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Everything posted by sin@tra

  1. NO Who wants to team up with someone who is unarmed? People will still grief, even without weapons (a man with nothing to lose has everything to gain. guy without weapon leads zombie train into others) Lower the amount of starting ammo to balance. CONDITIONALLY: YES, if pistols are more common (especially beach towns) and military rifles are scarce. Apologies if these points have been made. 76 pages is a lot to read.
  2. sin@tra

    Bye Servers, Welcome THE SERVER!

    If the engine allowed it, I wouldn't mind ~200 players per server. Seems I never run into anyone unless I'm near some sort of building. Would be tense to see other players along the roads. 1000 players is probably too much. Even 200 could be pushing it.
  3. How would you like it if ammo was stackable (or in mags) with the tradeoff that you couldn't retrieve it? Finding a couple stacks of ammo would already have given you more bolts than you might find after looting several houses.
  4. sin@tra

    Killing Sprees need consequences

    Also, the way things usually work in this forum is that good ideas are often regarded with a "change is bad" approach without any justification, although the banditry isn't necessarily broken so there doesn't really need to be a fix. These ideas about affecting gameplay, and making stats degrade faster, are alright. I think a better system that punishing PvP is rewarding teamwork, by which I mean that those whose humanity is above a set level would get more healing benefits.
  5. sin@tra


    I would like it if some form of identification would be added to a players post-mortem inventory. Ideally, I would have the chat-system greatly revised so that you do not see player names in chat, or via talking on the mic (unless in side-chat, which you should be able to minimize. Forgive me if you can already, I am quite noobish to Arma2's MP). In-game death messages would also have to be removed (although I hear this is a server-side command which is optional) The ID would be something you would find on a dead player that would be created on death, and would list things like the players name, and potentially their kill-count or other stats. Whether it would take up inventory space (probably not, considering some players may have full inventories) would have to be ironed out. People have suggested things like journals, diaries that you can write in, maps that show where your player has been. What I am suggesting is stepping-stone between these two. A basic form of ID would be great for PvP as well, giving someone a name without their life story. Thoughts?
  6. sin@tra

    I'm Sorry.

    Tell me this is an actual feature (or soon will be) and not just a dramatic closer. Either way, I was moved.