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sONg (DayZ)

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About sONg (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. In-Game Name: sONg Age: 19 YouTube Channel(URL): Don't have one Why you would want to join: I'm down to play with you guys, i think the whole youtube filming thing is cool, and I watch Frankieonpc a lot. I would love to be in your youtube channels, as i believe it will be entertaining
  2. sONg (DayZ)

    Looking for small group to play with. (U.S.)

    I'm down to play with you, got a lot of grade A guns. We have a group of 4 people right now, and we just loot and gearing ourselves up. If you are interested send me your skype. I can hook you up with a draganov
  3. Hey, i'm down to play with you jsc, do you have skype?