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Major Rawne

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About Major Rawne

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Major Rawne

    Kicked off game.

    Tried updating Battleye, installing and uninstalling the updates, switching back to my original harddrive. Nothing worked so far. Any help?
  2. Major Rawne

    What's Your Favorite Gear-Out?

    A nice solid Lee Enfield always gets the job done. Good accuracy, superior range (without the limitations that a sniper rifle's scope gives you in close combat) and a good deal of damage. And perhaps one of the best iron sights in the game.
  3. The most cowardly action of all is hiding corpses (wasting loot for the deceased and or others) and destroying camps. Just take what you want and then leave. No need to kick someone who has just lot everything because of you. Also, I agree with everything the OP says - and nothing masterwit says. He's just being an idiot.
  4. Major Rawne

    Kicked off game.

    Any idea how I can update Battleye via Steam?
  5. Major Rawne

    Partisans [New Military Clan]

    The problem is I'm GMT+1 (Western Europe) so the difference in timezones (depending on the location of their members in the US) is somewhere between 6-9 hours I think. That means there's only a small timeframe in which I could play with the clan. Unless of course they spend all night playing. But still, it would make things difficult at best.
  6. Major Rawne

    Kicked off game.

    Well I do get a message but it simlply says "you have been kicked off" without offering any explanation why. I'll try tinkering around with it a little. Usually I get a kick message right when I join the room. It might have something to do with the BattleEye client I think. That's the software that kicks you right? @Metallideth: sorry to hear that but DayZ commander works fine for me (most of the time) and it makes updating a lot easier than it was before. Also, you don't really contribute much to the thread...
  7. Major Rawne

    Why banditing?

    I get why people bandit. The thrill of shooting someone can be intoxicating. I don't get this though: - Why do people with an automatic machine gun (M18 or whatever) shoot new players from a distance (using red dot sight) who have no weapon (or something like a winchester or Lee Enfield)? It seems very cowardly to exclusively take on those players who are new and don't see you. Why not go for a challenge? - Why would you (after killing someone and taking all the loot you want) hide his body and make all the loot disappear? Is it thrilling to ruin someone else's experience? Not only did you make him spawn somewhere (most likely) remote and far away from his gear, but now you take his last chance to recuperate some of it from him. That's pretty low in my opinion. At that point, you're just trying to hurt the player - not the character. You're basically trying to ruin his experience. - Why would you grenade/run over someone's tents? Just take whatever you want and leave them be! People spend hours gathering items and then you not only take some of it, you ruin the things you can't use/transport. Again... why do that? You don't get any adrenaline shot and it's not a great accomplishment. You don't need any skill of it. You're just being an incredible asshole. Immature as hell.
  8. Major Rawne

    Kicked off game.

    Ever since letting the DayZ Commander update my version to and Arma II to 102285 I can't join any games anymore. First of all, the Commander software will only find about 10-15 servers (out of 6000+ servers in total) that meet my requirements (which aren't that bad - I ask for the right mod version, servers that are still open, that are responsive and that have a ping lower than 80). When I then try to connect, DayZ is booted up and I join the room. Seconds later, I am kicked off without any explanation. I've tried several servers but it just won't let me in anywhere. I don't use hacks, I don't use any illegitimate software. The error started occuring after the update. Also - I just mention this in case it's important - I have partitioned my harddrive (selecting 500MB to put the DayZ mod in) to improve my framerate and general performance. But I've done this for a while now and it never caused any problems with the older versions of DayZ. Anyone have an idea why it's impossible for me to join a server? Is it an error in the patch or does it have to do with my Arma update? I bought both Arma II and Arma II: Operation Arrowhead legitimately via Steam. Much obliged, Major Rawne.
  9. I've sifted through the other clans to find one that suited me, but I couldn't find the one that "fit". That's why I decided to check if anyone's interested in forming a Day-Z, military based clan. The clan would be divided into different squads (and companies if we have enough people). The general idea would be to join a server and then fight our way to the top. Mobilized (helicopters, cars) warfare with several small camps (protected by barbed wire and bear traps) would be the key tactic of the Partisans. Banditry would not be accepted - we'll only strike in retaliation or against other clans who use the server. Don't kill without a good reason. I'm in GMT+1 and I'm looking for players in a nearby timezone (let's say GMT-3 to GMT+3) who enjoy playing Day-Z. Due to college, I wouldn't be able to play every day (mostly weekends only) but that shouldn't hinder other members. If anyone is interested, please reply to this topic. Because the clan hasn't been formed yet, there's still a lot of room for change. If you have a good idea for the clan - or if you covet a higher rank - all you have to do is post here. We would use teamspeak for communication.