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About firecrow

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  1. firecrow

    Why the radio silence?!?

    Yeah, I got to try one of those at the Hawken after party last Friday night.
  2. firecrow

    Vilayer get your crap together

    Did you even bother to read my post or did you just knee jerk react? You say you aren't a fan boy but you are posting just like one. I suspect it is the latter since I've stated a couple times that it has been over 24 hours and no, as in ZERO, response to my support email. This isn't a dayZ bug causing this. The server went down yesterday, nobody from Vilayer was even on their TS yesterday AT ALL. Gain some reading comprehension and then come back and post something relevant. Good on you for having your problems solved in 20 minutes. That isn't universal though. I suggest YOU remove your self from the testing phase if all you can do is spout garbage in defense of a company that isn't keeping its end of the SLA. Now.. as of this time I've been able to get into the ACP and get my server up. However, I can't update to and the latest beta version because those options aren't available.
  3. firecrow

    Vilayer get your crap together

    HEh.. Great. Glad you haven't had problems. I and many others have. Over 24 hours now with no response on my Ticket request. Can't access the ACP either which means we can't get to the Rcon either. Lee is the only one on their TS but he's muted and deafened. This is friggin stupid. 5 days of down time out of 11 now....
  4. firecrow

    Kicking of Players for Clan members

    It's not just hackers. There are groups of players out there that are moving from server to server with the sole intention of putting every vehicle they can into the ocean just to grief. As people know, by now, once a vehicle is in the ocean it gets glitched. I know several servers where the UH-H1 was stolen and intentionally crashed into the ocean so it would glitch out and not respawn. Trolls will be trolls whether they are hackers or just idiots out to ruin peoples fun.
  5. firecrow

    Vilayer get your crap together

    Backed up is one thing.... this is flat out not answering support tickets. 4 days of downtime out of the last 10 is bloody ridiculous. They advertise 24/7 support well.. two emails sent since early this morning and I've still heard absolutely nothing back from them on the issue with the server.
  6. Server is down for another day today.. that makes 4 days out of the last week and a half the server we're paying you for hasn't been available. To make matters worse you haven't answered the support email I sent early this morning to open a ticket.. you haven't had anyone in your own Teamspeak all day. 24/7 support my backside. What are we paying you for if you can't keep the servers up and deliver on your promise of 24/7 support?
  7. Heh.. well my server is NOT online with a new control panel or not and none of your support staff are on teamspeak. I've also not gotten a ticket number from the email I sent to support early this morning. This makes the second time in two weeks the server has gone down. First time it was down for 30+ hours.. this time it is already approaching 12 hours of down time.
  8. Heh. I'm about to recommend to the Server Admin we go with a different host. 30+ hours of downtime now with no resolution. Been on their Teamspeak the past two nights for a combined total of 15 hours or so.. Heard from one of their guys saying the server was stopped and he started it. Hadn't started.. wasn't reporting in server selection. Told him that and he asked me who the TCadmin user was... told him that... and that I was on Teamspeak and what my handle was... and then nothing more. Silly thing was I was on their Teamspeak with the ticket number in my handle like they say. Instead of sending me emails they could have talked to me directly and yet... here we are.. It is getting beyond frustrating.
  9. firecrow

    Vilayer can you get your act together?

    Unless your server has been down for the last 30 some odd hours like a large number of east coast servers. At least we can get into TCadmin now and it shows status: Unknown.
  10. If by very fast you mean 10-15 hours of waiting... ok... sure... Seriously I waited on their Teamspeak for 4 hours last night and didn't get to talk to anyone and there were only 3 of us waiting for support on there. Today the control panel logon has a java script error going on and their teamspeak is flooded with people... NOT being helped. Starting to get royally pissed here. Meanwhile.. 16 hours and counting that the server has been down.
  11. firecrow

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Yeah zombie spawns/aggro seems to have gone back to near 1.7.1 levels.. you know the insane levels that had everyone raging? Not sure how much you changed the zombie hearing but I know their eyesight is still insane.. I've had Zombies aggro on me through half a towns worth of buildings and never fired a shot to do so.
  12. firecrow

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Rocket, since you took out the numeric temperature indicator from the debug monitor.. could you at least change the bloody thermometer indicator to show red when at normal temp and slowly change to blue as you get colder?
  13. firecrow

    Pending Update: Build

    So much rage for such a simple statement by me. I never said I DC'd. Not once did I say that. IF you read carefully you would see that I said I logout.... as in Clicking on Abort not an alt-f4. I really don't care if people believe me about my daughter or not. It was a means of pointing out legitimate reasons for people having to log in and out frequently. Please, once again note that I used LOG OUT not DC. Rocket has already responded by saying proper logout would not affect reputation. That's good enough for me. As to your assertion that I could go hide, go prone or whatever.. I'll do that just as soon as ESP hacks are made ineffective in this game.
  14. firecrow

    Pending Update: Build

    Only problem I see with this is... when I play Day Z I sometimes get interrupted by my daughter or someone else in my family. I log out to deal with it. This can happen quite often as my daughter has some medical issues. Scenarios like that need to be taken into account.
  15. Just logged in to US 758. No sooner had I logged in to a remote location than I was unloaded on. I'm talking 2 seconds after logging on I was shot down by automatic weapon way to the west of Zelenogorks. Only two players on at the time. It was either <FOX>Meeky, which I doubt, because we had been on the server together for about an hour. Or it was lolthegame which he was new to the server from only a few minutes. I know this because I had logged out briefly while I grabbed something to drink and Meeky and I were the only ones on, came back and he was on the server. As soon as I logged in.. :boom:: unloaded on. He either teleported to me somehow or he killed me in the debug forest. Unfortunately the screen shot of the users turned out black for some reason. But the time this happened was 8:45pm PST.