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7 Neutral


About Corporate

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Gender
  1. Corporate

    The Epic Flank.

    cool channel!
  2. Corporate

    need a player

  3. Corporate

    I HATE playing 3rd person servers.

    Did not Dean say that eventually the game will only be in fpv?
  4. Corporate

    nvm then

    Terrible idea..
  5. Will add you on steam later on!
  6. Need 2 more Europeans in the clan and we'll be done recruiting at the moment. Skype:Corporate2014
  7. Corporate

    Hero/bandit skin perks idea

    Dumb idea, really dumb.
  8. Sorry 18+ only. We want to keep it mature.
  9. Corporate

    Idea. Gunshots, Tinnitus, and Hearing Protection.

  10. Hey, we have some British men. Check it out . Blackwood Corporation [bWC] http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/157072-blackwood-corporation-military-bandit-clan-rp-18/#entry1573636
  11. Corporate

    Searching For Standalone Group

    Hey man, check us out. Blackwood Corporation [bWC].. We are a 18+ Clan. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/157072-blackwood-corporation-military-bandit-clan-rp-18/#entry1573636 Don't forget to leave a comment.
  12. Forgot to add, We are only looking for 20 members maximum, not more than that. 20 Experienced players.