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Everything posted by Chaingunfighter

  1. They could do both... the FN49 has an internal box magazine but uses 7.62x51mm rounds and the SVT-40 has a detachable magazine with 7.62x54mmR rounds. However, with the SKS the FN49 would be fairly redundant and honestly I think you should have to make a real choice between the firing speed, accuracy, and lack of magazine requirement of the SKS to the power and normally faster reloading with a mag of the SVT-40.
  2. Chaingunfighter

    special rounds for shotguns

    Flechettes really aren't necessary - you wouldn't get too much of a difference in performance gameplay wise regardless, and they're just not common anywhere to justify it. Slugs are really the only shell I'd say is "necessary" to have in the game (or back in the game, working.) Bean bag shells, or rock salt shells (or both, one being a police/military less-than-lethal choice and the other being a civilian choice) and breacher shells would be interesting to have, too. I also like the concept of Frag-12/HE shells, but those are still fairly experimental so you'd really only find them at helicopter crashsites if anywhere, and honestly they're just too far fetched to be worthwhile. (What's the point when they can just add grenade launchers?)
  3. Chaingunfighter

    Who still uses Mosin (+LRS) for range kills?!

    Yeah and I'd assume the vast majority of ammo in Chernarus would be a relatively poor surplus batch of ammunition with some good quality reserved for the CDF in their PKMs, SVDs, and whatnot. I mean, even if Chernarus has a large amount of civilian firearm ownership, it's still an Eastern European country, so the market's not going to be on the same scale as the United States where you can find good and bad ammunition fairly easily (nowadays getting surplus Soviet ammo isn't as easy but still compared to other countries the U.S. has it pretty easy) Add that to the fact that these are almost all Mosins that were used in over 50 years of wars and are still being heavily used and you're probably not going to see their performance as high as a well kept and maintained collector's Mosin in the US. I believe the accuracy of the Mosin is only a placeholder until other sniper weapons get in, just as the LRS is. Once the Winchester Model 70 and later other rifles make it in they'll be able to remove the LRS from the Mosin and drop its accuracy enough to where it's only "okay". It'll still have the PU scope so potentially using at as a sniper weapon is still possible but for the most part it won't stand up to anything purpose built today. Such was most of the guns the Soviets manufactured - good enough to get the job done (and in many cases at some points they did outperform the competition, like the AK47 vs the M14 and early M16s in Vietnam. [Though the Vietnamese forces still tended to falter fighting a much better trained and equipped force, that just had weapons not built for the environment.])
  4. Chaingunfighter

    Who still uses Mosin (+LRS) for range kills?!

    Considering there are no other real long-ranged options available I don't see why anyone who would be doing long-ranged shooting would have switched. It's not like the SKS or AKM have the same range as it does - though truthfully the Mosin should be shooting around the same as an AKM or SKS (none of them are truthfully that accurate IRL, just enough to get the job done for their time.)
  5. Chaingunfighter

    Fix the PSo elevation adjustment "zeroing"

    It'll probably be changed for this once the SVD is actually in the game... it's just that the AKM was the first weapon to use the PSO-1 so it's set up for it. If you've ever tried using the PSO with the AK-101 you'll notice that it's a quite a bit off when compared to the AKM, although it still wouldn't be as extreme a difference from the SVD to the AKM.
  6. Chaingunfighter

    Surplus Wehrmacht uniforms/helmets

    Mauser Jagdwaffen, Deutsche Waffen und Munitionsfabriken, and Walther Arms still have patents for many of their old guns - the C96, PP/PPK, P38, Luger P08, MG series, Mauser/Gewehr rifles, and whatnot. Granted most of their weapons can still be added with official or at least well-recognized names - "KAR-98", for instance. Hell, the devs have the Steyr AUG in with its real name. It's just that a lot of these companies are still in business, or at least have rights to the designs of older weapons, so technically royalties for them still exist.
  7. They said there were no current plans for it - doesn't necessarily mean it won't happen, just that it's not on the "be in by release 1.0" weapons list like the SVD & FN FAL. They're still discussing quite a few weapons internally (i.e Mauser C96) so my best guess is that they have a set quota of specific weapons and types they want and then also a bunch of extra free-time or "unplanned" weapons that may be added in the future. Regardless - we've got the FN FAL as well as G3 on that weapons list so we're not going to be short for battle rifles. Add the SVT-40 (which is a "want" weapon by some devs) and SVD to that, and now you've got a decent amount of semi/automatic rifles using full power cartridges. Granted the M14 would be the only semi-auto of those with 20 round mags, so it still works as a future addition, but the battle rifle niche will be well completed.
  8. Chaingunfighter

    Surplus Wehrmacht uniforms/helmets

    Next to none... except for maybe Stahlhelms, they could be added as people were far more likely to hold onto them. Though honestly a few basic firearms are as far as I'd take it (nothing unreasonable like the FG-42 or Panzerfausts) - handguns (PP/PPK and C96 come to mind - P38 would just be a reskin of the P1 and a Luger would be pointless being that it'd have no noticeable performance difference in a game.), a Gewehr 98 or KAR-98, and maybe an MP-type submachine-gun (I love the MP18 and MP34 but the MP40 would be the most realistic of them.) I don't get why some people think you can just find MG-34s/MG-42s and G43s around - you really can't. Any superfluous military equipment like that would've been seized by the Soviets - the only reason you still see pistols and basic rifles around is because they were of far less interest than better military equipment. Hell, even guns like the PPSh-41 or SVT-40 only exist around in comparatively small-ish numbers.
  9. Taurus is a Brazilian company but their weapons are still pretty common among civilian ownership.. not as common as CZs or Steyrs or even American companies like Winchester or Remington but still fairly widely availalble. M1 Garand wouldn't be realistic, despite being somewhat interesting gameplay-wise you can pretty much get the same effect with the SVT-40. M1 Carbine isn't very realistic either and the fact that it uses a fairly specific caliber means that it has little chance of appearing. A better choice for the same type of rifle would be the Ruger Mini-14/Mini-30 - it uses 5.56x45mm rounds (the Mini-30 uses 7.62x39mm) and is a civilian gun that's much more common than the M1. They're also very similar aesthetically. The M1903 Springfield would be relatively pointless considering gameplay-wise it'd basically just be a .30-06 Mosin that uses a different scope. And it's not realistic to the setting. An M14 or modern variant like the MK14 or M39 EMR I would really like but apparently they aren't planned for now. We'll have an equivalent in the form of the FN FAL but hopefully in the future an M14-type will be added. Luger wouldn't be a bad choice - they weren't as common as the P38 but still used fairly heavily. The main problem is that it wouldn't really perform any different to the P1 (both are 8 round semi-auto pistols.) Not that it'd be a bad idea to have it in the game but seeing as the Mauser is more popular with the devs I doubt we'll see every German WW2 pistol in the game. Honestly I'd much rather have the Mauser C96 and Walther PP/PPK seeing as they're usable as different weapons rather than just skins.
  10. I'll agree with you - the Python was not the greatest choice, especially considering we won't get too many revolvers and that was the FIRST one they chose. Even as a collectors gun it wouldn't make sense in the quantities that they're found in - Pythons are cool weapons but they're out of production and most of them are in the US, so it's unlikely you'd find that many in Europe, even if the country had large amounts of gun ownership. The Nagant 1895 would've been probably the most realistic revolver they could do, but it uses a round unique to itself so it'd be kind of pointless gameplay wise (no one would really use it.) Those VSS Vintorez and PP-19 Bizon models weren't made specifically for DayZ - they were made by an artist who also does work for DayZ but were designed to be used in various other games. They could potentially be used in the standalone in the future but it's not confirmed. (Both could work, though - VSS is a specialized weapon so having 9x39mm would be fine, and the Bizon could be done in .380 ACP since they are made in that caliber as well.) .44 magnum doesn't really have as many options as .357 magnum does. Both are very popular revolver rounds but in the end .357 is the cartridge you'll find more often around the globe; not .44. Smith & Wesson makes pretty much every one of their .44 Magnum revolvers in .357 Magnum as well, as do most other companies. The MP-412 isn't realistic.. in fact it's less realistic than the Python. I mean, they are Russian, but they never actually made it into any production, only prototypes existed and there are very few of them left. You're basically as likely to find one as you are a Stoner 63 or China Lake grenade launcher... essentially not at all (you're even more likely to see those because they were still in military service at some point.) Smith & Wesson, Taurus, CZ, and other brands would be far more realistic.
  11. 9x18 makarov is probably not gonna happen - .380 ACP was added specifically to replace it. .44 magnum would be cool but it's not really necessary because .357 magnum already fits the revolver cartridge role.
  12. Yeah, it was, but the AK-74M model was made into the AK-101. (Well, the plastic furniture was. The AK-101 and AK-74 have the same base model without attachments though) It was done because the AK-74M uses 5.45x39mm ammo and the devs weren't sure about adding it at that point, so they decided to make it the 5.56x45mm AK-101 because 5.56x45 ammo was already ingame. They later decided TO add the round but instead of re-doing the AK-101 into the AK-74M they added an AK-74 and AKS-74U. .308 Winchester is just the civilian version of the 7.62x51mm round, which is already ingame. The 7.62x51mm ammo we have now is supposedly going to be split into .308 and 7.62x54mmR in the future. Assuming that does happen, it'll be the same as the Blaze 95 and LongHorn (the Mosin, Sawed-Off Mosin, and SVD will use 7.62x54mmR - a different round.) And yes, .308 is available in a TON of other guns.
  13. The AK-74M was replaced with the 5.56 AK-101, because 5.45mm ammo wasn't added when the AK-74M model was ready. (might change in the future.) The GP-25 as well as an M203 are in the game files, but have been "on hold" for a while. (GP-25 would most likely work on the AK74, AK101, & AKM - probably not the AKS-74U. M203 would work on the M4A1 and possibly the AUG. The M203 could also work on any AKs if they had a railed handguard attached.)
  14. Chaingunfighter

    Rarest Loot (Experienced Looters)

    There are no WW2 grenades - the RGD-5 (or "RDG-5" as it is called ingame) was just a super prevalent soviet Cold War era hand grenade. It's basically just the Eastern/Chernarussian variant of the M67 grenade, although both perform identical game-wise. However, it would be cool to find some old WW2 era hand grenades ala the RGD-33 (stick grenade), F1 (pineapple), and RPG-40 (anti-tank stick grenade - useful vs. vehicles) as rarer spawns in general military areas.
  15. Chaingunfighter

    Time to remove all the fresh fruit/veg loot?

    I say yes (well, partial yes, but hear me out.) Apples are found on apple trees. Potatoes, zucchinis, peppers, tomatoes, pumpkins can all be farmed, so they could be found rotten and as various seed packets or possibly even in already tilled patches of farmland (like the pumpkins.) Kiwis, bananas, and oranges would probably not grow too well in the climate of Chernarus. But removing their fresh versions from the game doesn't sound like a very good idea either, I mean it's like suggesting that they remove the M4A1 because there are AKs in the game that are far more realistic and do the same job. The solution...? The shipwreck. It's a pretty unique spot on the map, but for what it is it doesn't really spawn anything that makes looting it more worthwhile than anywhere else. There are various shipping containers littered around the site where the ship landed, so how about this; You can find small amounts of fresh imported fruits and vegetables inside the ship. Maybe inside crates or just lying around near the shipping containers, that is up to the devs. Moving fresh items here would make a lot more sense realistically (yes, fresh items could survive in Chernarus, but for how long?) and also make the shipwreck a spot worth looting if you plan on farming or just need some food. The content doesn't need to stop there - perhaps there are other imported items you can find more often at the shipwreck. And what if weapons like the flare gun only spawned at the shipwreck? A useful signalling/lighting/ignition tool and backup weapon, but you can only find it there. (Military bases might have them present, too, but I'd prefer grenade launcher flare rounds rather than the flare pistol itself.)
  16. The Mauser Modell 98k A repeater, comes with a foldable iron sight which contains scales from 400 to 2000 meters and is fed by a x5 strip. We see it with a 4 x Zeiss ZF24 scope. The MG 42 The Steyr AUG Para I inquired about when the devs were first talking about adding the AUG and how modular it was going to be. As of right now I'm not too sure it'll make it in but it'd be really cool to have a 9mm variant of the AUG using the same attachments, just like the Colt 9mm SMG would use the M4 attachments. The MP-18, MP-24, or my favorite; the MP-34, are must-haves. Side-magazine German WW2 SMGs? Yes please. I could also settle for a British Sten or Sterling, especially the Sterlings as they're pretty common throughout the world. The Mauser 1918 T-Gewehr would be interesting but it uses a 13.2mm cartridge that nothing else uses, so I don't think it has a purpose. (Also, most of them were stopped in usage before the end of World War II, so I doubt too many of them would be left behind.) The PzB-25 suffers the same fate - not really being too common unlike some German weapons and using a caliber unique to the weapon. As for the PTRS-41 and PTRD-41 - yes. (If I had to choose I'd go with the PTRS because it's not as long as the PTRD.) They'd be extremely rare civilian, likely farm, spawns. Of course, they're counter balanced by the fact that they shoot slow, have no scope, limited capacity, and are too heavy and bulky to be useful for anything but anti vehicular or defensive combat. Granted, I'm not sure they will be added, but it'd certainly be cool.
  17. Chaingunfighter

    9mm, .45 ACP and 7.62x39mm are military... why?

    It's quite clear Chernarus has a larger firearms community than many Eastern European countries... it's very akin to the Czech Republic, which is basically the European equivalent of the US in terms of gun ownership on said continent (except for maybe Switzerland.) While still restricted, finding boxes or loose piles of 7.62x39mm ammunition should be a vague possibility. Not incredibly common, but enough so that the CR-527 and SKS can still be usable without needing to go to military spawns (assuming the game pace slows down later on.)
  18. Nagant 1895 would be realistic but as a whole the ammunition is unique to the gun and probably wouldn't be added, thus why I suggested that Belgian variant which uses 9x19mm ammo that's already present in the game. 7.62x39 should be a relatively rare round being that it's used in decent civilian weapons and military rifles... not a common round but not too rare either. Were the Vz.52/57 added it'd probably be the 7.62x39 variant, not the 7.62x45. However, yes, the Vz.52/57 would definitely be the more common rifle being that it's generally inferior to the SKS. The P-64 and P-83 are very fitting guns to the scenario. Unfortunately I don't think we'll ever see the P-64 because it was only ever built in 9x18mm and the devs have said that 9x18 won't be added, but the P-83 is a possibility because it uses .380 ACP. The P-83 would function basically identical to the Makarov, though, because neither have any attachments and both would use .380 ACP with an 8 round magazine. Still, the P-83 would be good for variety. The MSBS I wouldn't mind seeing as a higher end Eastern crashsite spawn, being that it's essentially a Polish ACR. They're not heavily in service but would certainly make more sense than many other guns. It can use all of the STANAG magazines and has a rail for optics so it may very well be an ergonomic equivalent to the M4A1. Serbu shorty would be an absolute yes from me, though I don't think it NEEDS to be a crashsite spawn, being that the sawed-off IZH-43 would serve the same purpose and be much more common. However, yes, a compact shotgun like the Shorty that could fit in a backpack with limited capacity (2 shells) would be awesome - making the MP-133 with pistol grips the "middle ground" of the shotguns. If I had to pick a bunch of guns for DayZ, it'd probably be these; H&R Ultra Hunter - a single-shot .308 ranged rifle, has a rail for most optics. CZ-452 - A .22LR bolt-action hunting rifle with 5 and 10 round magazines. Ruger Mini-14 - A semi-automatic .223/5.56 carbine. There's also the Mini-30 that uses 7.62x39mm ammo. Armalite AR-7 - A .22LR survival rifle that could fit in backpacks. Winchester M1895 - Russian 7.62x54mmR contract variant. Basically a more powerful Repeater with a smaller capacity. Winchester M1897 - 5 round pump-action shotgun with quite a few attachments. CZ-581 - 12 Gauge Over/Under shotgun MTs-255 - 12 gauge Russian revolving shotgun . Saiga 12 - A semi-automatic shotgun quite common throughout Russia and the rest of Eastern Europe, with an 8 round magazine. Benelli M4 Super 90/M1014 - Semi-automatic shotgun present at helicopter crashsites. Serbu Super Shorty - Compact shotgun also present at helicopter crashsites. Tokarev SVT-40 - Russian battle rifle used during WW2 - uses the PU scope and 7.62x54R ammo. SV-98 - Russian equivalent to the M24/M700, a 5 round 7.62x54R sniper rifle. M24 - Standard US military long-ranged .308 sniper rifle. M39 EMR - USMC rifles left behind from the invasion in 2009 and post-US deployment, as a very rare DMR. Knight's Armament SR-25 - Helicopter crashsite DMR with M4-type modularity and more variable magazines. OTs-14-1A Groza - A 7.62x39mm bullpup AK-type rifle. CZ-805 BREN - A 5.56x45mm AR that would be an incredibly rare general military spawn or Eastern crashsite spawn. MK. 18 Mod 0/CQB-R - 10.5' AR-15 variant available at crashsites as a compact alternative to the M4A1. M16A4 - Full-length AR-15 variant available at crashsites as a longer/more accurate alternative to the M4A1, uses burst-fire. Heckler & Koch G3A3 - Battle rifle with automatic fire capability. RPK-74 - Heavier AK variant with a built-in bipod and longer barrel with a slower turning rate but more accurate sustained fire. RPD - 7.62x39 belt-fed gun, similar to the RPK but shoots much faster at the cost of recoil and accuracy. PK - A standard infantry GPMG all across Eastern Europe. M249 Para - Used by Western special forces present in Chernarus, can use 100 and 200 round box/drum mags as well as even some STANAGs. M60E4 - GPMG used by Western special operations - decent alternative to the PKM being shorter and more lightweight (to an extent, but still heavy) M79 - Single shot grenade launcher, present at helicopter crashsites. RPG-7 - The most common rocket-propelled grenade launcher in the world, used for anti-vehicular and support activity. Extremely rare. M72 LAW - Powerful and accurate single-shot AT weapon found at helicopter crashsites. May not be reused. SIG-Sauer P226 - Sidearm of the special forces at helicopter crashsites. Less modular but more accurate than the CR75. Heckler & Koch Mark 23 - Alternative sidearm of special forces, extremely accurate and reliable but large and smaller capacity than the FNX-45. (13 vs 15) Has a unique laser aiming module (LAM) attachment.
  19. Chaingunfighter


    The bow should potentially be usable at decent ranges, but being "extremely accurate and deadly at 250m" is far too long. You shouldn't have a super advantage over someone with an M4A1 at that distance. Bows are short-to-medium ranged stealth weapons with reusable projectiles, not heavy combat substitutes for ARs or sniper rifles. Granted, if you shoot high enough in the air you should be able to get some range with it, but don't expect precision accuracy or to be able to easily hit a target. A bow will be a good weapon in the right hands but we can't just assume we're Jason Brody or Syrian archers fighting for the Roman Empire.
  20. I support the 9mm SMG completely, just saying that tactically the M4A1 would be more useful assuming ammunition was not a problem... which is, unfortunately, not the case. 5.56 is much rarer than 9x19mm and (should) only spawn at the helicopter crashsites, whereas 9x19 can spawn basically anywhere. For those who like SMGs the 9mm SMG would be a decent alternative to the MP5K given that its sights are lined up with traditional M4 optics (unlike the MP5K) and it could use most of the ergonomic parts. Plus it's just more variety in the end. The 1897 with bayonet I also do want - I'm just saying for now it wouldn't serve a purpose because bayonets aren't used. Shotgun w/ bayonet would be the ultimate CQB weapon. The Vz.52/57 would be quite cool, however it's awfully similar to the SKS being that both are semi-automatic rifles using the 7.62x39mm cartridge (I doubt 7.62x45 would be added.) Granted, I could see this being a more common alternative being that it needs a magazine unlike the SKS and it wouldn't have access to the PU. Definitely a yes for me but I wouldn't prioritize the development and if push comes to shove I'd rather see the SVT-40 assuming we can't have both. Still, definitely a realistic and viable choice. As for the Alfa revolvers - definitely. They're more realistic than most other choices (definitely moreso than the Colt Python) and are available in 9x19 and .22LR in addition to .357 Magnum. The devs obviously have other choices with Smith & Wessons, Colts, and Taurus, but those big name manufacturers don't really make any 9x19 revolvers, so a big yes to the CZP 9231 in 9x19. As for the other calibers - Belgian Nagant 1878 revolver converted to fire 9x19mm, for another 9x19 revolver. Taurus Tracker 455 for the .45 ACP one. (This specific revolver was also present in the mod, so it'd be a cool homage to that.) Colt M1917 for another .45 ACP choice. Ruger LCP for a .22LR compact revolver. Smith & Wesson Model 17 for a standard sized .22LR revolver. Taurus M380 for a .380 ACP revolver. Now, obviously having all of those would get too redundant and out of hand but at least a few would spice up the revolver category and make it more interesting than just Colt Pythons everywhere.
  21. A 9mm SMG that can use most of the M4 attachments? Sounds pretty cool to me, though almost everyone would use the actual M4A1. The Winchester 1897 is something I really hope gets in at some point, but right now bayonets serve no purpose when mounted onto guns other than knife storage. However, a shotgun with a bayonet would be incredibly awesome to have.
  22. Chaingunfighter

    Can we get these?

    The top one is a ballistic vest... but it's also got MOLLE all over it so you could probably make it into a protective and high capacity vest - possibly even better than the SMERSH (minus the backpack.)
  23. Chaingunfighter

    "Industrial Facility" test site

    I can see why it would be good and I can see why it would be bad... having an "editor" mode on a blank canvas where you can test the various features as they're added would obviously be immensely fun and definitely give the devs information about how stuff works... However - You don't really get that same experience you do when first playing the game and being "dropped into the unknown", or even just finding something new for the first time, when you have to do basically nothing to get it (not even looting and getting lucky quick.) There's also those would argue that giving people that kind of control goes against the purpose of DayZ which is to "create your story" and start you with all but nothing. I don't really agree nor disagree with it - however as an official feature I'd say no because there are quite a few arguable disadvantages to it and adding it would take up a considerable amount of resources that could be used for other things. As a mod - sure, why not? But for now, I have to say no.
  24. Chaingunfighter


    Christmas tree presents :) I believe they can be found at helicopter crashsites and the East ones can be found at general military spawns (at least I think - I found one at the NWAF earlier today, not sure if it was dropped or spawned.)
  25. Chaingunfighter

    Most versatile weapon combination?

    And it's too long. I mean, length doesn't necessarily matter right now because you can still shoot, as sometimes it will shoot through a wall if you're that close, but you're not obstructed at all. Hopefully at some point length obstruction will be a thing. It also has poor dexterity compared to other guns, so aiming in CQB becomes difficult. The Sawed-Off Mosin isn't that much better. I mean, it's powerful and for the damage it does it can be pretty useful but the dispersion is so high and it just doesn't work better than the IZH-43 enough to be worth cutting down. And when you saw it off you lose the range so it's pretty pointless.