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About FrostyKush

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  1. FrostyKush

    Dayz mod fps problem

    Epoch can cause huge performance issues depending on the scripts the server admin is running and the amount of objects in the database, also what are your specs/settings and do you or your friend have an SSD or HDD? SSD was the biggest performance gain overall I received plus depending on your hardware a mixture or high and low settings may actually increase your performance due to some higher settings offloading to your GPU instead of your CPU.
  2. FrostyKush

    Dayz mod fps problem

    Depending on which mod you are playing and which server drastically affects performance. With how many custom additions, scripts, and the overall shitty handling of base building objects (not the fault of the mod makers, more the way createVehicle works) and server fps heavily factoring into client fps it will be extremely hit or miss server to server. Try around different servers and find a good one that gives you good client performance and stick with it if you can.
  3. FrostyKush

    Arma 2 and/or Arma 2:OA?

    You need Arma 2 as well as Arma 2: OA.
  4. FrostyKush

    Mega desync and lags on all testet servers!

    Vybor military base which moved into Vybor.
  5. FrostyKush

    Mega desync and lags on all testet servers!

    I had almost zero desync playing yesterday, even got into a firefight involving 6 people in close vicinity and it was perfectly fine.
  6. FrostyKush

    Question regarding my Computer

    http://www.videocardbenchmark.net/high_end_gpus.htmlIt is indeed very weak for a desktop, it's right down there with the mobile cards.
  7. I would say an SSD is the biggest overall performance increase you can get especially for the 100$ they are down to for 250gigs, my suggestion would be to grab a samsung 850 evo, or the intel equivalent.
  8. FrostyKush

    DayZ won't launch at all...please help me...

    Also had this issue a while back and deleting my dayz folder in my documents and allowing the game to create a new one fixed it for me.
  9. FrostyKush

    DayZ's Win32 error: A reasoned response

    I believe it was the new active Battleye that made Windows XP stop working. As far as if it was originally in the requirements I don't actually recall. I don't know the specifics but I know from some of the hacker forums that there are some security holes in Windows XP that would have allowed for hacks to pass the active BE protection. I agree it sucks that you can't play anymore but with XP users being such a minority and it being a large security risk plus Battleye already having their work cut out for them having to do active protection on Vista, 7, and 8.1 I do understand the reasoning behind it.
  10. FrostyKush

    So DayZ commander eh?

    http://dayzlauncher.com/is probably your best bet. Select a panthera server, it will ask you to download the required mods. Allow it to download them and then join the same server.
  11. FrostyKush

    Problem with Scheduler.xml

    Disregard everything I said, I didn't realize this was for the standalone. I was thinking this was for the mod, I do not host a standalone server.
  12. FrostyKush

    Problem with Scheduler.xml

    Also if you are running on a dedicated or VM you should have something like this for clean shutdowns to eliminate the possibility of the database not loading properly on restart (used to happen to me all the time with a forced close through a batch file).
  13. FrostyKush

    Problem with Scheduler.xml

    <job id='3'> <day>1,2,3,4,5,6,7</day> <start>003045</start> <runtime>003045</runtime> <loop>-1</loop> <cmd>say -1 Only ask for an admin for things related to the server (Well known arma bugs do not count!!)</cmd> </job> This is what I use for it to repeat every 30 minutes and 45 seconds, works without issues. Try using this format and change the job id, timing, and obviously what you want it to say and see if that works. Edit: just realized I am running an older version of BEC and they do change the formatting for this every now and then, I'm running 1.601 for clarity.
  14. FrostyKush

    Problem with Scheduler.xml

    Also how often do you want that message to run?
  15. FrostyKush

    Problem with Scheduler.xml

    <loop>25</loop> should be a 1 or 0, trying changing that and see if it works