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3 Neutral

About Millzi

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Don't even think about adding waypoints, takes away the realism of the game and the fact u have to USE a map and not just looking at a countdown and just running to it. I would personally like maybe a couple more barracks and medical tents, just to give u more places to head too, i played a server where 2 barracks, fire station and a medical tent or 2 was at the east airfield, was a really good balance and wasn't OTT at all just a nice touch to the map, not saying u should put them their but be cool just to add a little bit more to the map. Specially for people like me who tbh stays away from the camped out west airfield. Also like to add the fact i bloody love this server! :)
  2. Make that 3 as this is my mate and i also live in Nottingham, actually i seen someone registering to the server whose from Nottingham also. awesome.
  3. hey man just wondering why i haven't heard a response yet. cheers.
  4. Name: Millzi. Location: Nottingham, England. GUID: 96Ba848c9a5cf11de5d14346af10a22a Reason: wanna play with fair and decent players specially from the UK area. Like to play cherno seriously and in a secure server so seen u guys decided to register to the forums and hopefully be included into ur server. Never hacked and only got banned once which was yesterday as i picked a hacked weapon up and dint know as it was 1st time i played namalsk then got instantly kicked and banned, hope this doesn't go against me. also a friend named chase will be posting soon to register also. thanks. Millzi