random player and let them kill you, poison themselves or even just use the built-in suicide mechanic with an improvised knife. In a lot of cases people actually do this over falling because some spawns are nowhere near high points. I can imagine this would be abused too; sure, your legs might be broken, but what happens when you get cornered on some high building so you just jump off and splint/morphine yourself (or even just crawl away?) The only real solution (besides making every server permadeath, which no one wants) is to increase the respawn times, but that still doesn't guarantee people will stop.
  9. Chaingunfighter

    Aging the environment

    I'm pretty sure the standalone is the only official canon now - the mod isn't actually a part of the lore. The amount of time post-apocalypse is intentionally vague, because there's plenty of fresh food just lying around (and a lot of it couldn't have been grown in Chernarus) and USMC helicopters that crashed recently (why would the US military be operating in some obscure Eastern European country several years after everything ended?) but at the same time vehicle wrecks look several years old and a map that's inconsistent at points.
  10. As others have said, it's a bit too impractical to be done as is, and the clipping that would result from actually having to animate the weapon tucked in would be nightmarish. Some form of semi-concealed way of carrying weapons isn't a horrible idea, but as is this basically just asking for another dedicated weapon slot, because chances are you'll always have pants on.
  11. Chaingunfighter

    M4 spawns and New Weapons

    I'd rather weapons behave realistically than "be balanced" so they're "not overpowered." This FN FAL has a full-auto selector switch so there's zero reason for it to be semi-auto only. However, yeah, it's a .308 automatic battle rifle so obviously the recoil is going to be pretty up there. The 20 round capacity and relative scarcity of full-sized rifle cartridges (as opposed to smaller rounds) are also major limiting factors. Still, the FAL is very close to being an end-game level weapon, so it's going to be powerful. Also, as it stands the longest range optic it'll be able to accept with its rails is the ACOG scope, so you're not going to have anyone doing DMR sniping with this - I presume it will have a longer delay between shots in semi-auto as well. This isn't a DMR, it's a mid-ranged battle rifle. Powerful, yes, but not meant for extreme ranges. The SVD is a lot closer to how the DMR was than this will be.
  12. Chaingunfighter

    M4 spawns and New Weapons

    Well, yeah, but I mean the actual model of the FN FAL they showed off has a select-fire receiver unlike the L1A1 and its derivatives, so it being semi-auto only wouldn't make sense. Select-fire functions are still being ironed out but I imagine in the end they'll have it work on the weapons it should.
  13. The FN Trombone was almost chiefly marketed to European customers, very few made it into the US and that's why they fetch such a high price here. That doesn't necessarily mean they would be as common as in DayZ, but they're definitely not unreasonable. The Berdan is a pretty cool gun but there's no way you'd ever find more of those than Mosins. As a "stop gap" weapon it just doesn't make any sense. Still perfectly plausible for the setting but if you're going for realism then these would be inferior and less common than the Nagants, and as such they're just variety.
  14. Chaingunfighter

    M4 spawns and New Weapons

    It has your standard FN LAR/FN FAL 50.00 selector switch on it, so there's really no reason it shouldn't have auto fire as an option they way they modeled it.
  15. .32 ACP and 9x18mm would've definitely been a better way to go - there are very few (common) .380 guns that don't also have .32 variants, and obviously the 9x18 variants of the weapons we have now are much more prolific than other calibers. I'm a big fan of the Walther PP in particular and it obviously wasn't marketed to Americans, but I'm wondering how you feel about that in particular because it'd basically be the third World War-era German pistol in the game, it gives off a heavy "this is a pop culture gun" vibe, and it also looks somewhat like the Makarov - but it's also not implausible either.
  16. The Taurus isn't out of the realm of possibility, but I assume you're just endorsing pocket semi-autos as better. Are you talking guns like the SIG P230/P238, CZ 83, Beretta Cheetah, Ruger LCP, or Walther PP/PPK, or something else? Because I'd definitely rather have one of those and then a Ruger LCR in .22LR if they're going to do others. I don't think these would work great for "assassinations" any better than the IZH-18 or LongHorn, and definitely no better than any number of suppressed weapons or sniper rifles. It's going to be noisy as hell, and its accuracy may as well be nonexistent, so you'll have to get way too close to someone for it to really be usable. And even if it is small it's not going to be any more concealable than the derringer, and two .45s as they stand in DayZ will absolutely be more than enough to take someone out. And, then realize that with the way they implement it, it'll either be unrealistically effective, or be realistically ineffective to the point that no one would want to use it. Adding a chance to make it simply not fire or even explode in your hands would be pretty realistic, but why would anyone bother building it if they know it might not work and could possibly even kill them? Yet if those don't exist then why the hell is it so effective? These people are at the point where they have 12 gauge ammunition anyway, it's not like the bow where you can build everything from nature; you still need to go loot ammo to even use this. In the time they spend running around looking for all of the appropriate parts they could probably just find a shotgun (or any other firearm), even if this is future DayZ where guns are 20 times rarer than they are now. Plus, this may just bother me in particular, but because of modeling concerns they'd only make one model for the pipe shotgun, and thus every single improvised gun would look exactly the same, and that irks me because that's rarely the case IRL.
  17. Chaingunfighter

    Does DayZ need aeiral transport?

    Fair enough.
  18. Chaingunfighter

    Does DayZ need aeiral transport?

    Aircraft are basically DayZ's epitome of endgame content. Restoring a helicopter to working condition seems like a perfectly valid reason to play in my mind.
  19. Chaingunfighter

    Day Z as it should be : The Earth Abides

    I mean, in order for anything like this to happen you basically have to get rid of 99% of the content in the game, including the map. It's a bit late in development to in essence do everything but the engine from scratch... again. "Yeah guys, sorry, we're taking out all guns, vehicles, and most of the other things too. We feel like at this point drastic change is necessary and the game would obviously be 100 times better if people almost never killed each other and we all play as cavemen." I'd like to add that while it's a very interesting work of fiction, it's not actually a very realistic indication of what would probably happen. The reason why pests are able to thrive is because of our massive civilization - they rely on people. Sure, if society completely collapsed they could go uncontrolled for a time period, but eventually all of the edible things we have are going to go away and the rodent population will decrease significantly. It's proportionate. And even with minuscule populations of people left, you'll still have conflict. Native American tribes that are often incorrectly remembered as being peaceful actually conflicted just as often, if not more than the Europeans who came later, and even shortly before their arrival massive plagues wiped out large populations of the natives. No matter what the resources are people will still compete over them.
  20. Chaingunfighter

    Adding predators to dayz

    Not before they add the Choppah!
  21. Presumably - ArmA 2 had pretty simplistic flight, but TOH's general model is reasonably close to being a simulation (although not exactly.) It'll probably end up being like ArmA 3's, where the controls aren't very hard to master but you still have to deal with environmental effects and whatnot.
  22. Chaingunfighter

    Mosin Carbine

    So authentic? How are the M38, M44, and M91/59 versions any 'less' authentic???
  23. Without the PU, as I said in the other thread, it's basically just a larger Obrez with ironsights & grass wrap (the bayonet will likely spawn detached as with the SKS and 91/30 bayonets.) It doesn't really fill a niche because the long Mosin is useful with the stopping power and higher accuracy while the Obrez is the short-ranged backup equivalent. Allowing it to use the full range of Mosin attachments would make it a viable alternative. Plus, with some work you can put a PU on an M38/M44 anyway;
  24. Chaingunfighter


    Most of those cars are well beyond repair at that point, but I'm not at all opposed to being able to find working parts inside their wrecks. They should still be rare and generally be in worse condition than if you, per se, found them in a factory, but I'm all for it.
  25. Chaingunfighter

    Community concerns (latest Status Report & +)

    Well, Bohemia Interactive is a business, and they develop their games for profit. We, the community, don't really get a say in how they operate or develop. Our involvement with the alpha has definitely helped shape the game and identify its weak points, and I'm almost certain that people's wants have had an impact on what is made, but in the end the devs do have a fixed scope for what they want done by 1.0. Everything they make is decided upon internally; that doesn't mean it's not nor shouldn't be subject to change. I'm not sure why you're taking the "all-or-nothing" position on this, like they either have to let the community decide exactly what goes into the game or they should shut it out completely, because neither of those are desirable options, at least not for BIS. There's a reason why there are no true direct democracies in the world, and those same reasons apply to why the devs can't just let everyone decide for them. At the same time, community involvement has always been important to the game, so shutting it down completely wouldn't help anything either. I can't remember a time during the days of the mod where the community really had a direct hand in where it went. Rocket always had his ideas for what he wanted, and yeah, the community was involved, but they never decided what went into the game for him.