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About noso2142

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  1. THIS IS ALPHA!!!!!!!! lol
  2. noso2142

    new clothing

    so i was i thinking about some types of clothing that would be awesome to put in. cloaks (provides some heat from wind etc but not much just some) hoodies that actual let you put the hoodie on leather jackets
  3. noso2142

    The lack off loot is not right ???

    lol scrub go look in places that are out of the way like the random towns etc
  4. noso2142

    Are Zeds on the cutting block?

    loot system is fine and since most servers restart every 4 hours there isnt a problem also you could just move away from your airfield and go inland were witch hs more stuff then the coast combined
  5. i have a better idea people could man up and stop being fuck wits and realize that you can get good stuff inland
  6. noso2142

    Weather and Survival

    noooo i dont want my wonderful hoodie and russian cap thing to get wet :( wait then that would mean that bags would get wet so whats the point of bags then
  7. noso2142

    I feel thirsty. ..I feel nothing. ..

    i hope its sound effects but ones that only you can hear
  8. noso2142

    Real life zombie apocalypse

    i would say if the government doesn't nuke the world 1st then it would be maybe 50/50 some would be nice others would be ass holes for the reason that they can and there isnt anything someone could do other then kill them and one thing if something like that happened you would want to get out of a city asap because cities are death traps in zombie apocalypses that and the military would try to "prevent" the spread. and before people say "op is an idiot it would never happen" or anything like that let me ask you HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT THERE ISNT SOMETHING OUT THERE IN THE WORLD THAT COULD TURN A HUMAN INTO A ZOMBIE OR ZOMBIE LIKE STATE
  9. noso2142

    Increase Zombie Speed.

    zombie speed is fine and they should be head shot kill only but only once melee is working better
  10. noso2142

    What Broke

    um your graphics card maybe....
  11. noso2142

    PvE Server - Killed by a Human

    there will be so trty and get your head out of your ass and think that some people dont want to worry about being killed by some random for no reason other then "im bored"
  12. noso2142

    psychological effects of banditry

    if your going to go with that then i say each day you survive in game you slowly start to go insane due to well the whole zombie thing so say you go all rick from walking dead etc
  13. noso2142

    Spawns are bugged? No more along south coast?

    hmm so thats why ive spawned at elktro the past 3 times since the update
  14. noso2142

    This is not what I hoped DayZ would be

    dont play on servers with 10+ players or if you do dont go to high risk places