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eddan (DayZ)

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About eddan (DayZ)

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    On the Coast
  1. 70,000 calories let you be offline for 48 days until your character will be limited to movement, and almost dead. If you don't log on for 48 days your character deserves to be dead. If rocket wants to balance it, he can simply make it easy for people to log on, play for a few hours and put your bodyfat up to 80 days for example. It depends on your priority. "I want to be offline for a year, and still have my character, I should eat constantly for 2 days until my calorie intake is at level" I already told you, if you want it to go slower you will have to make your character go to sleep. It's not an excuse, sorry. People saying they can't calories can't count 1+1. For example. It can say, get below 1 to 3 bodyfat and you're dead. This bar gives you +0.1% bodyfat. There you have a meter, bodyfat % and blood. Now instead of having bodyfat, you can for example change that value to 1-100% and put it at hunger, +1% hunger and so forth. Putting things already done in nature into the game will be successful instead of trying to artificially create a system for hunger.
  2. also on reddit Each survivor starts at 14-15% bodyfat and 70 KG. We translate bodyfat % into numbers so it gets easier to code. Each survivor starts 10 KG fat and 60 KG lean mass. 7700 calories per KG of fat, that gives each survivor a storage of 77000 calories. When you eat, calories are added to your storage. Calories are burned off at a fixed rate of 1600 calories per day (metabolism) even when you are offline. Since you can track how far people walk/run, you can add how much is burned per meter, or click/kilometer. If you have a healthy calorie storage (bodyfat) you regenerate blood faster, when you reach a low calorie storage you degenerate blood slowly, when you reach 1-3% (in calorie storage) you will start to lose muscles, making it hard to run around until you start taking power naps and die. That was the easy version, if you want to go deeper you need to put in a metabolism calculator on the height and sex people choose in-game, a female have higher fat percentage, but burns more. People who are taller will require more calories, but might be able to reach for those extra can of beans on the top of counters, balancing it out, and allowing group play of different sizes. To me that is also easy to code, but takes longer, then you can start changing models and so on, but let's forget that for now. Possibilities are limitless. Also, to burn less calories when being offline, you might want to choose to take a nap for 30 mins before you log out, leaving your character logged in for 30 minutes, leaving you vulnerable to zombies or players. Like, now I want to go offline, choose NAP button on a bed or, you lay down, a sleeping animation, and you are forced to go offline for 30 minutes, you cannot log in for a couple of hours. (so just logout if you want to come back!) If you make it like this and want to balance it out, adjust how much food spawns and how much it gives. tl;dr food gives calories, calories add on your storage, you lose calories from your storage when you run or walk, and lose at a fixed rate even when offline.