It seems like cooler minds are starting to prevail. I have to say, props to the mods for all the work they put in, but it was kind of dismaying to see how some of them acted in the previous "cans" thread. First off, there is no "better" DayZ community. Seeing some of the posts that suggested that others' opinions weren't valid because they didn't put in extra time moderating the forum came off as extremely entitled. The bashing of reddit was pretty immature as well. These forums, reddit, SA, the hundreds of smaller community forums based around DayZ... all are valid communities and all have mods and server admins that put in their own personal time to build the entire DayZ community that we all love. Please keep in mind that the community the current development team is developing for is much, much larger than these forums and so they should be cognizant of making sure the wider community's opinions are taken into consideration.