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Everything posted by Chaingunfighter

  1. Chaingunfighter

    New weapon confirmed? VSS Vintorez

    It's very... intriguing, to say the least. Regardless, it's one of few Eastern bullpup rifles they could implement and seeing how there aren't a whole lot of other options for 9x39mm weapons I'd hope it would be added. They're similar, but most certainly not the same. They're all built on the same base but the SR-3 and VSS have widely different applications, just having compatible magazines. The SR-3 as I showed it would be more of a pistol carbine than anything. The 9A-91 would basically end up being the middle ground between the two. So, yeah, they're all similar, but they do serve a purpose. I'd say it's more akin to having an MK18, Colt M933, and M4A1 all at the same time, rather than three guns all exactly the same performance wise. However, in the end it's probably necessary just because there aren't a whole lot of weapons that will use the 9x39mm round. It doesn't inherently need a lot but honestly if they can't get at least four guns out of it including the VSS, then it's not worth it (Which doesn't matter at this point because it's going to be added.) Ultimately though they just need the VSS, either the SR-3 or 9A-91, and then the OTs14 and AK-9 as the other two and it'd work out okay.
  2. Chaingunfighter

    New weapon confirmed? VSS Vintorez

    Yep... SR-3 Vikhr AK-9 9A-91 OTs-14 It's obviously a more uncommon round but the unique ballistic effects, as well as the fact that it allows for several Eastern endgame weapons, will make it fun. Plus, the round's number of guns make a well-rounded category of endgame level weapons anyway; The VSS as a marksman rifle, the SR-3 or 9A-91 as an SMG, the AK-9 as a carbine, and OTs-14 as a bullpup AR (AS VAL and VSK-94 would be fun, but they're both very similar to the VSS so not inherently necessary.) It's not a whole lot of guns but because this is all high-end level weaponry it makes sense to have few guns chambering it, and it just happens to round out well on weapon variety.
  3. Chaingunfighter

    New weapon confirmed? VSS Vintorez

    It's at the top of the dev posts on this very forum, so... yes, it's real. And what's with the "I'm a bit disappointed that such a rare weapon and round was added instead of the very common 7.62x25 Tokarev." ??? What makes you think this has anything to do with whether or not we'll have the Tok round in the future? The caliber disparity issue might still be a factor but considering the fact that they've been leaning towards a wider base, now with 5.45, .308, and 9x39 which weren't "originally intended", I wouldn't be surprised if the 7.62x25 round was added for a TT-33 and PPSh (and more) in the future. (Including the essentially confirmed Mauser C96, which could very well also use a Tokarev round.) Just take it one step at a time; we've seen a lot of new guns recently and there's no reason to believe there won't be more.
  4. Chaingunfighter

    Yak-112 and Ka-26 -- IL-2

    There is currently one (known) airworthy IL-2... and it was a restored model done a few years ago, using a lot of American engine parts. Actual IL-2s in their original forms have not been in the skies for a very long time. The Yak-112 would be fine, but we're not in Russia; Chernarus is a post-Soviet satellite state. Yes, the vast majority of past influence would be Soviet, but you'd be surprised how Westernized many of these countries have become since 1991, and Cessnas are common civil aircraft pretty much everywhere (that you'll find civil aircraft.) KA-26 would be okay, though I think if you're going to go with a Russian "utility" helicopter the Mi-8/Mi-17 would probably be the best choice, especially considering that there are wrecks present and they're known canon equipment of the CDF. They could also do a UH-1Y, as those act as the "West" crashsite model. I'm not too sure how people would feel about working miniguns or rocket pods, though, and where exactly they would've been stationed (considering the USMC insignia) on the map is hard to tell.
  5. Chaingunfighter

    the reaction to mass amounts of zeds worry me

    In the end I don't think the average player will have enough ammunition to "deal with" a horde, nor will we have unlimited stamina that lets us outrun them simply by turning around and double tapping W. The zombies themselves definitely need more overhauling, but getting the attention of a horde should be nigh suicidal if you're not prepared for one. I'm not saying every time you get a zombie's attention they need to be so hard that your death is guaranteed, but escaping hordes should involve simultaneously combining all aspects of dealing with zombies; running, using stealth to avoid the numbers, making noise or distracting the horde, and picking off stragglers when possible. Don't bother trying to battle the horde head on unless you've got a group behind your back that knows what they're doing. Full on gunning down hordes with 75 round drum AKMs and sniper rifles needs to be more a unique and 'achieved' playstyle, rather than the norm. Again, not that this shouldn't exist, as players/groups who can gear up enough and form "zombie extermination squads" or whatnot would be a very cool concept, but as it stands pretty much everyone has easy access to powerful firearms and gear, making those events inherently uninteresting.
  6. Chaingunfighter

    more sawn-offs? blaze/repeater/SKS/CR527/SVD.... pistols?

    It's just weird and there aren't practical reasons for sawing off most of the guns we have in game. Sawed-off shotguns are a real thing with some potential value, and the Obrez, despite being impractical, was historical and also heavily requested (it was added because it didn't require a lot of work on part of the devs to add.) The coming IZH-18 I can only assume can be sawed-off because of the fact that its a single shot 7.62x39 rifle and generally not the best gun otherwise. You could saw down a lot more than just we have now, but it wouldn't be practical and again, would be kind of weird to see all the time. Albeit I wouldn't be opposed to a sawed-off Sporter or Blaze were they to add one, I don't think they should make that a feature for every gun under the sun.
  7. You're really not going to be finding any authentic yaris in a post-soviet Eastern European satellite state, though. Sure, some of them may still be around from then, but my point is that they'd mostly be in the hands of museums or collectors and only exist in marginal amounts, not enough to justify having them in the game. The flanged mace and sword we have now are acceptable, but if they were really going to do anything else it'd have to be something like a Saber or Konchar, as those were used for a long time in ceremonial purposes. Anything Byzantine/Novgorod/Muscovy related would still make more sense than Japanese weapons, though. There are several reproductions, and even original Pattern 1853 muskets in circulation, however they're really not common at all on the world stage for practical purposes. The only people you see buying these are firearms collectors and re-enactors, not really people in poorer Eastern states, even among those who do collect large numbers of guns. The simple fact that these muskets existed in a small part of Russia during a small war over 162 years ago is not a good justification for implementing them. You're kidding yourself if you really believe there's any realistic reason for these to appear at all. Not that they wouldn't be cool or interesting, but they're definitely not realistic. (And yes, these muskets are perfectly capable of killing people, and are more accurate than they'd seem. However, they're just generally inferior to modern guns in nearly every way, which is why they really aren't used seriously anymore.) I've actually looked into the X26 since I posted that comment, and apparently in the Czech Republic (a heavy influence on Chernarus) X26 tasers are used both by their government, police forces, and even many civilians (the police encourage people who feel vulnerable to carry them, too.) So these are actually perfectly reasonable, and could honestly spawn (pretty much) everywhere and anywhere. As for the Enfields, you'll more likely than not see quite a few in gun stores across even Eastern Europe because of how widespread British control was. However, .303 and .30-06 are probably not planned for future implementation so my comment was based on the 7.62x51/.308 Lee-Enfields that were converted by the Israelis. Those are the only ones that have a chance to be implemented because of calibers, and as I said I have no problem with that because of how they'd be a homage to the mod and all. They (and the Lee-Enfield in general) just aren't among the most common firearms you'd expect to find.
  8. That isn't being done not because of any balance or gameplay reasons but because it'd have a hit on performance to render zombies that you could get equipment off of with said gear appearing (acting like a player.) They have tossed around the idea of just putting lootable gear into the zombies' inventory that just wouldn't affect the corpse model after being taken, though.
  9. Chaingunfighter

    in defence of FOV slider

    That's a really bad excuse if it's right, considering we've had the same view distance since the beginning of the game and it never really seemed problematic before.
  10. Chaingunfighter

    Suppressor for the Mosin and Other High-Caliber Rifles?

    I think what we have is fine, although it could use some adjustments. Assuming we keep the current generic "Suppressor East", "Suppressor NATO", and "Pistol Suppressor" archetypes (plus the improvised suppressor), it would sensibly go as follows; Suppressor East: AKS-74U, AK74, AK101, SVD. (I hate the caliber difference we see with these, but the 74 and SVD series do sometimes use suppressors, so I think supporting them is fine. The AKM does not need one.)Suppressor NATO: M4A1, AUG. (Just as it is now.)Pistol Suppressor: FNX45, CR75, MP5K, UMP45 (Again, mostly the same, although the 1911, Makarov, and P1 should not be using this.)Improvised Suppressor: P1, LongHorn, Sporter 22, Trumpet, CR-527, SKS, Mosin, plus the weapons from above that use East/NATO suppressors (Not the pistol ones, though)It's not entirely realistic to have these multi-caliber suppressors but if it stays that way I think it'll work fine. People should be grateful for the fact that they can use an improvised suppressor on a large arsenal of guns anyway, because long lasting (i.e. machined) suppressors are very high end loot and making them universal removes the point of looking for compatible weapons.
  11. Chaingunfighter

    Suppressor for the Mosin and Other High-Caliber Rifles?

    Live with the bottle suppressor or wait until dedicated sniper rifles are implemented, because real suppressors for the Mosin rifle just don't make sense. It acts as the current sniper rifle because no alternatives exist but it's definitely not going to stay in its position forever and eventually you'll have real platforms that are more than capable of using suppressors, making the Mosin a mostly obsolete choice in terms of sniping. It definitely doesn't need any more aftermarket attachments, and personally I think it shouldn't even have the LRS at all; the PU Scope is the only sensible scope attachment.
  12. Chaingunfighter

    "Paintball/Airsoft" tournaments in DayZ

    The derringer is actually based off of a real one that uses .357/.38, and apparently .45 ACP, so it's not incorrectly done (although DayZ's is a hybrid of several models.) A .22LR derringer would be nigh useless and even less realistic, though, so I think the choice to implement it as a more powerful caliber was justified. However, on terms of other pistols a counterpart to the Amphibia, as well as general semi-automatic (I prefer the Smith & Wesson M&P-22) pistol and revolver (Czech Alfa Proj or Smith & Wesson Model 17 both work) would be good enough to complete the .22 sidearms area.
  13. Chaingunfighter

    "Paintball/Airsoft" tournaments in DayZ

    Haha, now I want some more .22 weapons just so we can expand on this. Perhaps a reasonably common .22 pistol or revolver so we can have our airsoft sidearms would be awesome, because the Amphibia is super rare.
  14. Chaingunfighter

    [poll] Please bring back the Burlap Gun Wrap!

    That's a really lame excuse to remove something from the game, though. It was removed because having a universal ghillie gun wrap made the ones for the Mosin obsolete, and I guess the devs didn't want to go through the time to make just a regular burlap wrap also work. However, that's likely because they'd have to fix clipping issues with every gun, unlike with the ghillie wrap which hides its clipping errors. However, throwing a burlap wrap around a gun, besides for just camouflaging it, would also be helpful if the weapon had a rough or stiff texture that made holding it difficult, which would be pretty important IRL. It was just relatively useless in the end. So it was a mostly pointless addition, yes, but it was only removed because something else universal replaced it, not because the devs really thought "Players shouldn't be playing gun dress up."
  15. Chaingunfighter

    Why snipers aren't going away

    A pack of wolves or brown bear are going to be very little problem to someone using DMRs or ARs with range, and even low-capacity bolt-action sniper rifles (like the Mosin currently acts as) are still better than many other weapons for dealing with animals as they use larger caliber rounds. And that's not to mention that a good portion of sniping occurs around urban areas where these animals may not spawn (wandering into them is another story, though), and often on rooftops in locations where these animals wouldn't/couldn't go. The real threats to snipers are going to be large hordes of much more organized and deadly zombies (which will also be a tool of snipers) and much more realistic weapon functionality that makes operating such weapons more than just point-and-click. Competent playstyle and counter-sniper ability of players being shot at doesn't hurt, either, and really as long as you/your group knows what its doing avoiding snipers will not be a major problem in the future.
  16. Chaingunfighter

    U.S. & Russian Fed. Weapons

    And likewise that you're back. The AUG bit is true, though, so maybe we'll get an actual rifle developed as an IAR at some point rather than just barrel changes, because I'm guessing at first most of the changes between AUG barrels will be aesthetic (besides dispersion/accuracy changes) and not have any real factor on the weapon's dexterity or weight. If they did end up going the "barrel change" route then they could easily turn the M4A1 into a versatile platform as well, but my best guess at this point is that we'll just get a couple AR-15s to go with it rather than any new systems, as the rifle has been complete since the beginning.
  17. I mean, isn't that a rule of thumb when fighting an enemy with any sort of ranged weapon? Even if everyone in the game was using crafted ashwood short bows you'd still be stupid to stand out in the open while an opponent was shooting you with them. Yeah, bows and slower firearms are easier to avoid than an automatic, but in all reality you're taking a risk no matter what. The point the guy was making was that you basically have very little leg room with select-fire weapons compared to others, which isn't wrong. However, that doesn't make it justification for these to not be present. Play smart and assume everyone you encounter is more prepared than you are and you'll be much more likely to survive. No matter what there will always be the times you just make a mistake and get shot or someone gets the jump on you and you have no time to respond, but that's just life in DayZ - it isn't always fair, or even close to it. Obviously in the future we'll have far more people using lower end weaponry and valuable military gear will be less than common, but I wouldn't expect them to not increase the variety or niches just because not everyone's gonna have one 24/7 in 1.0
  18. Chaingunfighter

    U.S. & Russian Fed. Weapons

    I wouldn't say stop adding AKs completely, but for now an RPK is all we'll need for a while. (I still think some advanced versions like the AK-107, AK-12, or AN-94, and maybe an intermediate length rifle like the AK-105 would be warranted.) Also, the AUG HBAR will be one of the configurations for the barrels of the Steyr AUG in the future.
  19. Chaingunfighter

    Chance pistols and long rifles spawn with empty magazine

    ARs would actually make the most sense spawning with magazines, or at least the ones that spawn in helicopter crashsites or whatnot. I think all weapons should have a chance to spawn with a magazine loaded, with the exception of special magazines like the 40/60-round AR-15 ones or the 75 round AK drum; coupled with the vast majority of guns spawning without them.
  20. Actually, in the game they're called "7.62mm Rounds" and the model that they used is indeed a picture of 7.62x54mmR rounds, so as far as your OCD goes you can have it alleviated knowing this. (The boxes of ammo do say 7.62x51mm, though, and for a time they were indeed called 7.62x51mm rounds, so.) But regardless, it is planned for .308 and 7.62x54mmR to eventually be different calibers. As it stands, its really the Blaze and LongHorn that are using the wrong ammo type, not the Mosin.
  21. Chaingunfighter

    PM73 RAK... any good?

    It's worth looking for if you like super rare guns, although the prestige of it being super rare is slightly lessened as it spawns at static military wrecks now, in addition to the helicopter crashsites it used to be unique to. However, there's really nothing that makes it great in comparison to the other SMG (MP5K): Both have 15 round mags, but the MP5K also has a larger 30 round magazine, whereas the PM73's is only 25 rounds.The PM73 uses .380 ACP, which is weaker and has less range than the the MP5K's 9x19mm ammo. It also seems to spawn less, and is used in fewer other guns.The MP5K has several attachments, including all of the optics used on the M4, a suppressor, and a rail for flashlights. The PM73 has none of significance.The MP5K is far more accurate than the PM73, and has general iron sights (plus, as I said, can use pictanny rail optics for those who like them.)And, of course, both the mags and gun itself spawn far less than the same for the MP5K, so ease of use is far less than the MP5K.The one real advantage that the PM73 has is fire rate, which is higher than that of the MP5K. However, with lower ammo capacity and a less effective round loaded, it doesn't really make up for all of the disadvantages it has in comparison. The PM73 as it stands is a prestige weapon and nothing more. This could change in the future, though, with loot balancing and spawning being constantly changed. As it stands, I wouldn't bother hunting this down for anything more than bragging rights.
  22. These make zero sense. I mean, where on Earth would you ever find one of these in Eastern Europe??? You might find some reproductions here or there but I don't think we should just be throwing in random medieval/renaissance weapons and just calling them replicas in order to justify it. The musket idea is pretty cool with easily crafted ammunition, but it seems like it'd be super worthless. Black powder firearms would likely be less common than even SKS rifles, and that's not to mention that they're far less accurate, less powerful, much louder, and take a very long time to reload even compared to the 7.62x39 IZh-18 rifle, which is a super low tier rifle as is. There's just no real way to make these both realistic and viable at the same time. Also, I support the X26 and Lee-Enfield (X26 because of non-lethal weapons and Lee-Enfield because it was a mod classic, although it'd need to be a 7.62x51 version), but neither of them make sense either.
  23. Chaingunfighter

    U.S. & Russian Fed. Weapons

    The only real reason its in the game is because they weren't sure about adding 5.45mm ammo by the time when the model for an AK-74M was ready, so they decided to just add it in as the nearly identical 5.56 AK101 and it remained in the game after 5.45 was eventually implemented. Granted the fact that they've kept them could support that idea, but personally I think that even if it implies that Chernarus was westernizing their armed forces, AK101s would still be better helicopter crashsite type material. Only special forces would really have a use for those, because typically in most cases Eastern countries that switch to western calibers over 7.62x39/5.45 drop the AK platform altogether when picking a standard service rifle, and AK101s would really only be useful so that they have 5.56 rifles compatible with all of their extra AK parts.
  24. Chaingunfighter

    Second primary weapon

    You can already have a gun on your back and in your hands, and that's not to mention plenty of room in the endless bags and vests for smaller "primary" weapons like the AKS-74U, MP5K, or whatnot. The fact that we have slots on the back at all is very generous, and personally I think we should need to find a sling/rope first before you can even do that, but I doubt that'll happen for various reasons, so live with what you have now.
  25. Chaingunfighter

    U.S. & Russian Fed. Weapons

    While your first point is the more likely one (if there is really any real reason other than they just wanted to make use of more wreck models so you weren't seeing the same ones everywhere), I'd like to concur your second point. This is a (portion of a) map of current HMMWV/Humvee operators, and the vast majority of them in Europe are Eastern or Central European countries that would've been under the influence of the Warsaw Pact, just like Chernarus. They're surprisingly popular with certain groups out there, especially special forces, so it's not unreasonable to say they were legitimately interested in having their own HMMWVs. However, the reason your first point is more valid is simply because they didn't have any HMMWVs during ArmA 2, so it's far more likely anything they had would've been purchased from stocks after the conflict.