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Krayz (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Krayz (DayZ)

  1. Hello, i have a little trouble in dayz. I try since one hour to respawn because i was kill yesterday evening, but it s impossible to click on respawn and if i change server i was alwayz dead but can't click on respawn like if i am alive. thanks for helping me ^^ P.S : i can play on hardcore server but not on regular
  2. Krayz (DayZ)

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    ...... no no and ... no ! If you want this, lets playz another mods like origins ( very cool then ), but stop crying. If you put bad guys and good guys you are going to kill the game.
  3. Krayz (DayZ)

    serveur fr/RP

    Non mais les mecs, vous etes serieux la, vous voulez faire un server whiteliste pour bisounours ? non mais les mecs, jouez pas a dayz !
  4. Hello, I ask again, i think 1 month is a proof of my patience, but if you don't want more server, just say it. It's very boring to wait without risponse ......
  5. Krayz (DayZ)

    Always no response from the dev since 1 month

    ok, if i understand you, i am only able to say " yeah good job thanks", and not complain if i have a problem.
  6. Krayz (DayZ)

    Always no response from the dev since 1 month

    hello, i will try to speak more clearly, english isn't my native language then soory for that. Yeah we rent a server since fewyear to play arma 2 and other game, we want to create a server for dayz now Ok I received the mail with the id and all for install dayz mod on our server Arma2. We fallow all instruction for lauch the server but we have a little problem. We found the server on the lobby, we can connect in, select a slot, receive the map file, but after that we stay block at loading. Anyone have the same probleme ?
  7. Hi, thanks for dev to answer to my all request. Now we have all to create a server, but nobody can play, all block at loading. We need to open specials Port from our server to get information to the database ?
  8. Krayz (DayZ)

    server blocked on loading

    nothing, yes we follow the .txt, i don't have another idea.
  9. Krayz (DayZ)

    server blocked on loading

    normaly yes, we have received the mail with id and all think to install server.
  10. Krayz (DayZ)

    server blocked on loading

    a little up, or any french hosting server can pm me plz :p
  11. Krayz (DayZ)

    Always no response from the dev since 1 month

    Ok what wrong, no answer in this post, no answer to PM, no answer to mail ? Hey Wake Up !!!!!!
  12. Krayz (DayZ)

    Always no response from the dev since 1 month

    hum, yeah, english is not my native language ! Maybe try to speak correctly in my native language before ? Then, on my mail, i don't speak like in the forum, but the question is ? who is the more stupid ? The dude ask something, or the dude make judgment on the language, troll and don't give an real answer to resolve the probleme ?
  13. Krayz (DayZ)

    Always no response from the dev since 1 month

    up, waiting for Dev response XD
  14. Krayz (DayZ)

    Always no response from the dev since 1 month

    i hope ..... i hope .....
  15. Krayz (DayZ)

    Always no response from the dev since 1 month

    Alrady send another mail. Thanks for not post some stupid answer like a fanboy, is'nt constructive ! I understand ther are surrounded, but is not a reason to make 1 month. They have the time to go to the E3 ? they take one week, then one week of late,and we have to do with that ? Stop kinding me.
  16. Krayz (DayZ)

    Always no response from the dev since 1 month

    yeah sure, but 1 MONTH !!!
  17. nice to listen rocket !
  18. is they really want that, they need to do a closed alpha !
  19. ok nice, i am happy for you bear thread, but i thinks we have another probleme ! MAIL ANSWERING !!!! thanks !
  20. Yeah, have patiente to log on server, have patient to waitingfor charactere creation, have patiente to retrying for reconnect .... it's a little joke, i can't play 10 min , because the day i'am at work, and the night too much pepole are playing, no server room, or not server clean. And no, we don't have rent a server only for Dayz, we play Arma 2 ace mod, RO2 and some other game, but i am very disapointed by the dev team at the moment. ...... Very Very disapointed !
  21. Same here a little more of 3 week without risponse, we have send 3 mails but nothing, very disapointed, i understand the team is a littlebit stressed and busy, but, 1 month is a little long ....