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Everything posted by Erdmana

  1. Just posted episode 4 up on youtube. Personally I think it's the best one yet. As you watch perhaps give me some feedback on where I can improve. Thanks guys! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKIffhqHK58 - Erdman
  2. Erdmana

    Started a new DayZ series

    I just got back into editing and what not and I've decided DayZ is the most fun I can have with creating a YouTube series. I would love usable feedback on what you like and dislike and to those who subscribe, thank you in advance! Playlist: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSNQHTaTkS0&list=PLv-i24QfOdk_Rbb5VcKKNFoXBjY1pRzpB - Erdman
  3. Erdmana

    A sense of Teamwork

    What if you were able to form groups that shielded you from friendly fire within the group. This would promote a real sense of teamwork where people could roll together as bandits survivors or heroes. You could limit the size of the group or perhaps not depending on the response. I know a lot of people think that the friendly fire is essential to maintain realism but I think we can also all agree that the game can be a lot more fun played as an organized group, and it can be difficult often to find a group or make one. I would also like to ask about the following line in the patch: * [NOT FIXED] - Zombies attacking through objects (This wont be anything we can fix without a massive fps cost). upon reading this I got a little disappointed as this is definitely one of the largest issues in Day Z. I would like to know if the dev team sees a change in this in the future. This is a huge issue that really hurts the game. If in standalone we are offered endless enterable buildings, I dont want to continue getting bashed through the walls by spectoral zombies who pass through walls. Questions? Comments? Conundrums?
  4. Erdmana

    A sense of Teamwork

    lol I love how you assume (all of you, every one) that there is some accidental FF or aiming issues. I was more talking about the backstabbing and lack of non bandits. But oh well. Bad idea then