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Everything posted by Chance77

  1. Chance77

    Evil Gamers is recruiting!

    Good point, I looked for the word "immature" in my post and didn't see it. I skipped right over that part. Derp. And I don't see how you can simply just tell me that people weren't teleporting when they were. Someone with the [EG] clan tag in their name on your server was teleporting. Whether that means your whole group does it or not, I don't know. I'm just telling you that at least one person was. I've seen people do it before on other servers, so it is possible, and it was happening on your server. If you guys really don't support that kind of stuff, own up to it and do something about it. Anyway, I've made my point. If I keep coming back I'll really look like a troll.
  2. Chance77

    Evil Gamers is recruiting!

    I'm not trolling, I'm advising people not to join you and providing reasons. You're right, I made the account just to post that, but why does that take away from what I'm saying? As for false claims, it all happened exactly as I said. After killing one of you in the middle of the map, away from any spawn locations, they would almost immediately reappear and try to avenge themselves. Explain how that could be done without teleporting. Also, I never said you were immature. I'm not really sure where you got that from.
  3. Chance77

    Evil Gamers is recruiting!

    You guys are hypocrites. My friends and I started playing on your server a couple days ago (It's an awesome server, by the way. The frequent vehicle spawns and new buildings are really great. Spawning with a decent weapon is also pretty nice. It's just the members of the EG clan that ruin it.) and we had a lot of fun driving around killing people and stuff. You know, doing the kinds of stuff your group wants to. Except that as soon as we killed some of the people with the EG clan title in their names, they started teleporting around and killing us. You people can't handle contending with 3 or 4 bandits on your own server, so you have to cheat just to kill us. Wow. Very mature of you. Not to mention it's a great display of your skills as a team at being bandits. And even with the ability to teleport back to us with weapons every time we killed you, we still kept on killing you for several days. It's really quite sad. If you wanted us gone so badly all you had to do was ban us or threaten to do so. Then we would realize that you guys were unable to handle facing better players and would move on to a server with people who could. We realize that now though. To anybody looking to join this clan, I seriously suggest you find another one. These guys are bad at the game, and cannot handle getting killed. They cheat to get kills and simply are not worth your time. :)