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About Lobotohmy

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  1. I've tried at LEAST six different ones, I'm all up to date but either get the black flashing or stuck on "Loading" and have to ctrl+alt+delete :|
  2. Mine is also doing the black flashes. So just keep trying different servers?
  3. Lobotohmy

    Can't join any servers

    Same here... Wtf?
  4. Lobotohmy

    How to make DayZ much more realistic

    Well, you are under the assumption that DayZ is a game and is meant to be fun.
  5. You only get one life. Ever. If you die, you are banned permanately. Just like in real life.
  6. Rocket should just remove weapons all together.
  7. Lobotohmy

    Anyway to have multiple accounts?

    I was kind of wondering this too. My boyfriend and I both play on HIS computer. At first I had to be a male because he chose a male, so that sucked. Now, lets say I play for a few house and I get good stuff. Then he wants to play, he gets to continue with the stuff that I worked for and not start on his own. It would be nice to AT LEAST be able to have two separate players.
  8. LOVE TB, and Rocket is pretty damn hot. Oooo that Aussi accent.
  9. HELP! I am updated to and when I DO eventually get on a server that is for I spawn in "Wilderness" - a HUGE open plain with absolutely NOTHING in it! Except for once there were two player corpses where I spawned. What am I doing wrong?
  10. Lobotohmy

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Currently: When I try to get onto a server I get stuck on "Waiting for character to create" and everyone else who is chatting while waiting is stuck on the same thing. Lord knows Rocket is overworked as it is, but I haven't been able to actually PLAY for two days now :(