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Everything posted by Badnik

  1. I'd prefer a change to the barb wire fencing if it's a choice between how it is now or removing it completely. Just change it so it's less annoying but still interesting. Personally, I'd change it from setting up a wire fence, to setting up a wire trap. When I say wire trap I'm talking about those barb-wire sections you see in any Military movie that covers basic training, the one trap that forces players & zombies to crawl face down in the mud. I mean it's like the opposite of the sandbag, you vault over a wall of sandbags, you crawl under a wire fence. Makes sense to me. And I think it still makes the item useful, but not ridiculous as it was before. And a zombie crawling under a wire fence to get to you looks a lot cooler than a zombie just slowly phasing straight through the model as it comes after you. I'm still cool with players needing a toolbox to disassemble them though.
  2. Badnik

    Random bans?

    ARMA II Combined Operations is already under $30 on Steam (And I think it's already $25 on the BI Store), I don't think a sale is going to drop the price by that much, maybe like $5 for waiting X months until the sale. Regardless, at $30 the game is an investment in itself. Once you do get it, Play some Day Z, but play some of the other ARMA servers too. The Patrol Ops, Takistan Life, Warfare. All excellent game modes. (Seriously, I didn't even know ARMA had RTS elements built into the engine. Pretty cool) As for your main query: You shouldn't get banned, they check server logs to see who spawns/scripts in weapons in order to find the player ID used by the Hacking player. And as this is the internet, there is nothing stopping those people who have been banned for hacking coming on the forums here and saying "waaaah, I wasn't hacking, I just picked up a gun!!111 WAI IZ I BAN 4???" So you've got to take some of these stories with a grain of salt. I'm sure there probably has been a situation when someone has been unfairly banned, but I've got no proof on that. My experience had been 100% Ban free this entire time I've had this game, And to be honest I've been picking up anything not nailed to the ground. so I think you'll be fine, Just don't try to Hack, and you should be all G. Unless you are really, really, really, REALLY unlucky. but what are the odds of that happening?
  3. I think I would be OK with a broken leg healing over time, When I say this I mean: Character must be completely stationary for roughly 5 to 10 minutes to heal a broken leg. Maybe does a long repeditive animation to simulate him cleaning, dressing and making a makeshift splint. for the entire time. If stance interrupted then leg fix timer is reset. and hopefull you can crawl away quick enough. (Would never have blood regenerating over time though, never) i know it isn't "Super realistic timing." But I think five to ten minutes of staying stationary in plain sight of everything while doing an animation is a tough enough ask to make the player go "Should I keep on crawling to the closest medical area, or do i risk my character being defenseless and visible for 10 minutes?" Because that, would be a tough decision for me to make. Do I try crawl into a city and hope find the morphine I need? Or do I risk other players and zombies getting the drop on me as I'm trying to fix myself in a stationary area for a substancial amount of time, clearly visible. But with the ability to free look.
  4. Agreeing with Sup and Pen. Banditry is part of the game, and helps make it more interesting, punishing them for filling a role that is needed in this game is a bad decision. We want to try to fix the Players who take it to the extremes and just want a Deathmatch game as opposed to the Bandits that do kill players because they need the gear to survive. If you make it so you cant loot someone you killed, well then, you've just turned those Bandits into Deathmatchers. Who just kill for the hell of it, not with the intent to survive. Ruining the game for everyone, including the survivors because if they do cap a bandit, then they can't pick up any of his items, so that doesn't help anyone at all. Also there is no logical reason why someone wouldn't be able to take someones gear after killing them. So it just plain doesnt make sense. And Soap, this is a suggestion forum yes. But you should have read the announcement on using the search function to find one of the many "How to fix bandits" threads, and posted your idea on one of them. instead of creating a new thread each time.
  5. Badnik

    remove broken bones from game

    -1 Broken Bones make the game more exciting. It means I cant just sprint away from any encounter. If I try, then another player may shoot my leg, breaking it, so they can catch up, or so that the Zombies attack the guy on the ground first. It's tough, and this game is unforgiving, but with practice, you won't be breaking nearly as many bones. If fact, I can't even remember the last time I broke my own leg, but when I started, I did, alot, buildings, rails, doors, stairs, you named it, I've probably broken a shin on it. But I've learnt. And now the only times my leg will get broken is from another player or a Zombie. And how can you say take them out now when we're about to get bear traps! BEAR TRAPS!
  6. Badnik

    Slower Zombies

    Kophka, I think what he's trying to say when he says the game is in alpha is that, maybe the Zombies arn't OP, maybe they just seem OP because they can run fast, AND they glitch (alpha problem). Rocket knows that the Zombie AI is broken, it comes from using ARMA II as the base for the game, and he's working on it, but it's a problem when the AI for the game assumes that each enemy is a Special Ops trained soldier when they are supposed to be a stupid zombie. It's harder to dumb down AI then it is making it smarter. So maybe when he's fixed the glitching out of the Zombies, maybe they will be easier to fight, even if they are still fast. But how about we wait until they arn't glitched before we say they should be slower? But saying "Fix the Glitch." is not a suggestion, it's a bug report. which are located somewhere else in the forums.
  7. Badnik

    Smell (need to bathe)

    I wouldn't want to put it as the character needs to bath, because an odour like that doesn't really matter and that doesn't really add much to the gameplay, To a Zombie you either smell Alive or Dead. You want to disguise that smell? Grab some zombie parts and smear them all over you! Then maybe you can sneak past close zombies LoS while standing (No running, then you draw attention). Maybe the zombie parts degrade over time, or maybe rain will wash the smell off, or maybe your characters natural sweat will start attracting zombies again. I don't know but a time limit can be easily explained. Or don't show a time limit and make it last for a random amount of seconds so people can't be certain they are going to get past a Zombie undetected every time. I'm going off The Walking Dead, because I think thats a great use of evading zombies, same with hiding under a dead Zombie corpse. That's how smell should be used in the game, not forcing the player to run around the map taking a bath, finding soap, locating their toothbrush, then flossing. Yes it's Realistic, but no it doesn't add to the game experience, it just seems to hamper it. Well at least that's how I see it.
  8. Hi Kraytos, I like the intent of the post, but I'm not sure I agree with it. Regarding the Bandit skins & your idea of Cop skins: I personally LIKE the Humanity metre, But applying it to change the physical appearance of the player was not a proper choice. Good to learn from in testing though. but I think your suggestion doesn't solve the overarching issue of Excessive PKing. If player skins get morphed between Bandit (Low Humanity) and Cop (high Humanity), then that sticks players with two available character skins, Because I don't see how picking up Skins and Morphing skins are going to work hand in hand without the server having a hernia when all fifty players are shifting skins and adding skins at the same time, If I pick up a ghillie suit as a cop, will my sheriffs hat cut through the mesh or does it replace the mesh? If I pick up Civ clothes am I a sheriff in disguise or does the humanity skin take precedence? If a Player reaches Sheriff level, what is to stop him from turning on players looking for help? I mean sure his humanity does go down a little but that's easy to build back up if you are a sheriff and people trust you on sight enough to run to you for healing and give blood packs, because doing those actions to another player raises your humanity, So I can just see epic level trolling prevailing in this world. Add the Bandit skin & the Cop skin as skins you can pick up, because in a World with no rules, a man in uniform means nothing, But that doesn't mean I DONT want the uniform anyway. And if this truly is an apocalypse, then there are no rules, So it's not right to use game mechanics to punish players for doing what is to be expected in this type of world. (In this case, PKing) Because you still want players to kill other players, otherwise you lose a lot of the ingame fun, you just want to limit it without punishing those players, But likewise, you want the players who are playing the game without pking as the main goal, to be able to do that too. Which is tough because the more players who want to PK, just serve to get survivors angry enough at getting killed, that they start KoS, and then they start killing players indiscriminately. and here we are. i feel like the main problem of EXCESSIVE PKing stems from: - Weapons being the largest commodity in the game. It was bound to happen and that comes from modding a military sim. - The Gun mechanics work near perfectly already, while the rest of the world is still under construction. whatcha gonna do with your time if you have a buttload of guns and nothing else to do? - It still feels like i'm playing a tactical sim, and thats just because the FPS control scheme are copied/adapted from ARMA. My character in this Zombie Apocalypse runs, walks, acts as though he has just spent Five years being Major Payne's bitch, there needs to be Reactive movement, fluid movement, jumping into a forwards roll, or a quick duck left or right because I feel he's too ridged, too strict, too Static for the world. This could be remedied via either varient animations for the player, which are slightly different from Regular ARMA games. Or a variation on controls (Maybe not, maybe just add some more Double Tap actions and animations.) Just something Reactive not Offensive. -It's Alpha and still had alot that needs to be added. But like I said, I LIKE the Humanity metre, but feel it could be reworked into something better. Like changing your characters mental perception of the world. Sociopath (Negative) - Apathetic (Neutral/Midway) - Social (Positive) I mean, Imagine if the humanity meter effected how your character sees the world as opposed to changing physical appearance? Because the world has gotta look like a dark, brooding, unloving, paranoia inducing place when you're alone and killing both the Walking Dead and the Living. And on the flip side, The world isn't such a horrible place if you're sharing the apocalypse with friends, because it makes you feel not so alone, The darkness isn't so dark, and the colours are more vivid and that maybe, just maybe, there is hope for the world after all. For a life AFTER the Apocalypse. Or you're just Apathetic, and don't really care one way or another, you're just living. Damn that's a big wall of text.
  9. Badnik

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    I like the idea of bear traps, I just hope I can toss a can at them to set them off. If I can do that, then I don't see how these are gamebreaking.
  10. Because personally, we can do more then just lean to the left or right, and whilst in an Army Simulation, this works well as the focus is on your character being armed and killing the enemy with extreme prejudice (As you would be in an army sim.) But for a Zombie Apocolype Simulatior, It just doesn't feel right to me. I think it's because the emphasis of the game, with the removal of the starting pistol, has realigned the core dynamic from being an offensive gameplay experience, to being a defensive one, as your basic goal is trying to survive, not trying to kill every other player. So having the lean left or right doesn't really make much sense, hence why people are trying to use it as quick communication, because it takes too much time to type "Friendly?" Before getting shot in the face. With that in mind i would like to see the Q & E buttons to do a more "Active" action. I want them to be more useful, like the Action Roll, the action roll is amazingly useful. Because it's like a quick dodge, limited only by the players reaction time and it moves your player mesh. Why can't you do something similar when crouching or standing? Instead on leaning, which doesn't move your mesh at all. So the idea goes like this: Possibly for a standing character Q & E are now a quick sidestep & turn to to face the direction of that side (90 or 45 degress either way, not sure, just an idea). Whilst the crouch Q & E buttons could be a quick commando roll either side, ending in the character back in crouch position. Heck maybe even have this as a quick esc from inventory. So when i see a bullet land near me when I'm looting someone, I can cut and run as soon as I react to that bullet landing near me (Or in some cases, in me) as would be the real life situation Currently, that situation plays out like this: I start looting, shot lands near me, I press g, wait for the inventory screen to disappear, then my character "Rearms himself", Then my character stands. and THEN I get proper control, all the while the person shooting at me is just unloading round after round into my head while my character stares at a box for x amount of seconds. I also feel it would make some of the standoffs more exciting then just two players being static unloading into each others face until one dies. Remapping the keys to act more as a dodge would add a bit of variation, so the players are ducking and weaving around a room trying to get a bead on each other instead of just playing rockem sockem robots with projectiles for a few seconds. That's pretty much the long and short of my idea. Open to suggestions and input though. Cheers for reading lads and ladies.
  11. Badnik

    Get rid of Barbed wire

    Make Barbed Wire a Military spawn. maybe even make the player created ones being Vault-able. Spawn regular wire is civillian areas, used on its own can make a basic tripwire across a doorway, will trip player/zombie on entry, trying to run through it will break a leg. Toolbox + Wire + Empty cans will make a noise making tripwire, will trip player/zombie on entry, trying to run through it will break a leg. rattles cans to alert nearby area/attract Zom-Zoms. Toolbox + wire + Wood + Empty cans(Not sure about this last one, I feel like I need nails rather than empty cans, but sharp metal is sharp metal in the Zone.) Can be used to create Barbed Wire. Or other things as time goes on and more construction options appear.
  12. Badnik

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    I don't mind the idea of starting with a weapon. But those weapons should be your fists, maybe you can't physically cause damage with fists, just concussion/knockdown/knockback on players and Zombies. That way, I can loot either without hurting anything, I just have to be quick or they will wake/get up and probably come after me for suckerpunching. Then when I get a melee weapon which means I can crack skulls for damage, I will feel like Ash in Evil Dead. Then I'll get my Boomstick! And all will be glorious.
  13. Badnik

    Seattle 30 "Official Day/v/" server

    Theo, Like I said, I don't know Deph, like at all, in any sense of the word, If you don't believe me, my player name is Slim Jim (Or possibly Doctor Wong, he's the Doctor at the Wong place at the Wong time), So all I have in regards to this situation is what's been presented to me as well as to everyone else on the forum, by the only two people in the sitution who matters (You and him) All I was given in regards to facts was what you two both had to say about the other which I had to comb over many times to get past the shittalking between the two of you as well as everyone else who felt like they needed to add their two cents and call someone a name. He admitted he has done some scripting, people post pics, you posted the 2 files, the log from a game over a week ago in which he places a marker, spawns a gun (I think thats a gun) and a gps, and a list of banned players you added him to. Then claimed that the evidence was clear that this proved that he did it tonight. I'll agree that the evidence is compelling that he was a hacker, or atleast tried it, but that doesn't make him automatically guilty of the events on the server todaynight. but you can run the server how you want. You're the Admin, your server, your local rule. but given the evidence that was available to me, it doesn't look so cut and dry. Although I admit at time of typing. I was missing the log you're currently going through, so perhaps it was my mistake assuming the log you earlier posted was directly related to the events on the server today/tonight (you guys arn't in my timezone, so it could be either)? I'd just rather a discussion/disagreement, to atleast try to stay civil, so both sides get a chance, It just doesn't when the people trying to make their case try to shitpost the other, then everyone else wants to get a piece. That's all I'm trying to say, Like I said, I don't know either of you, but I like giving the benefit of the doubt, to both of you, and want to hear both side of the story. And hey, If you're willing to give another Hacker a second chance, all this guy has to do is buy another copy of ARMA and promise not to do it again, and he should be all good to play like that Cheeky Biscuit fella. (I know that wasn't his name but I'm not going to find it so I can see what it's supposed to be.) So yeah, cheers for the time.
  14. Badnik

    Seattle 30 "Official Day/v/" server

    Umm, I'm probably going to get called some sort of something for this. Preface, I don't know any of these people, I'm from Aus, but I have used international servers including the ones mentioned. And you all need to lay off Deph. I don't know him at all, but after reading the FACTS (You know, the logs people keep referencing but didnt read?) They say the last time Deph hacked was 11th of the 6th. So over a week ago, or to be more accurate the last time Deph hacked according to the log was 9th. KyleWasnthere hacked to place a marker on the 11th. Correct me if I'm wrong, but these happened over a week ago, If they were the ones who did it today, wouldn't the log show todays date?
  15. Macish, The problem I see with this, it that you're thinking like it's already a game in its later stages. when it gets to Beta release... maybe organising proper times for set releases would be good. but that's not what we need right now. Right now is the pre-testing phase, meaning we do nuts at the game until it breaks, then they see what made the game break, then they patch it and see if that patch had any adverse effects, and if it does, then they try get that patched. Pretty much the reason we had five updates in the last few days. It's a reactionary process at the moment because they have to lay down the basics. Right now it's all about the laying the foundations and the groundwork. Once that's running well, then more advanced content will be implimented, and that's when the game will move from Alpha version to a much more stable beta version, and that's when you'd want to stagger the updates. Because at that point, We're no longer playing the game to solve problems for the developer, but the developer is now adding content to the game to add to our enjoyment of the game. To make it everything it can be for the main release when and if that day does come.
  16. Alright Day Z, Do you feel like some of the items in Day z are useless? Do you feel like you should be able to do more with what you find around the place in Day Z? Me too. With that in mind, I set about trying to rework tools and consumables, sometimes thinking a little out of the box. Anyhow here are my ideas so far, as well as some already in game and they are in here for reference. But what you need to know up front is: 1. Water Bottle changed (3 uses, Reusable, Uses one Inventory slot) 2. Crossbow bolts changed (3 Bolts per slot) 3. Barbed wire is a Military drop, it can also be crafted. Legend Key and example: Tools/Utilities (#) – Toolbox (#) Consumable item (*) - Can of beans (*) Static Mesh (%) – Tree (%) Placeable item (@) – Campfire (@) (!) New item (?) Unsure as to be a tool or consumable. Action: Whittle Crossbow Bolts Ingredients: Hunting Knife(#), Wood (*), Scrap Metal (*) Result: Creates 3 x Crossbow Bolts (*) Explained: The Crossbow ammunition should be craftable, so it is. Action: Prepare Electrical Wire Ingredients: Toolbox(#), Wire(!) (*) Result: Electrical Wire (!) (*) Explained: Used to reconnect power stations/power lines. (It was an idea based on one of the suggestion threads about power in chernarus.) Action: Prepare Tripwire Ingredients: Toolbox(#), Wood (*), Wire(!) (*) Result: Tripwire (!) (*)(@) Explained: • Used to create a tripwire through doorways. • Characters WALKING through tripwire will be knocked (tripped) into prone stance. • Characters RUNNING through tripwire will break a leg. • Can be vaulted over/ Crawled under by Player. • Zombies walking through tripwire will be knocked into prone. • Can be taken down quietly with toolbox Action: Prepare Noise Making Tripwire Ingredients: Toolbox(#), Empty Can (*), Wire(!) (*) Result: Noisemaker Tripwire (!) (*)(@) Explained: • Used to create a noise making tripwire through doorways. (Or wherevs) • Characters WALKING through tripwire will make a moderate noise that will give away position. • Characters RUNNING through tripwire will make a LOUD noise that will give away position and attract nearby zombies. • Can be vaulted over/ Crawled under by Player. • Zombies walking through tripwire will create a moderate noise. • Can be taken down quietly with toolbox. Action: Prepare Barbed Wire Ingredients: Toolbox(#), Wood (*), Wire(!) (*), Nails (!)(?) Result: Barbed Wire (*)(@) Explained: • It’s the same barbed wire, but you can build it now. Action: Use Empty can to drink from water sources. Ingredients: Empty Can (*), Fresh Water source (%) Result: Rehydrated Explained: • Allows player to use an empty can in inventory to drink from water source without item that stores water currently in inventory. • Can be thrown, reusable, plentiful. • Helps players rehydrate without making it too easy. Action: Fill Empty Whiskey Bottle with Seawater Ingredients: Empty Whiskey Bottle (*), Seawater (%) Result: Stored Seawater in Bottle (!)(*) Explained: • Uses Whiskey Bottle to store seawater. • Cannot be drunk from when filled with seawater. • Can still be thrown to distract zombies. But is destroyed when thrown. Action: Convert stored seawater to Fresh Water Ingredients: Stored Seawater in Bottle (!)(*),Campfire (@) Result: Fresh Water in Bottle (!)(*) Explained: • Uses Whiskey Bottle to store boiled freshwater. • Can be drunk from when filled with freshwater. (1 charge, refills thirst) • Can still be thrown to distract zombies. But is destroyed when thrown. Action: Cook Beans on Campfire Ingredients: Hunting Knife (#), Beans(*), Lit Campfire (@) Result: Cooked Beans (!)(*) Explained: • Cooked Beans (3 serves, 1 slot) Action: Pick Fruit Ingredients: Hunting Knife(#), Fruit Tree (!)(%) Result: Fresh Fruit (!)(*) Explained: • Picked from Apple trees, Pumpkin Patches, Vineyards (You know, all those funky static models in the game already. Lets utilise them) • Fresh Fruit fixes both Hunger and Hydration. +50 Blood. Action: Fruit goes Rotten Ingredients: Fresh Fruit (!)(*), TIME Result: Rotten Fruit (!)(*) Explained: • Makes character sick if accidentally eaten. • Can be thrown to attract wild animals. Action: Preserving Fruit Ingredients: Hunting Knife (#), 2 x Fresh Fruit (!)(*), Empty Whiskey Bottle (*), Lit Campfire (@) Result: Preserved Fruit in bottle (!)(*) Explained: • 3 Serves, 1 inventory slot. • 3 x 250 Blood and fixes both Hydration and Hunger. • Bottle can still be thrown to distract zombies. • Emptying of all servings gives Empty whiskey bottle in inventory. Action: Put cigarette in mouth Ingredients: Pack of 20 Cigarettes (!)(?) Result: Put one cigarette in characters mouth. (!)(?) Explained: • When cigarette is put into mouth, it is not automatically lit. But looks boss. Action: Light Cigarettes Ingredients: Box of Matches (#), Pack of 20 Cigarettes (!)(?) Result: Light 1 cigarette. (!)(?) Explained: • Cures shock/panic, drops hydration level. • Choose to light/put out cigarette using context menu. • Choose to flick/throw cigarette using context menu • Character mesh shows glowing and smoking cigarette in mouth to other players. Action: Need a light? Ingredients: Box of Matches (#) on Player A, Pack of 20 Cigarettes (!)(?) on player B Result: If Character A give option to Light player B’s cigarette. If Character B give option to give Character A a cigarette. Explained: • Because Player interaction is cool. Well that’s pretty much it for those ideas. Other ideas follow below but are a lot less thought out/ or already suggested in other threads or in some cases, may even be currently implemented in game: 1. Variation of tents: • Civilian Drop small - Swag – 6 Storage Spaces. • Civilian Drop large – Domed Tent – 12 Storage • Military Drop small – Current model in game – 4 Storage Spaces + Attached Fireplace (Requires wood and matches) • Military Drop large – Deployable Medic tent in ARMA II Model – 8 Storage Spaces – Has attached IV & Generator (Requires petrol & blood packs to use healing functions of tent) There was also an idea to hide equipment caches around camp. 2. Zombies in the night time should cast some sort of “Cat’s eye” reflection effect when viewed at a particular angle to the player, So you won’t be able to see every zombie at night, just the ones on the right angle to you for their eyes to start casting the effect. Because I like the idea that a Zombie can sneak up on me in the pitch black. But I would mess myself if I was in a city at night if I thought I was all safe in the black only to begin noticing glowing eyes in the darkness around me. Or running from a zombie train at night, turning around and seeing an army of glowing eyes shifting erratically in the night. 3. Tweak dead player spawns. • If a player kills another player = Dead Player body spawns equipped with players loot. • If a Zombie kills a player = Spawns an ExPlayer Zombie equipped with ALL ITEMS and EQUIPMENT (This Zombie will then roam the map, when it detects a player it will try to engage, unless it loses sight. Then it will continue in the direction it’s facing until it is blocked by something or finds another player. (Means regular Zombies still spawn around buildings and towns, but infrequent ExPlayer Zombie will roam from where they died, to anywhere on the map, meaning they will eventually roam away from cities into forests. Making a nice infrequent occurrence into perceived “Safe Zones” And are an increased threat as they will discharge held weapons (Good thing Zombies cant aim, but guns make a lot of noise.). • If a player kills another player who was bleeding as a result to a Zombie attack = Spawns a Player Zombie. 4. Unarmed Push/Charge attack (No damage, Causes knockdown to Zoms and Players) So you can steal someones gear without having to kill them. Alternatively you can push a zombie out of a doorway and run, or push a zombie into other zombies, or push a player into zombies, and suchlike. (Yeah I know, Rocket implemented melee) 5. Add ability to build a distillery, Or make some Bars lootable so we can get our booze on. Fill up Whiskey Bottles with Whiskey, get drunk and feel good before getting too drunk and feeling bad. • Also add in discarded cloth/strips of cloth to make molatov cocktails when combined with a full whiskey bottle. • Dye cloth strips you find to give to players you meet up with. This let’s you have a visual key to easily identify grouped players, cannot be used on yourself (team building). (Requires foraging for cloth strips to use in this way, more members in the group? Gotta find more cloth. 6. Roaming Zombie herd, Walking Dead Style. 7. Roaming Spec OPS team (Sneaks around in bushes, checking how bad the infection is on the ground.) and will track and hunt players who come to close (Will not fire on player unless tagged by player first) 8. Redone equipment spawns. I think there need to be more places to check for items, but with lower spawn. Example: I want to go into the train station, instead of the loot being on the ground, I want it to spawn in lockers. And I want to have to check every locker to make sure I’ve got the best loot in the area, not just a quick glance around to know I’ve got the best gear lying around in any area I go to. 9. Utility items in inventory are visible shown on player mesh. Then there’s all the things like: lockpicks, using the crowbar to bust open doors or locks, climbing over gates, Rain providing 10% Hydration to character, and I’m done. Thoughts, other ideas, improvements? If you want to ask how a particular idea would work then I'm more then happy to try to explain the best I can. Back to killing some zoms.
  17. The quick sidestep and turn was more of a single flow action, pressing Q would have the action going to the left, so it would go from facing foreward, step to the left, then turn so your facing the left, pressing E would have the same action, but it's reversed on the right hand side. I more wanted to get across that I'd like to see those buttons be to have a more active effect. My suggestions to what they would do probably need alot of work, which is why I posted it here. To get thoughts and develop it. I personally didn't realise leaning was so vital to First person servers. I've been on a few and it seems the use of it is fairly negligable. With it being used mostly when someone blunders into a room containing another player and spams QEQEQEQ so the other player knows that they are friendly. But that's from my experience in game, yours is obviously different. And I know you can duck and weave currently, along with all of the other actions, I do play the game too. I just don't see leaning left and right as being in the standard set of moves for a Zombie Apocalypse Simulator, In a SHOOTER yes. But This is Day Z, Not ARMA II, it does have shooter elements as they are some of the main features of the game engine, but thats not the core concept of the game. The idea is survival, so being reactive, it's just not that at the moment because the biggest threat in the game is Players, not the environment. Or maybe just have these keymapping changes when you holster your weapon so it only kicks in when you are unarmed. That way you get to keep all the fun aspects of both worlds. Meaning variety of control, when means a fuller environment, which means a better play experience no matter what the style.
  18. RiKShaw, I know that's how you justify it personally, but I don't think thats right, Otherwise, you'd be able to fill up from the ocean too. What do you think of this as an idea: ~Why not have the Water Bottle as a three/two charge item. Because I certainly don't drink 1.5 Litres of water in one gulp. You still cannot drink directly from Wells, rain will rehydrate character to 10%/15% hydration, because rain is refreshing, but you cant survive on it alone. More common items have more uses: ~Use an empty tin can as a cup/water billy for drinking from Wells and freshwater ponds, but it does not store water. (Can only hold water near fresh source.) ~Ability to fill and store an empty whiskey bottle from a pond or well. Turns it into a single charge item. -So the pro for carrying a waterbottle is multiple charges before refilling. Con is that there are no other inate abilities to item. -Pro for carrying an empty tin can is that it allows you to drink fresh water directly, also a zombie distractor (Retrievable). Con is that you still have to go to a fresh water source to drink. -Pro for carrying an empty whiskey bottle is that it can be filled with one charge of water & is also a zombie distractor. Con No multiple charges, bottle cannot be recovered after thrown (broken). Thoughts? It makes the game more realistic without making it easy.
  19. Gaidoon, I'm not worried about tents, I would just like to see variety in items and watch this game expand into a more authentic Zombie Apoco-Sim. I want it to be visually exciting and varied so that it will enhance the gameplay. Because as you said, there is no point in getting or using a tent if there is a better alternative around. So you want to make the idea of tents more appealing, you can do this via adding something to the tent mechanic to make it less of a "cruddier, non-mobile, vehicle placeholder." with no real use that isn't already done better by something else such and a reason why people would prefer a tent to a vehicle, because currently, there isn't one. The other way to make it appealing to players is make it visually appealing, so variety, better models, mutiple models, of different shapes, sizes and colours. So people will set it up and use it because it looks wicked, and that will make them want to use it. It's the difference between this: https://publikworks.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/image1011.jpg this: http://resources1.news.com.au/images/2011/10/23/1226174/066965-tent-city.jpg This: http://www3.pictures.gi.zimbio.com/Sacramento+Tent+City+Fills+Up+Newly+Jobless+1b--xzbL7Kbl.jpg And This: http://olive-drab.com/gallery/photos/med_tent_city_400.jpg
  20. These ideas lead to a lot of food for thought. Having variation's of tents: Commercial/store bought Single man & Multiple people - The types you buy from a camping store. A commercial drop. Single - it's a swag, swags are awesome but don't have alot of storage space. Multiple person - Probably one of the square domed tents that everyone's family has bought from a camping store at some point in their lives. It's got more space than a single, but it was never designed for someone to live in for an extended period of time. Then having Military grade tents - Military drop. Military single - would either be the camo one in game now, or the same but with gillie netting over it to decrease visibility. Military Multiple (Medic tent) - And When I'm talking about a military multiple person tent I'm pretty much thinking of ARMA II's OA Medic tent deployable. Which can heal people, and looks to have a modeled Generator attached to the mesh. So maybe it requires fuel in order to heal someone, or better yet, Fuel and bloodpacks to heal. Or lots of both to heal a group sitting in the tent. Pro: It can heal a group with Petrol and blood packs over time? So it's beneficial to both groups and lone wolf players (Lone wolfs could set it up, gas it up and put in blood, so they have to deal with all the cons, but get a benefit of being able to use a blood pack on themselves) Con: It's big, green and has a BIG RED CROSS and probably generates noise and light. as well as requires finite resources to work properly.
  21. Badnik

    The ability to build and grow crops

    Not sure if serious, Day Z = Zombie Apocalypse Survival Simulator. If you want to play it as a shooter than that’s up to you. If you want to sneak in and out without shooting at all, it's up to you. If you want to run around being a medic and patching people up, it's up to you. If you want to be a motherfucking bus driver doing your route then it's up to you. If you want to Bear Grylls it in the wilderness, you can, it's up to you. If you want to rebuild society in this god forsaken world, by gum you should be given the chance to try. This game gives you more options than just guns, guns are just a game mechanic, like driving is a mechanic and sneaking is a mechanic. If you don't feel like you'd use added features, then congrats, you don't have to use them; The game is finished as far as you are concerned. This game is a Simulator, It gives you the scenario. You get to pick what you want to do with it. If Day Z was a shooter, then you'd probably be seeing things like killstreaks, teams, rankings, scores, KDR, regenerating health. And probably a respawn button so you'd have more than one life? You know; the things that are noticeably and actively missing? but hey, here I was thinking I'd get constructive crit. As this is a suggestion board you know, for suggestions and for people to make a case for why said suggestions would add something extra to the game. An actual Discussion, not "Farmville = Growing crops" because what does that have to do with anything? Are plants and zombies mutually exclusive? than what about Plants vs Zombies? Or are we just illustrating other games with mechanics? Like: COD = Shooter, Flight Sim = Flight Sim, L4D = Zombies, GTA = Vehicles in Sandbox. Big Buck Hunter = Hunting animals. What I'm getting at, is that you added nothing of substance with your post, it wasn't constructive and was barely on topic and added no avenues of discussion. Which makes me think you didn't read the "Please read before posting" sticky, which makes me wonder why you are commenting in the suggestion forum at all really. You can tell me you think my idea is bad, I really don't mind, I'd just like to know the WHY for sake of discussion and possibly improving my idea.
  22. Badnik

    The ability to build and grow crops

    The idea is there, but I think Rocket wants more "How would such a thing be incorperated into the game." as opposed to "This thing should be in here because it's well cool." But saying that, I'm going to hijack this thread because Fruit and the growing of said fruit, would be wicked, And I like your basic idea. I'd take a different approach to Fruit & Veg. I've seen Pumpkin Patches, Grape Vinyards and Appletrees around Chernarus, So lets use them! Could we make these interactable? Giving you the option of "Harvesting food." if you have a knife in your inventory. That way you can get "1 piece of fruit." And heck, have it so it takes a little while for fruit to "Regrow" so a player can swipe some apples, and another player later one may come to a tree with no apples on it to take, adding realism (And apple-thieves) *Eating 1 piece of fruit will restore Hunger & Water, and maybe 200 blood. Nothing overpowered in the blood regen department because honestly, I think hydration is a pretty good tradeoff. The kicker is, that fruit will go rotten in a short period of time (Maybe even on logout/login as well) Which will generate the fly swarm sound AOE around character. *Eating 1 piece of rotton fruit will refill hunger, not water, 50 Blood will make your character Vomit on a 15% chance. animation takes a few seconds on character on all fours or maybe not vomiting, just going into the fetal position, makes quite a bit of noise. all the while the player is sitting there going "Fuck fuck fuck, stop it, I'm attracting all the noise, gotta go now, now, NOW!! FFFFUUUUUU-." - And they learn from that experience. But never fear, any experienced camper knows you can preserve Fruit if you can cook it and store it properly. Items needed: ~Placed on ground: Campfire (Either currently placed and lit by other player, or created using matches, axe, wood.) ~In Inventory (infinite uses): Hunting Knife - it's pretty much every utensil you have in this world and you need it to gather fruit anyway. ~In inventory (Finite uses): 2 x Fruit (Unspoilt) - You'll need this before it goes rotten. 1 x Empty Whiskey Bottle - Container and item needs more then one practical use than it currently has. When you go up to the campfire with all these items, it will give you a contest sensitive menu option to PRESERVE FRUIT IN BOTTLE. *Result of Crafting: 1x Preserved fruit in Bottle - Can be used 3 times (3 Charges), Each "charge" heals 250 Blood and fixes hunger and thirst statuses. When emptied of contents the Whiskey Bottle just becomes a normal empty bottle for you to throw. So essentially this goes hand in hand with gathering meat for an experienced survivor. Cooked Meat does regen more health over time, but doesn't hydrate the player. Preserved Fruit fixes hydration, but is more difficult to obtain because A) Harvested fruit is on a time limit before it goes rotten, unlike raw meat. B) It requires more consumables to create. C) Other players may pick gathering areas clean, making ingredient gathering more bothersome. D) Pumpkin Patches and Vegi gardens are usually balls deep in Zombie territory. So that gives insentive for players to get their hands dirty so to speak. So that's the gist of my idea and if you got this far through my post then I tip my hat to you, I've got a fair number of other ideas for combining and using items already in Day Z, just with a little rejiggering, so if anyone wants to hear them, I'm more then willing to post some of them. but for now I'm just going to spitball thoughts: -Heck if you wanted to make it even more difficult then add Fresh Water to the list of ingredients for preserved food. -Since it has three serves, possible shareable item? -Throwing rotten fruit attracts wild animals nearby? -Collectable Seeds? Used to grow little fruit trees that will spawn fruit over time. placed like tents (Flat ground, outside), will grow over time on a server? Meh I dunno. rough ideas. But it would also pave the way for such things like Tobacco plantations or seeing a burning sugarcane field at night.