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Everything posted by nomorechillies

  1. nomorechillies

    DayZ: Why aren't you playing?

    i keep getting disconnected
  2. nomorechillies

    It's too easy to get guns

    ive been playing for 5 hours in and around berezino/NE airfield. Not 1 gun. All i have to defend my self is a pitchfork. guess i need to head south
  3. nomorechillies

    Best gun for player hunting

    The Dinner Bell Lee Enfield is boss
  4. nomorechillies

    ***er Helicopters in Chernogorsk

    NVG with Lee Enfield? wow
  5. nomorechillies

    So this just happened...

    1 zombie kill and you have all that good gear? you missed the best part of Day Z
  6. nomorechillies

    Servers with no PVP, for those to kill just Z's

    L4Dead is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>that way
  7. nomorechillies

    Elektro Sniping

    poor kyle, he only wanted to make friends
  8. nomorechillies

    DayZ Thunderdome

    cheaters: this is getting out of control
  9. 110 kills is alot. Kudos anyone got SS of the highest bandits killed?
  10. nomorechillies

    Post here if Game is unplayable for you due to Low FPS

    i5 750 8gb ram 2x GTX 460 SLI 9-18 fps in elektro 35-50 fps in country side this game is very poorly optimized
  11. has there been any word from Rocket about this nerf?
  12. nomorechillies

    Wanna Take A Shot At Me Then You Die

    loved the lee enfield, hate what the devs did to it
  13. nomorechillies

    Shot out of a car

    shot that dude out of the car like a boss
  14. nomorechillies

    New War Z screenshots

    do not want quests ever
  15. nomorechillies

    Weapon Damage Nerfs

    you misunderstand my point, now when you are fresh spawn, your weapons will not help you vs the geared up griefers in Cherno/Elektro. Lee Enfield was the gun that could help you fight back
  16. nomorechillies


    fog suks, should only be there when it rains
  17. nomorechillies

    Guns less powerful?

    gun nerf is a bad idea
  18. why must the game provide something for you to do? be creative in your sandbox
  19. nomorechillies

    Not playing DayZ until it's fixed.

    he has a point tho, the game was changed and he doesnt like it, neither do i
  20. nomorechillies

    What to do now?

    hunt for vehicles repair vehicles setup a camp guard camp hunt for camps hunt players find a boat and visit the islands counter-snipe at Stary or NW airfield hunt helicopters get the real elusive gear (NVG, rangefinders, LWS85 thermal, FN FAL, M107, AS50 etc etc) FIND A GHUILLE
  21. nomorechillies

    Do you think the Lee Enfield is underrated?

    lee enfield was the perfect rifle to counter those snipers and assault gun users early game with it being very loud for balance. Then when you found something better you took it. now after the nerf, dont even bother with it
  22. good luck killing ppl with the new gun nerfs..............