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Imperator Veros

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About Imperator Veros

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    On the Coast

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    Game design & development, sports, video games.
  1. Imperator Veros

    1.7.6 Cans and Drinks

    Dean has handed the mod over to you guys and he trusts you to develop the mod further. I find you aren't doing a bad job at all but shouldn't 'gamble' by implement new features like this, test the water by implementing one or two items or have someone communicate your ideas to the community before you implement them (especially the more radical ideas like putting the core mods on cans in the game). The good: (in terms of adding new features to the mod) - The crossbow changes are a welcome sight - New melee weapon is testing the water for further development - Deerstands have their own loot table (Hunting) The ugly: - 8 new soda drinks, 1 new beer - 12 new food cans, - 3 food packs (nuts, trail mix, Military rations) Try implementing a core group before you go on adding more. When adding new features/items they must suit Chernarus's atmosphere or surroundings, it is a key design feature in the game. I'm sure in Chernarus Hatchets are common, but machetes would be quite rare Cheers, keep up the development, many of your new features are awesome, but it was just a 'slight' overstep in directly having your names on the cans. You need somebody who can communicate your ideas to the community for feedback.