Hi my name is Jester. I wish I could create games. I have the ideas but not the knowledge to do so. But we are here to talk about DayZ. For my ideas for Dayz is to start fresh, And make everything unique. WORDS TO KEEP IN MIND {MULTIPLE TYPES OF UNIQUENESS!!) Lets start with setting. Lets keep the "astronaut's view" the same and keep the cities where they are but take out the buildings and make them new and unique. No two buildings should be the same, unless it needs to be. Examples would be chain restaurants or such. Make it realistic as possible. For example my school has a gymnasium. I would add tragedy, zombie,and bandit gore into the scenery And how much time has past? you could have plant growth. speaking of time and nature. Instead of just 24 hours you could have seasons and weather (i'm talking storms)like you don't want to go out storms)(seasons/as updates). Next is objects, people and gameplay. starting with objects. Its cool that there are a lot of objects already in Dayz but what if we had 10 different types of the same item, say knives. when I'm talking knives, I'm talking 10 different looking butcher knives and 10 different hunting knives, and all were able to be customized (we are already working on customization, I see). but more please. More examples would be customizing vehicles. With like armor and paint.https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRuwSUhLs3UUCD0wdr477EVtuLCfm4HTG0eqQR4y434SaO8Aqiv7w The coolest thing you could ever put in to this game is the mechanics and destruction. (things can be taken apart and destroyed completely specially if it requires teamwork.) like taking out an engine and replacing it using an engine hoist. I believe there should be many types of zombies as there is objects (one faster one taller one fatter one hungry) Alright lets go to health and stats. I would only add two perks to the game they are both realistic so it should be added. Number one is the longer you are alive the faster you will become, I mean think about if you ran everyday, you should be good at it Right. And number 2 is immunity to diseases over time. speaking of illness i think it should be me more of a visual thing. Same thing with dehydration. you wipe the sweat off you head. And one thing you should add is the option to rest in a bed for 5 10 minutes(which is risky and time consuming)(friend, foe and zombie can wake you) after rest illness is cured and if not sick you gain some % of health back. Now lets talk about servers. Hacking is a big thing in DayZ. A quick solution is to not have respawning, One saved character per server, And auto kick for extra scrips. This way people don't jump server to server to get better positions,and items on empty servers. And items that are on the server stay on the server. This makes hacked items easier to find.