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The Lone Bandit

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About The Lone Bandit

  • Rank

Profile Information

  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Creeping in the woods.
  • Interests
    Reckless Bandit.

Profile Fields

  • Bio
    Reckless Bandit
  1. The Lone Bandit

    LF a serious/dayz only clan.

    As I am sick of sticking by myself, I'd to join a tactical/active clan that provides quality fun times, the play-style isn't important, I am good at sniping and flying helicopters. Contact me here or by PM.
  2. The Lone Bandit


    It was a boring Sunday afternoon when I decided to log on DayZ, and as I spawned with my survivor, I ran trough the nearest woods to hide from the chopper hoovering on my position. Several MG's bullets were fired toward's me, and as I stumbled across to reach for something to cover off, the helicopter landed and on side-chat I was told not to move. "Poor them" I thought as I un-concealed my AK-47 and blasted the first man walking toward's me from my cover. The other hit me in the leg with a M24 and as I was knocked unconcious I saw him dragging me into the helicopter... When the helicopter landed... I was finally stranded on a small island, as shot twice in the back while turned... They left me bleeding, and the last thing I saw was the chopper taking off-.... or not? (TO BE CONTINUED...)
  3. The Lone Bandit

    Looking for 2-3 people to start a group (EU)

    Add dave.levy5 on skype.
  4. The Lone Bandit

    Looking to make a serious Squad

    I am interested in both making a team with you and helping you with your youtube channel.
  5. The Lone Bandit

    LF Hardcore bandits.

    I prefer my meat raw.
  6. The Lone Bandit

    LF Hardcore bandits.

    Add me on steam: Th3 Lon3 B4ndit. Our goal is basically killing everything that moves. (except bambis, we love bambis.)
  7. The Lone Bandit

    Looking for a bandit partner...

    I'm 16 and I'm medium-high experienced DayZ Player. (Can get to NW Airfield with no map from Kamenka on foot/whatever).
  8. The Lone Bandit

    Pretty pro dude looking for a bandit team...

    Sent you a message with the new infos.
  9. Add me up on steam or PM me on here. Steam : TH3 LON3 B4NDIT I believe I am kind of pro because I've been a lone wolf for much time without dying, surviving by killing who had to be killed and sparing those who were mercifull with me, even though I am not a bambi killer, I love Banditry and would like to join up someone who does it.
  10. To begin our 2-men adventure into banditry, add me up on steam, Airwolf (soldier dude avatar).
  11. The Lone Bandit

    The fight for the base.

    Glad you appreciate it.
  12. The Lone Bandit

    The fight for the base.

    It was a boring evening when I decided to log on the server with my friend Ryan, and start scavenging, we both spawned really near Elektro and found a dude named Daryl Dixon, that had a Lee when we had only our Makarovs, he spared us and joined our walk, as we approached the fire station by crouching trough the fields and wheat balls, we told Daryl to cover us with the Lee while we searched the Fire Station, I found a shotgun and Ryan a M16, but then I decided to dare to go in the station in the middle of the city, in the meanwhile Daryl had disappeared, and a new dude "Saint" started chatting up and getting gassed about ruling Elektro, we didn't really care, because we are not bandits, and we moved into the fire station, finding a G17 and some ammo. As we got out, I saw a dude on a roof, as I told on mic Ryan to run over the corner as I started sprinting in the fields, away from Elektro. I could feel the bullets flashing behind me, as I got hit in the back as I stumbled behind a wheat ball with Ryan, and saw Daryl running toward's us. I tried telling him on mic to get down, but before I could finish the sentence, a bullet blasted trough his brain and killed him. "Daryl was killed" popped up on the chat log, as we both started running away from Elektro, the bullets still echoeing behind us, as "Saint" was still chasing us. We run down a steppy hill and "Saint" was still behind us, but then we saw two dudes running down with assault rifles and LMGs, blasting down Saint, I record seeing the second unknow dude emptying a whole M16 magazine in the dude's body, and as they turned to us, we just stared to each others before we continued our travel...
  13. The Lone Bandit

    DayZ YouTube Group [Recruiting] [14+] !

    In-Game Name: air wolf Age: 15/16 YouTube Channel(URL): http://www.youtube.com/user/shameonecow?feature=mhee Why you would you want to join: I would like to join because I hope to help and entratain the people with our and yours videos featuring me and someone else!
  14. The Lone Bandit

    The Lone Raiders - TLR

    The Lone Raiders - EU Members. The Lone Raiders are a non-offensive PvE based Clan, thus meaning that if you do not shoot us, we won't shoot you. We currently do have only a Steam Group, so add "Airwolf" on Steam and wait, I'll interview as quick as I can (Our goal is to scavenge and find weapons to protect ourselves, and estabilishing somewhere for awhile to ensure safety etc..).
  15. The Lone Bandit

    The 21st Ranger battalion

    Yo, looking interesting.