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NOa (DayZ)

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Everything posted by NOa (DayZ)

  1. NOa (DayZ)

    DayZ Mod 1.7.6 Update

    hi, I have some issues with Script restriction #21. All the palyers are kicked during the loading. Server OS : linux/ubuntu The server was running perfectly with the I installed the new patch then the food hotfix and updated the BE side filters. (if you need logs, what file do i need to check) I think its this one : 5.02.2013 14:45:24: [Q] Near ( 7365798184c7c5ca5e58b98734d8b4d5 - #21 " = getNumber (_config >> "onFire"); _object = _type createVehicleLocal _position; _object setPos _position; _object setDir _d" any idea ?