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Everything posted by Naike

  1. If your Motherboard supports your components, then no. Only thing I can see is slowing you down is that graphics card! I'd say you should upgrade to the new GTX 700 or even 900 series.
  2. Naike

    alternate way for lighting fires

    Maybe we shouldn't turn this to Rust. If you want a stone hatchet you'd have to find the perfect rock or try to shape it into a perfect rock but it would be a waste of time, since you can find hatchets quite easily.
  3. Naike

    My first wallpaper

    Not bad dude! Just add the DayZ logo and they are even better :D
  4. Naike

    Game Updates and Direction

    Amen! I was shocked to see that the update was 1GB and took me a good while to download (crappy internet). You have my beans.
  5. Naike

    Just saw Rocket again.

    Seems like this thread has stopped. You guys better get it going while I search for some photoshopping insipiration.
  6. I am really looking forward to zombies clipping through walls fix but I suppose that can wait.
  7. Naike

    Mythical 'Healthy' Status

    Actually all of that eating/drinking doesn't help if your wounds are not clean. I was also wondering why I couldn't heal. Used alcohol on my wounds which cleans them over time, got a message that said "your wounds are now clean" and after that I ate a bit and got the healing status.
  8. Naike

    Please Don't... Add a...

    "DayZ, this is your story". No story coming, no need to worry.
  9. Naike

    Should I play DayZ Mod?

    Not the Vanilla mod. BUT Epoch and Origins are more popular nowadays (I think). In my opinion the mod isn't that great and it doesn't work as good as standalone for me.
  10. Naike


    Hopefully before the summer- (June/July)
  11. Naike

    Rocket has some fun on New Years?

    Oh dear... Script kiddies, already?
  12. I just got my M4 fully geared with alot of attachements and magazines. I tested out the suppressor on a zombie and realized it was still as loud as before. My friend in a small distance said: "well that was loud." too. Then I figured I could ask people on the forum to be sure.
  13. Ok thanks for the comments! I'll try it again soon.
  14. Naike

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

    Can't wait for the new patch :D! Don't really want to download the unstable version so I'll rather wait.
  15. Naike

    Anybody getting much action? If so, where?

    The first friendly person was in Balotta. Died in Cherno because of bandits. Try somewhere in between.
  16. This popped up in to my mind while I was playing. So everyone knows that items and zombies respawn when the server restarts BUT what if there was a GLOBAL timer 1-3 hours, which would start spawning items and zombies around the map (but not near players). The time shouldn't always be 1, 2 or 3 hours it should vary ALOT. For example completely random it could be 2 hours and 11 minutes 40 seconds. That would make it less exploitable. I am sure there are dozens of ideas similar to mine and that's why I want some opinions and more ideas so that we could "perfect" this system. So let the ideas flow through you :thumbsup:!
  17. Naike

    About finding can openers

    As long as you have something sharp in your hands cans wont be problems :)
  18. Naike

    Everyone evil?

    Not everyone is friendly. But I just met a guy who was freshspawn just like me. We teamed up and played for about an hour until we died (Bandits). I hope to see more friendly people :D.
  19. Naike

    First Impressions

    I spawned outside of Elektro and decided to head in there. I had a bit of a lag spikes here and there so I turned the graphics to normal. After that I was really surprised... This game works BETTER than DayZ Mod currently. After that had a descent FPS the whole time in Elektro. I got some loot such as splitting axe and some drinks. Then a zombie surprised me, didn't see it coming and that zombie managed to hit me once and I was bleeding. Used the axe first time and hit the zombie and it died. I continued my journey through Elektro and kept bleeding. My first adventure ended up getting knocked out due to lack of blood. Had a really great experience. Cannot wait to look forward to meeting people and more zombies. What are your best moments so far?
  20. Indeed. What do you think? It's quite of a "fresh release" so what do you think? I would like to buy it if the price was a lower.
  21. Naike

    Post Your Trophy Shots!

    Is it just me or does this game look REALLY GOOD? Nice trophy shots xD
  22. I don't have too much money to spent and I want to buy some other games too along with DayZ. So that's why I was wondering.
  23. Desktop Monitor resolution: 1920x1080 (I suppose because I play all the games on that) CPU: AMD FX-4100 Quad-Core processor 3.6 GHz Graphics card: ATI Radeon 6660 HD RAM: 12GB DDR3 SSD: Nope.
  24. Naike

    Just saw Rocket again.

    Dean Hall after a long session of coding and stuff. He's holding DayZ under his armpit, yes. Isn't he fabulous?
  25. I've been waiting for long and not getting too much posts from Dean on twitter gets me even more hyped :o.