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White Russian

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Posts posted by White Russian

  1. Hi @all


    I really enjoyed Romeros Zombie Movie in the late `70s, so I`m searching for a way to slow down zed again on my private hive, which runs Mod 1.83 now.



    This solution for versions before DayZ 1.81 and epoch doesn`t work anymore because of code changes in the zombie_agent.fsm.


    The important changes have to be done around line 501 following:

          name = "Chase";      init = /*%FSM<STATEINIT""">*/"_timeN = diag_tickTime;" \n       "" \n       "_last = _agent getVariable[""lastAttack"", 0];" \n       "_entHeight = (getPosATL _agent) select 2;" \n       "_pHeight = (getPosATL _target) select 2;" \n       "_delta = _pHeight - _entHeight;" \n       "" \n       "_agent forceSpeed (_agent getVariable [""speedLimit"", 3]);" \n       "" \n       "_target = _agent call zombie_findTargetAgent;" \n       "_isAlive = alive _agent;" \n       "_targetPos = getPosATL _target;" \n       "" \n       "_agent moveTo _targetPos;" \n       "" \n       "//diag_log(str(_agent distance _target));" \n       "" \n       "//diag_log format[""Animation: %1, Speed: %2, TargetSpeed: %3"",(animationState _agent),(speed _agent),(speed _target)];" \n       "" \n

    Could someone please explain how to change this to a slower speed?


    sorry for my bad english, my native language is german.

    best regards

  2. ...

    For the "older" game players (like me) I remember waiting for things to load on a 300 baud dial-up modem! You would actually see the text "filling in" on the monitor! Waiting for a game to load was normal. So today, if we have to wait 15 minutes for the server we feel it is unacceptable. Ironically, the very nature of thus game is about learning to patiently and gradually survive.

    ...press play on tape...

    • Like 4

  3. I wouldn`t say that DayZ SA will fail, but although I will buy standalone I stick with the mod as long as possible.

    I suppose the mod being more flexible and more customized as the SA will ever be.

    You want more exciting food? So patch

    You don`t want to be hit by Zombies while driving by them with warp Speed? Then patch

    You want to rule with L85A2 AWS? Then patch before

    I mean, we are rather fastidious and what if some parts of SA don

    I dont know what ever happen to my posts, they get cut off, so here s the rest:

    What if some parts of SA dont fit to us? Tell Rocket to fix within few days?

    I hope this will work in future.

    Believe me, I`m keen on playing SA but still see advantages the mod has

  4. @swissfish

    Easy to explain:

    You have only one game installed, so you have only one guid and it`s everytime you Play the same character only with changed profile name and outfit.

    Spawning in the different places is caused by joining different servers, spawning in the same place means that you joined exactly the same private hive or a random (or maybe the same) official hive.

    You do not have two different ingame-chars unless you have two license keys.

    • Like 1

  5. Hello Kevin, maybe I find the time to join your server in the future, but at the moment I`m very busy with running my own little private hive. Additionally there is a lot to do at home and in the yard because of spring finally is there.

    Wow, you others speak really good german, didn`t expect that, very interesting. Move on.

    Hallo Kevin, vielleicht finde ich zuk

  6. Hi and welcome.

    It`s up to you how much you are willing to afford, let me shortly explain, what I did.

    Being fascinated of a Zombie Survival since I saw George A. Romero`s Dawn of the Dead in cinema in 1979 when I was about nearly 15 years old.

    Last year I became aware of DayZ, was fascinated again, watched many YT Videos, recognized the growing PVP (I was not amused) and decided to rent a little 12 slot private hive server to take my first steps in safer area in October 2012 (inspite of SA would probably be released in December 2012, I even thought, release would be early 2013).

    It was a good decision, nowadays I mainly play on official servers being killed again and again, but in case of just chilling with my base, vehicles and guns I join my private server.

    I call myself a little pussy , but I`m not the youngest and fastest guy anymore :), it`s ok for me.

    Monthly costs about 8 Euro, even affordable.

    Arma 2 is worth buying and DayZ is the perfect crema on it, just my 2 cent.

    • Like 1

  7. Hello to the community!

    My first post at all in here, so please be kind with me and my english.

    I just play DayZ for a couple of weeks regarding the evolution of the further patches until now, good job imho.

    What about backpack`s weapon slots, will they be implemented / fixed soon?

    Is there a chance to keep the idea of bloodbags given by yourself?

    Thx to the devs to keep the mod alive in any way!

    Cya in game.
