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Caelum (DayZ)

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About Caelum (DayZ)

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    On the Coast
  1. Decided to hop into this topic, just to say; If we get armed helicopters, I want a Stinger missile system. And I want Static Stinger Missile Turrets on the coastal cities. Think your tough mowing down bambis with your minigun? Have a missile to the face. Secondly, as an upcoming pilot with over 250 hours in the air, about 50 of which were in a helicopter, I can tell you right now the fuckers are not easy to fly. Its not like a car- Theres so many things you have to be aware of when flying a helicopter its not even funny. I think that guy with the video got it about right- Though, I'm surprised he was even able to turn the bastard on.
  2. You are in the equal area of the russian mud huts. The military presence here is two bases, both of which are very low staffed. The fact that you can find american weapons in said mud huts is crazy enough, I don't want anymore tacticool guns.
  3. Caelum (DayZ)

    What's your "Chuck Norris" moment?

    Was top on Cherno hospital by the tents. Some guy flew down and autohovered, got into the gunners seat and tried to shoot at me. I sniped him with a makarov. There is no rage, only tears.
  4. Welcome to Caelum's suggestions list! I'm Caelum, and today for my first edition I will be suggesting some items that may help in more ways then one! For ease of access (And to stay within the thread naming rules) I will be listing these ideas by 2-5 in different threads. But worry not, they have a tl;dr and a long list suggestion for each one! Thank you ahead of time for reading these, my 44 hours spent playing this game is proof enough that I indeed know what is going on and I want to do my part to help add new things and ideas to the DayZ world. So, without further ado, the suggestions! _________________________________________________________________________________ Suggestion 1: Duct-tape TL:DR: Duct-tape used to Tape Flashlights to Primary weapons. This does not have to be visible on the gun, but if you want to work and make it perfect, that would be a good idea too! ITEM SUGGESTION Spawn Areas: Industrial, Residential Spawn Chance: Fairly Common (0.50%-1.5%) Slot: Main Slots Usable?: Yes Use: Tapes a flashlight (if you have one) to your weapon, giving it a permanent (Flashlight) after the name and allowing you to use the flashlight with the weapon. The duct-tape would allow players to tape a flashlight item or military flashlight item to their primary weapon. The weapon from thereon would have the (flashlight) next to the name, and would be able to use L with it. All weapons would have the ability to be taped, but only some would have a visual for it. WHAT WOULD THIS DO TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF LIFE FOR PLAYERS? The Duct-tape would promote better early-game weapon picking up, and would make it easier for 'bambi's' to defend themselves from higher geared players with Night Vision Goggles. Its rarity would mean that it would not drop like crazy, but rest assured it would be a nice tool to have if you are lucky enough to find it. Obviously it would mostly drop in housing areas, which would further give incentive to search through these lower-tier buildings for goods when you first start out. (As it stands, rarely does anyone go into houses- Usually, in mine and my allies experiences, its straight to the market-->Hospital--->Up north.) It could also drop out of some industrial areas, adding a slight increase in danger of exploring these types of areas- Not much, but its enough incentive to where you might see some bambis with dinner bells fighting near factories. ___________________________________________________________________________ Suggestion 2: Food Item Suggestions TLDR: Just an assortment of random food items that could be added to the game. This really is not an important suggestion, so skip it if you would like. ITEM LIST Potato Chips (Stale)- This item would obviously be stale, and would only provide 1/4 the usual hunger rating, and 150 blood. A non-stale version could be found very rarely. Stale Bread Loaf- A loaf of stale bread. It can be cooked over a fire to turn it into Bread Loaf, but if not eaten within 5 minutes, it becomes useless. Stale bread gives 1/4 Food refill, 150 blood, Bread Loaf gives 3/4, 500 blood. Candy Bar- Is this thing still good? It restores 1/4 food, 100 blood BONUS SUGGESTION: Gives a slight sprint length bonus (Think of this as a sugar rush.) HARDCORE BONUS SUGGESTION: Reduces your sprint length bonus a while after eating (Think of the after effects of a sugar rush) Packaged Food- Food packaged in boxes. Just add water and put over a fire for an instant meal for full food restoration! +250 blood BONUS SUGGESTION: Food goes bad sometimes, so a 15% chance of getting sick from the food, and losing some blood, could happen. HARDCORE BONUS SUGGESTION: Increase the Badness chance to 50%. Bad Meat/Food*- Do you really want to eat this? Restores 1/4 food and restores no blood, very very common compared to good food. 75% chance of getting sick. *Different types of food could be bad food. Bad Crackers, bad chicken, bad bacon, anything pretty much. HARDCORE BONUS SUGGESTION: 100% chance of getting sick. Are you really that hungry? WHY ADD THIS ITEM: Adds food to stores that you could eat, but would make you sick... Are you really hungry enough? Also adds something for people to get besides trash food. Snack Meats- Snap into a beef jerky stick! 1/4 food restored, 100 blood I WILL BE ADDING MORE FOOD ITEMS HERE AS THEY COME TO MIND. Thank you! ____________________________________________________________________________ Thank you for reading up to this point! I have many more ideas I am willing to share, and I hope you enjoy reading through them as much as I did writing them!