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About Kiriller

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    On the Coast
  1. Kiriller

    DayzCommander Errors?

    hello, thank you for the reply. Dont worry about insulting lol. I made sure i was joining the same version server. Now i actually installed teavania (spelling) and it starts up with the same error but im actually able to join the server unlike the regular dayz. should i somehow reinstall dayz perhaps? (already reinstalled it through dayzcommander - same outcome)
  2. Hey everyone, just yesterday i bought the game on amazon, download the arma 2 (retail) and arma 2 (oa) then after installing those in that order, in isntalled dayzcommander followed by the update for arma 2 and install/update dayz (both through dayz commander) Now as i launch the game/server through dayz commander i get this error; Top bar displayes ArmA 2 OA and message states "Addon 'dayz_anim' requires addon 'CAMisc_fix_A2FREE'" After i press ok, the game lauches and i get the following error popup "No entry 'bin\config.bin/cfgvehicles/metis.turnCoef'. After which when you ignore the message and press continue the game stays as is, dosnt crash but it does not join the sever i selected through dayzcommander. As im in the menu i can still go to multiplayer and join any server through the ingame browser, however it does not join through the use of dayzcommander. If anyone has any idea how i can fix it i would be most appreciative, i tried to explain in as much detail as i can, Any help is appreciated! thank you all for your time!
  3. Thanks guys, appreciate the feedback, and thank you for your time =) i will give it a qiuck think today and ill decide, PS there is a 15$ promotion for CO on amazon if anyone is interested, only downfall for it is that it cannot be installed on steam. maybe this will help someone out! :)
  4. Yep, just actually heard about the Arma 3 being released for 35$ or so, this has just given me another kick in the nads in terms of decision making.. I can appreciate the Arma 2 game, but as i gave it a try at my friends place as much as i wanted to like it - i couldnt. Perhaps arms 3 will change change my mind as im for sure planning on buying it at the bargain price and supporting great (and not greedy) game developers :)
  5. Hey everyone, just a little background; i heard of this game very long ago, but not really looking too far in to the game, form simple screen shots it really deterred me to give it a try or look at any videos. A month or so back when the standalone was announced (or when i noticed it was announced) i started to look in to this whole dayz mod and started to love it (and love the idea of the game) and wanted to play right there and then but the thing that stopped me was the thought of standalone being released before January (about time when i was thinking of joining). Now its pretty much march, i have still yet to buy the game in hopes of it being released with a new rough estimate "before april". To the question, is it really worth it for me to buy Arma 2 just to play dayz despite of all the hackers glitches and other bs ? or should i wait for the standalone which hopefully is not toooooo far away? I just wish devs would give some kind of guesstimate when they think they could release it so perhaps people like me could make up our mind on joining the dayz mod or just waiting out and supporting the standalone. Even if they release unpolished buggy glitchy barely playable version, id honestly still buy it, afterall we will be buying the beta version of the game.. Any thoughts, opinions and suggestions are welcome!