Hey! You guys seem like a really interesting group to play with hahha. Character Name: Circka Why i'm a good team player: Well, I can listen to directions well. haha I may not know tactics or any of that stuff but I learn quick and I have a good sense of humor and I can get along with pretty much everyone. Hours I play: 10-20 Real Name: Jordan Favorite Weapon: I don't really have one but I tend to stay away from snipers, 'cause there are so many people better with them. How long i've played DayZ: Since about August of 2012 What I can offer: I can shoot well, I'm not scared of a fight and I won't betray anyone (It's happened too many times hahah). Plus you can count on me to put my all into whatever my task is. Will I sacrifice items for squad members: Of course in my opinion items can always be found and people are way more important. Timezone: Mountain Timezone Age: 21