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Everything posted by Molochius

  1. Wow I take it a hell of a lots changed in that time! basically I got the game when it was first released as alpha as Id loved the arma mod, and I played for a good 6 months to a year but then stopped for a long time, ive only recently decided to venture into chenerus again but what can I expect? ive read some stuff about zombies being removed then put back or are they removed now? do we have driveable vehicles and backpacks we can drop and store stuff in yet? I dont expect people to give me a full rundown but as a long time away player what might be the most standout details I would notice if logging in now compared to the year or so after the alpha became available? And lastly....do we have a release date yet? Ive read about the issues with the design studio and I take it thats why but is this game ever going to be finished and released? seems like its not even in beta stage yet, are we talking a 2017 general release? or even longer?
  2. Molochius

    First time playing for over a year....

    Thankyou very much, thats all the info I needed and more besides. Good to see perfect examples of 2 kinds of forum posters here and unlike the other twat ill be perfectly friendly and thankful to a player like yourself.
  3. Molochius

    First time playing for over a year....

    Listen pal it was a simple question I suggest you take your anger issues out somewhere else who do you think you are some kind of forum god? Go fuck yourself
  4. Molochius

    First time playing for over a year....

    I came back for a bit in 2014 yes.....that was years ago hence my post.....its now 2016 over 2 years later. you saying nothings changed pal?
  5. ok guys so I haven't touched days in a few months I stopped playing just after the zombie update that made them all faster/better at finding you etc....you know when we also had that bug with things like the fire axe comeuppance where you couldn't hold it right to swipe with it etc? Anyways so any major changes since then I should be aware of? I know at the time they were talking about loot spawning and droppable backpacks etc to store loot is that working yet or? I've tried looking through the changelogs but so much info I got lost! Can anyone just tell me the major differences I may notice when I reload for first time?
  6. Molochius

    Not new, returning...what's changed?

    well maybe if the changelog forum was organised well as in relevent posts didnt get buried in 10000s of changelogs from god knows when back including a hell of a lot to do with the experimental build all mixed together with the stabale build..... itd be easy to find...really need a cleanup on that section guys. youve just reminded me of one reason I left....assholeish community, really how hard is it to describe a couple of big changes if theyve happened? you could have done it in the time it took to post that whine post! its called being helpful is it not?
  7. Molochius

    ethics of first kill

    my view on the morality of this is you take this `video game` to seriously....its a game, you caused someone no real life harm...get over it....bloody morals a in a video game who needs them! we play games to escape reality!
  8. Molochius

    Not new, returning...what's changed?

    Tried but theres so much info on the page I cant exactly pinpoint the info I need as in when I quit to now(admins def need to tidy that page up relevent info getting buried in that way isnt good) what im really after is someone just to tell me what possibly game changing major changes have come up in a few months? the small stuff can wait but id love to know stuff thats going to affect my gameplay before I try it again
  9. Molochius

    Best PVP Places

    I to was wondering this, wheres the best place to steak out a sniper spot etc? I find electro most of the areas are to exposed to the rear etc ie buildings where people can come in the back door.......im after somewhere I can get into stalking/sniper situations with other geared players now im geared myself and looking for some way of using the masses of ammo ive now collected :P Im in the centre/north region of the map around the airfield near vybor at the mo
  10. Molochius

    Machete isn't as good as I thought it would be.

    Totally aggree with this......its pants! I found one while gearing and dropped the baseball bat I was carrying only to find it wasnt any better at all......after hacking at zombies for ages trying not to waste my ammo only to get fed up and shoot them anyway I dropped it the second I found a fire axe(1 hit kill 3/4 of the time 2 hits the rest) Whoever put it in the game forgot to sharpen it first!
  11. Happened a few times to me some funny some annoying.......of the annoying variety Id spent a few hours fully gearing my character id got really lucky with loot had everything I needed and I was in electro so decided to bug out before I pushed my luck to far.......final thing I wanted to do was climb the fire station roof to have a scout around check for possible ambushers sneaking up on me.....went up the ladder fine......going down.....went to the edge clicked the down arrow started climbing and then for no reason I glitched out fell first through the wall then back outside and landed completly off the station dying due to fall damage......pissed off wasnt the word! espcially when I thourght id got lucky as I respawned right next to electro but by the time i got back to the fire station someone was just making off with most of my corpses gear and rather then letting the bambi like unarmed me get what was left he decided to shoot me in the back as I had a look.......awesome people on this game haha of the humerous variety I login on the hospital roof in electro in the middle of a sniper session thats obviously just been broken up by a guy with an axe.....I see 2 bodys and 1 person crawling with a broken leg....the guy with the axe comes at me when he sees me spawn and hes obviously hostile so I kill him with my rifle and then go to put the crawling guy out of his misery....crawling guy is unarmed apart from a bat which is on his back. as I run close to him he guesses my plan and punches me in the foot(all he could do i guess).....Now id like to say I got a bruised toe and shot him in the head in retaliation but no............I die!......seriously?....from one punch?.....in the foot? not even unconscious straight to death!(I had full health no bleeding, hydrated and not hungry) I couldn't even be pissed off at that obvious glitch....as I can say I died through foot punching...and that to me is worth a death.....I guess the dude had his own version of Bruce lees one inch punch lined up.....but for my foot. Other then that yesterday when going through kabanino I ran into a house looking for food, found a fresh orange ate it and for some reason the screen went red as if id been shot and my guy started crawling....I thought someone had sniped me through a window or something as my character was acting as if he had a broken leg but I had no damage and I wasnt sniped as noone around........basically crawled downstairs everytime I tried to get back up I could get back up but the moment I moved my character resumed crawling......had no damage on my character screen to speak off not even bleeding so I logged off and back on and my character was fine but stood just before the house with the orange as if the server had glitched out then and not saved my progress after that as well as glitching my character. so yes when your in kabanino avoid the broken leg giving orange haha.
  12. I find anyone who expects everyone to be all friendly in a game like this and acts suprised when they run into people who think nothing of kos etc are incredibly niave.........I would say the very game itself the way its setup encourages this...I mean take perma death.......yes it makes it an assholeish thing to do to kill someone for no reason but then it also means you have a lot more to lose from being killed yourself....as such you get more untrusting and end up acting like its kill or be killed. I know this is what I do....ive been playing a few weeks now and after losing my hard searched for gear numerous times I actully have had a pretty decent run this time around ,my character is fully kitted out, food, drink, axe, m4, pistol, lots of ammo, decent pack, decent vest/jacket etc and ill be damned if im going to risk losing all that from some asshole shooting me in the back after ive run on after letting them live. as such....If I see you your dead....sorry its nothing personal but when you have no way of knowing whos a bandit and who isnt what are you meant to do? I mean how do I know the guy I let live isnt then deciding to stalk me till I make a mistake, I know thats what ive done in the past. Paranoid yes? but thats the beauty of this game haha In the past ive been trusting and have paid for it....in my current run ive killed 3 people so far just for getting close to me, one was hostile but 2 didnt even have a weapon out. they may have been coming towards me out of friendlieness...did I feel guilty? a little but how do I know that if I dont kill a guy when ive gone past him hes going to pull out a pistol and shoot me in the back(as has happened to me a couple of times already) number 1 dayz motto. DONT TRUST ANYONE!
  13. and how do you get on it? I seem to remember on the mod there was a side chat, ive been able to send messages to what came up as a `direct message` but as of yet ive seen no chat.....or is this intended, as in you can only speak to people in your range etc? as someone who plays as a lone wolf it would be nice to banter with other players once in a while lol
  14. you can make bags from these? I picked one up yesterday and put it on my head as it was the only option avalible, nothing happened even when I did that other then the sack dissappeared, how would I go about turning it into a bag if i found another one then? noob moment haha
  15. Molochius

    From now on I trust no one.

    why would you trust a random person anyway? are you not familiar with what internet anonymity turns people into? I have to say I will kos if I ever get the chance, why? because if not 9/10 ill be the one being killed, anyone who thinks otherwise has a lot more faith in human kindness over the net then me haha its kill or be killed i guess. Im new to the standalone but im guessing the playerbase is pretty similar to the mod and in those days the few times I trusted people or let people live and go on there way rather then kos I paid for it, usually with being shot in the back once said person got a safe distance from me. Its not gonna happen this time, im no bandit but if I see anyone making a beeline for me, particualy if they have a weapon....im taking them down without a warning.
  16. Molochius

    Item respawn rates?....

    Hi so im new to the standalone and im finding a pretty major issue with the fact that it seems everytime I logon to a server literally every single building I come to has doors open, recenlty searched and no items to be found, so much so that ive given up for now, you cant get anywhere in the game if you cant even find food, drink let alone medical gear and weapons Have I just been unlucky or is there a really slow rate on item respawn at the moment in the alpha?
  17. Molochius

    Item respawn rates?....

    really? damm call me a fool then because the last server I tried earlier I kept getting that message before I logged off frustrated, if id known it was just a server restart id have stayed with it!
  18. Molochius

    Item respawn rates?....

    ok so my next question is how is it possible to find how longer a server has been online for? no option I can see on the server browser? or is it just hit and miss?
  19. Molochius

    Item respawn rates?....

    that there is, im just looking now, tbh i had no idea there was no respawn until restart until now
  20. Molochius

    Item respawn rates?....

    is there an eta on dealing with item re-spawn rates then? still catching up with patch notes as only just got the standalone myself.
  21. Molochius

    Item respawn rates?....

    See thats what I thought which is why I kept trying but after about 3/4 sessions going through settlement after settlement for hours with zero loot you just get bored tbh
  22. Molochius

    Item respawn rates?....

    Hoping so.
  23. Molochius

    Item respawn rates?....

    is that as intended or just because its the alpha? what your saying basically then if you cant find a server thats only just come online theres no point in playing? that kind of sucks.
  24. Ok so heres the situation, last time I played dayz was wensday evening, I dont play thurs onwards as I do a heavy weekend shift so dont get time for gaming, I went to log onto the dayz server I usually play on sunday morning only to find Ive been kicked off with the battleye global ban message. Now I do not hack I have never hacked, hell ive had this game less then 2 weeks to be honest I wouldnt even know how to hack it im still learning the game so I have no bloody idea what this ban is for, I think its a mistake the cheatengine has picked up something as a hack when it wasnt who knows? Before I carry on I do not care if you think im a hacker and im lying etc whatever, I know I didnt cheat and im not here to debate that. But basically I emailed battleye support on the sunday to ask about the ban and if it could be revoked. I am yet to even hear back from them. But my question is what are my rights? I mean in my eyes, ive paid for a game, been playing it with no issues and less then 2 weeks later my access is removed because the company behind it claim ive been hacking, however they present no proof of this and havnt even gotten back to me to say why ive been banned. Surly this is illegal, I have consumer rights and I know damm well a company can not prevent access to a product youve paid for unless they have proof of misdeeds......I havnt been presented with any such proof. do I have a case to take this to a consumer ombudsman? I must have rights here, otherwise any company could charge people for something and then take away there access. im looking into this via other means but is anyone familier with the process know what rights I have in this situation? and no I dont care if you think im lying or whatever again thats not why im posting this message.
  25. guess you missed the part where I said id been playing all of 2 weeks.....lol as for the response from dallas above? wow brainwashing at its most obvious haha