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About darkfal

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  1. darkfal

    Getting error after starting game.

    I've fixed it, registry had a hidden deny setting on all actions with that registry folder so I manually deleted the deny permission and the game reset the key in my registry.
  2. darkfal

    Getting error after starting game.

    My guess is that I have a virus of some sort, in my regedit the key is a bunch of 0's when it should be something like 0b-a3-etc. That means someone/thing has stolen my key from my computer somehow and is still altering my registry seeing as it won't let me delete it like it did for basic ArmA2.
  3. Sorry to bring up an old thread but I have also been having this issue from my STEAM bought version of arma2 OA, and it appears as though my CD key has been stolen. http://imgur.com/ysYrPIQ I don't know what to do other than email steam but it actually wont even let me delete that registry that I have selected.
  4. darkfal

    Getting error after starting game.

    Sorry to bring up an old thread but I have also been having this issue from my STEAM bought version of arma2 OA, and it appears as though my CD key has been stolen. http://imgur.com/ysYrPIQ I don't know what to do other than email steam but it actually wont even let me delete that registry that I have selected.
  5. darkfal

    Getting error after starting game.

    Also getting this error now, as well as an error before the game starts up saying there's shader files missing. EDIT: apparently not allowed to post those as I have used all my space, here's links. http://imgur.com/EuPeT9Z,eeccH0H#1 http://imgur.com/e0IGIBn
  6. darkfal

    Getting error after starting game.

    DayZ Commander also says that the directories for it to work properly are wrong/invalid, screen cap attached. EDIT: forgot to upload screen caps lol.
  7. I have a screen cap attached. I've already played for a good 3-4 hours, then when I started DayZ it crashes and gives me that error. I also reinstalled both Arma2 OA and DayZ and I still get the same message. I don't know if I'm posting this in the right subforum but I just need some help because I'm already addicted.
  8. thank you sir. im all set.
  9. I updated to the latest with dayz commander but DayZ is still saying that I don't have that version.
  10. Just downloaded DayZ Commander and I believe I'm updating to the proper version.
  11. The steam downloadable is version 1.6.2, no available updates either. I see there are beta versions like 1.7.6 but steam won't execute that client.
  12. I recently saw DayZ was available for download through steam so I ponied up the $25 for the Arma2 set and downloaded DayZ. I have only set foot in one server that had 4 people on it and the rest either won't let me connect, or when I do get into the lobby I select a role and it gets stuck on setting up my player, when I press ESC I can see a bird flying. I don't even know if this is the right place to post this but I would just like some help as I was pretty excited to play.