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ONLiine WArri0r

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About ONLiine WArri0r

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. ONLiine WArri0r

    Rocket standing down from Dayz by end of year

    I doubt that him leaving will have a negative impact at all. His vision and the communities vision of Dayz are so far apart sometimes it isn't even funny. Maybe, when he leaves Bohemia will take the game into a direction that the community (as a whole) likes much more. But then again since that is 10 months away it probably won't impact anything at all.
  2. ONLiine WArri0r

    How do you feel about melee combat?

    I'm not much into the melee combat system either. Yesterday, this guy and I ran around in circles for 5 minutes swinging until I finally got knocked unconscious and killed. In the mod I always wished I was able to punch, now I'm not too sure if I enjoy it.
  3. That looks amazing! I can't believe you guys put that much work into it.
  4. ONLiine WArri0r

    NWAF - You lied to me

    Don't worry op, once more guns and vehicles are put into the game NWAF will most likely become as active as it was in the mod. IMO, the risk/time/effort isn't worth it to go up to NWAF.
  5. ONLiine WArri0r

    DayZ: Namalsk

    Is the as50 a lootable item in the current build? The reason I am asking is because I did find one, but once I start killing people with it they said I "hacked" it in. I was just wondering if it was a case of bitchy internet kids or if in fact it was hacked in. Any help would be appreciated!
  6. ONLiine WArri0r

    Private Hive Zobgaming.Net Epoch

    I have become a regular on your server over the past two weeks or so. I have met a decent amount of people that regularly play on your server as well. Some of us were wondering if you guys would consider removing the nametags? My postition and vehicles have been give away many times because of this. If your crosshair angles just right you can see vehicles over 1000 meters away! It is just a suggestion that me and a few other regualrs on your server wouldn't mind to see changed. Also, your website isn't working for me!
  7. Using the earlier version worked for me.
  8. ONLiine WArri0r

    Oops something went wrong

    A few others have been having some connection issues as well. You may want to keep your eye on this thread in the event someone posts a solution. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/125988-pws-not-updating-to-ver-176-finalizing-cant-join-any-servers/
  9. The same thing is happening to me. I've been having problems for the past hour or more. I hope someone can come along and help us out..