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Everything posted by bllizzard91

  1. Added FPS counter to debug monitor... there is a new clan in our server...a semi mil sim group called USS..Umbrella Security Services...its a bandit clan...now merging into the MilSim clan 4SFG ...the 4th Special Forces Group....They have a skin reserved for their clan(look at skin list for which ones are reserved) You see them...you shoot them or run...they dont make friends.... Below are screenshots of their base south of vybor Massive clan wars with USS/4SFG vs SAS and a new milsim clan 21B going on in the server everyday...even involving pubbers joining up with some squads from SAS or 21B to get in some action 21B just got their custom base too....screenshots and details coming soon
  2. added debug monitor... removed Zombies(alive/total) ...since its generally used to see if someone near cities or not
  3. Now u can drive upto any gas station and make use of *=SAS=* Gas Services to fuel up your vehicle ;)
  4. Lots of new stuff coming...added some skins...as trunkz updated above... MV22 ospreys and black hawks are in the server now AND...BIG NEWS!!! Now u can scavenge and remove working parts from vehicles so if u find two half fixed vehicles...it might make ur day ;)
  5. ssssshhhhh hardcore skins are zombie disguises :P and a trick to take down NPCs...try not to go rambo, be tactical about it...and they roam around klen, inside the base and occasionally patrol outside...but u can loot them once u kill them....so good luck :P
  6. Added NPCs to guard the bases!!! now beware if u want better weapons :P
  7. if u cant join it or shows incorrect version, its because we are running latest hotfix after patch... to join u gotta have the patch from here http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/125753-dayz-mod-1761-hotfix/ just download the Dayz FIles listed under Patch Download if you have alrady updated to the 1.7.6 using dayz commander or six launcher
  8. updated some buildings! added more fucking new kinda boats! moare!!!!
  9. more little birds added,,,,Big ass MVTR trucks added...along with more of other trucks Small Construction at Skalitsky completed... More variety of vehicles coming soon....
  10. adding more vehicles to server...there is a new littlebird with side seats already...and a couple of more humvees