Hi, I've been playing this mod for about 3-4 months now. Mainly it has been my brother and myself. We picked up a 3rd but he has since stopped playing. We will definately be playing the stand alone, have our own Ventrilo and Mumble server and possibly getting our own StandAlone DayZ server (50/50 as of now.) We are currently looking for players to build 3-4 man fire teams and eventually put together a 9-12 man squad. Fire Teams consist of- FT Leader with a rifle & m203 attachment, one machine gun (backup Leader), and another rifle or sniper/scout. Squad consists of 2-4 Fire Teams. We're honestly just looking for cool headed people, who can shoot well, communicate VERY WELL, communicate to other team memebrs locations and etc (know how to use a compass/map, call bearings, elevations and and understand clock directional calls...like 10 o'clock high,) have a working microphone, stable internet connection, and preferably 18 years of age or older. A little about myself and my brother. I'm 31 and he is 27, and we played a few mmorpgs together over the years. I am the more competitive one and got into cs 1.6, cs:s and cs:go. Played multiple seasons of CAL-I and CEVO-M for cs 1.6, CS:S, and CS:GO (still on a cevo-m team.) I've played multiple LAN events in Counter-Strike either winning or placing in top 2/3. Our goal is to form a good group of like minded people who can get things done in a quick and efficient manner. We have seached for loot and have most weapons and backups for dayz currently. Our 'new thing' is farming gear off of bandits trying to snipe out Airfields, Choke Points, Coastal Cities/Spawn Points and etc. We usually KOS if u have a scoped rifle and are hiding, in a bandit skin, shooting at new spawns (what is the fun in that...really), or walk up on us....seeing that this game hasn't turned out well for me I assume everyone who isn't on voice comms with me will shoot me. We play on 'official DayZ' servers and we're both west coast but can and will play anywhere in the US/CA. Drop me a line on here, or hit me up on steam Trichrome with the grateful dead steal your face symbol. Good luck to everyone and thatnks for reading.