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Everything posted by godoffoxes

  1. godoffoxes

    The Notorious Can Incident

    Good lord you are pathetic. So anyone that criticizes your childish posts is a troll, right? Do you even know the definition of the word? I assume when you have any problems in your life, you deal with them as you are dealing with this current crisis: like a fucking man-baby. Your 'flames' and 'insults' boil down to: you're an illiterate troll, your post is dumb, go play WarZ, I win and you lose. Please go shoot some bambis or punt a few puppies because you clearly have some deep residing anger-issues. They surface here and cause you to post scant and worthless drivel which doesn't forward the issue at hand whatsoever.
  2. godoffoxes

    The Notorious Can Incident

    It seems this really has you heated. I'm sorry the removal of some pixelated cans really rubs you the wrong way to reduce yourself to a high school kid not getting his way. People are allowed to express their opinions on the direction of the mod, your opinion isn't better than anyone elses because you "would play and enjoy the fuck out of it no matter if the zombies had tophats and hatchets were replaced with dildos because only a TRUE DAYZ FAN WOULD PLAY IT". Get off your fucking high-horse, you're playing a game... Just like the rest of us, they are allowed to have a different opinion other than your own. I'd hate to see how you react when there are ACTUAL problems in your life.
  3. godoffoxes

    The Notorious Can Incident

    Not really. People are likening them to Jesus and Ghandi, if you don't support their canned muffins you are literally Hitler.
  4. godoffoxes

    The Notorious Can Incident

    No. You see the funny thing is that you are now the 'community' that is bitching about being left out. The mods put these objects in, and they have now taken a step back... There was enough of an opinion to change their minds. God can you be more of a little passive-aggressive little cunt? Turning to ad hominem on something that members from both communities are trying to address in a fucking civil manner, the way the Rocket himself has said that it should be discussed?
  5. godoffoxes

    The Notorious Can Incident

    You have a different opinion than my own, I should threaten your life.
  6. godoffoxes

    Survey results are in!

    Yeah, you have the option to not vote on it at all, include your own answer (other), or the neutral option, ie) "Didn't bother me at all. 23.58% total: 187"
  7. godoffoxes

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    lol, only stubborn idiots.
  8. godoffoxes

    The Notorious Can Incident

    I hope the people who are "not updating to new patch in protest" really go through with it. As if your shitty server carries any weight or gravity. All it will do is have your pathetic server fade to dust, so nothing of value was lost.