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Everything posted by Syrian

  1. Haha yeah I thought that would be a problem. You can't really achieve a smooth animation unless it's all in sync with the same momentum. Just looking back at the video and man, from 0:29 to 1:04 (where they're slowly walking up to the village) I really love the atmosphere. The new weather system with the dark clouds really does make a huge difference. It seems really depressing, which is how it should be when you're in a zombie apocalypse. I hope you guys focus on the atmosphere and overall "feel" of the game in the coming months. Can't wait!
  2. Yeah I can imagine how hard it would be to get perfect animations. You're right in that you guys should be focusing more on their glitchiness rather than their animations, as they can come later. I was just thinking, isn't there a way you could kind of "split" animations into two different parts on a model? For example, you do a separate running animation for the zombie model, assign this animation to their legs or whatever, and then do a separate animation for their upper body? This way it would be easier to achieve a high intensity running swing animation. When you're doing the swing animation, you can then focus on your swing rather than making the entire animation look good. Sorry if that sounds stupid lol, just thought that would be another way of doing things if it's even possible.
  3. Definitely not easy. I can imagine how long it took for you guys to get that animation. And yeah I know what you mean about the fast shots. Movies get to sort of "cheat" in a way by using camera angles/effects to make zombies attacks look good. If only there was some way I could demonstrate the animation that I'm thinking of. It kinda goes like this: - zombie running - raises left arm at a 50 degree angle - swings - follows through with his swing while twisting his body - slows down/stumbles to a stop due to being unbalanced from his big ass swing I'm sure the running swing attack animation you guys do would be close to this anyway.
  4. Looks epic. Really looks like it's starting to come together now. Can't wait to play. My only concern is that "jumping attack" that the zombies do. I know you said that nothing is final, and maybe you'll improve it later on down the track, but I don't really think it's needed to be honest. It looks a bit odd. Maybe if you were to improve it, re-do the animation so that they only swing one arm instead of both. Or don't make them jump, and just have them do a really big swing with one arm where they follow through a lot (to make it seem like they hit hard). Just some ideas.