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About Django-x

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Gender
  • Location
    In the sticks, Australia
  1. Django-x

    The Tale of the Broken Leg

    Great story sir, you certainly lasted longer than I ever have with a broken leg, I usually crawl around for a bit, plan an epic journey like yours and just end up shooting off rounds till the horde arrives.
  2. I'm the biggest ammo hoarder, even if it is a poor gun I simply have to get each piece of ammo for it. Even have to sit and think...are these beans really worth having, when I could have more ammo?
  3. Django-x

    Bullet wounds are horribly unrealistic

    Regardless of the realistic approach this mod has, there still has to be a balance of realism and enjoyment. Yeah sure if I got shot in the chest a few times and was able to run off and bandage myself it wouldn't be too realistic, but I'd rather a limit on how realistic this simulation is, then to spend half my time in the hospital waiting for doctors to patch me up, whom of which are all dead because this is the zombie apocalypse after all. To continue this theme of extreme realism, I might as well not spawn again and spend the rest of my time watching my character dead on the floor of the hospital with no doctors.
  4. Django-x

    Zombie killing Incentive

    Then quit you slimy fucking walrus-looking piece of shit. I accept your beans with gratitude, fellow Kubrick fan.
  5. Django-x

    Zombie killing Incentive

    Honestly, I love to get up into a high tower and practice headshotting zombies with all kinds of guns, especially if it is a loud sniper and makes all the zombies run to make it harder to make the shot, that way I'm prepared to take out players running. The best thing about this mod for me, is being able to jump in and use all the experience I've gained from playing to be able to survive longer, regardless of how old my character is. There shouldn't really be an "incentive" for killing zeds, you either kill them or you run from them, your survival depends on what you have learnt about zombies whilst you've been playing DayZ. The only thing I would probably consider acceptable is a player skin you achieve after a certain amount of zombie kills, only because it coincides with the currently humanity skins you can gain.
  6. I used to play Arma quite a bit before DayZ was born and loved playing it. Funny enough I was also playing Skyrim at the time, except I used a mod that created a zombie apocalypse to have some fun with. I saw some DayZ videos on the internet, and thought that this was probably the coolest mod I've ever seen (especially since I had a new found love for everything to do with Zombie pop-culture at the time).
  7. Django-x

    Bandit Challenge

    I went down in a blaze of glory last night and said goodbye to my DMR, camo gear ect, starting all over again. I went to Balota airfield and found someone in the tower dead with an M4A1 and a couple of rounds, whilst looting I wasn't prone and thought, wait a minute this seems suspicious, I spoke to soon and started getting shot at. The guy was in the field waiting for someone to climb the tower, so he got a few shots on me and reduced my blood count significantly, so I was shaking all over the place. The guy ran out of bullets, and obviously assumed I was a noob and tried to convince me over chat that he wasn't going to shoot me and try and help me (lol) I said "Ok sure" after he tried to kill me and proceeded to climb up the ladder. He didn't make it too far until I had a shot on his head, but before I was able to loot his corpse a horde of zombies awaited me. I like this idea though, and will try it most of the time when I'm on.
  8. Django-x

    Australian newebie

    Hi Christ0ph, Sent you a PM!
  9. Tread carefully, stay alert and always scope out areas first. Keep an eye out for zombie activity, as it can give you a good indication on where people are, if you are killing zombies, use a hatchet or crossbow and hide the bodies especially in the city. If you're wanting to loot a city often, make sure you set up a small camp somewhere, so you can store your gear and run into a city risk free. Try your luck on some low-populated servers to begin with to get a feel for the map and its surroundings, so that when you're faced with more players you are at least aware of where you are and where to go to recuperate if need be. Good luck!
  10. Give me a freakin' large inflatable hammer thanks. Available in the following stupid colours, rainbow, hot pink and fluorescent green. I would have moments of seriousness, then there would be moments where I would be running around with a big inflatable hammer smacking zombies as I go by and watch them look at me with mass confusion.
  11. Django-x

    Favourite weapon?

    Crossbow for zeds, Enfield for players and poultry.
  12. I've been knocked at many times, especially at crucial times where I would be yelling at my character to "get up!", but even though it can be annoying, its the way the game is. If I have to eat, drink, stay warm, fix broken legs, get blood transfusions, then I'm going to expect to get knocked out and to bleed out, which is why I love this game. I rarely get knocked out due to a bug of sorts, when I do its because I did something stupid; i.e running around cherno with a trail of zombies checking loot. I deserve to die and get knocked out for doing that, these mechanics teach me valuable lessons whilst playing.
  13. Django-x

    the mysterious creature

    I like to hide in the woods and wait for unsuspecting players, prone in my ghille suit and play sounds from Alien vs Predator over direct chat when they get close to me.
  14. Django-x

    how old is your survivor?

    My oldest character on public is about 30 days old, I play around on a private-hive Namalsk with a custom-loadout for shits and giggles, so my lifespan is rather short on that server.
  15. Django-x

    Killed by a rock

    If it was a low populated server, you could've run back to your corpse and taken back your gear from that bastard rock. Usually works for me if I'm away from a few players and die from a weird glitch like that. If not, I'm sure I'll find a dinner bell and recuperate my losses.