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About Markiee

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  1. Markiee

    Weapon ballance

    It'll penetrate your skull but wont leave an exit wound, it'll bounce around in your head.
  2. Markiee

    Weapon ballance

    Well, the Ruger and the Pistol is .22 Caliber. It's not the most powerful weapon, it's also very quiet. Seeing as in DayZ the guns go for a more realistic approach, with weapon damage, range etc etc. a .22 in real life wont even go thru your head. It won't leave an exit wound. Anyway just shoot the zombies in the head, it'll one shot them. Might not do much damage with them to the body tho. Since you know, it's a .22 Caliber
  3. Markiee

    Admin Abuse on a few servers.

    I did read it first, but since I didn't see any "Hosted by" I was unsure of what to do
  4. Markiee

    Admin Abuse on a few servers.

    Since I'm not sure where to report this (Server doesn't have any "Fragnet.net or gameservers.com" in it. I hope maybe I can get some guidance here, or maybe OP can add this server to the list Name: (Public/3PP:ON) - 113953 DayZ (Public/Veteran) - [DAOS] ONLY IP: Link to Server on Gametracker: http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ Anyone that can guide me to where I report this? I can't figure out who is hosting the server if its gameservers or fragnet etc.
  5. Nicely done but I'd just like to add something, if you are shooting a gun, the birds in the area would have flown away, so there wouldn't be any noise coming from them :) Otherwise great work
  6. Markiee

    Dayz wishlist

    What I would like to see, besides Direct Communication is a "Yell" option. Direct Communication right now is about as loud as a normal conversation. Which is fine by me, it should be as is. But there should also be an option to "yell" As in the radius in which you hear the person is larger. To simulate you yelling, might even attract zombies if nearby. Direct Communication = Normal Conversation Loudness and Radius (as is now) Yell = Larger Radius and may attrack zombies too
  7. I'm not complaining about TrackIR. Seriously, it as a example as to how stupid this argument with "REMOVE 3RD PERSON NOW PLZ" is. Removing support for TrackIR would be just as stupid as removing 3rd Person View. I got nothing against TrackIR, or people using it or whatever. It was just an example as to how some people argue over how bad 3rd person is, and how dumb it would be to argue for the removal of TrackIR. So once again, nothing against it, was just an example :)
  8. I was pointing something out, in the same way as you did. I have no problem with TrackIR I won't get it, don't care if others use it. But I was making a argument against it the same way you do towards TPV.
  9. Except you have to buy a TrackIR in order to use it. Third Person is already in the game, so everyone has the same advantages of Thrid Person, they don't with TrackIR. Your counter-arugment is not much better...
  10. That's dark. I imagine food will be even more rare in the future, hopefully I wont have to eat human meat to survive. Hopefully
  11. Dude, that's some dark, evil stuff. Would actually laugh at dying as a sacrifice rather than shot to death. You play as like the pshyco's of dayz, kinda like the werid pshycos in Dead Rising that sacrfice people for something. Not calling you a pshyco or bad person or anything. But pretty fun story non-the-less, brings some spice to the world of Dayz I would say
  12. If we are going to remove Third Person view. Lets also make sure people cannot use Track IR, because that gives an unfair advantage towards those who doesn't use it, and would have to hold down ALT or double click it in able to use it. Cause that would make total sense, right? They can look around in a combat situation without being hindered by it, but someone without TrackIR wouldn't be able to do it as smoothly at all
  13. However, in real life. I would be able to peek over the edge to look directly down from the rooftop, in DayZ/Arma you can't do that. Only with 3rd person is that possible
  14. When you start having dreams about DayZ
  15. Markiee

    Hilarious Robbery Gone Wrong =)

    Oh god, that was amazing. I really lost it at Spoiler warning is there for those who want to experiance it on their own Great video, you earned yourself a sub :) Also, have my beans! :beans: