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Everything posted by TheMoreBetterChild

  1. TheMoreBetterChild

    A Standby For Now....

    Hello I am getting arma II operation narrowhead in 1 month so thats when i can get day z. Is there any other cool online multiplayer zombie games just like day z that i can play intill i get day z? plz comment if you Know one thats good thats kinda like day z or just an online multiplayer zombie game. Cheers
  2. TheMoreBetterChild

    A Standby For Now....

    can you send me a link to my email [email protected]
  3. TheMoreBetterChild

    A Standby For Now....

    can you give me a link to killling floor free download with multiplayer plz plz plz
  4. TheMoreBetterChild

    A Standby For Now....

    i was going to play war z but i wont let me make a freakin account so it is freakin scamz so ill try the other games you suggest thanks mate :D
  5. TheMoreBetterChild

    What Are All The Controls For DayZ

    I look it up on google and i can not find all the controls for dayz. Could someone tell me all the controls for dayz and i mean everything and if you cant give me everything can you tell me the most important ones and the basic one e.g. chatting,running,shooting and many more stuff Thanks TheMorebetterChild
  6. TheMoreBetterChild


    What is beans on this fourms and what is the point of beans? also what can you do with the beans? Thanks TheMoreBetterChild
  7. TheMoreBetterChild

    Unable to play DayZ after downloading Steam version.

    could you give the link for me for the day z steam one please it would be really awesome if you did give me the link
  8. TheMoreBetterChild

    What Are All The Controls For DayZ

    Thanks Heaps :D
  9. TheMoreBetterChild

    Beginner tips

    cool thanks man :D
  10. TheMoreBetterChild

    service vehicles

    cool i want these veichles XD
  11. TheMoreBetterChild

    Beginner tips

    this is some really great tips :D i will usee them when i get the game :D which is in 2 months :/ anways when your playing day z with a buddy how do you talk to them with a mic?
  12. TheMoreBetterChild


    thanks to everyone who replied :D
  13. TheMoreBetterChild


  14. TheMoreBetterChild


  15. hello guys could someone tell me in detail in how to get dayz from the dayz commander and when i get it how do i play on the servers. if theres any links that someone could get me to download day z. can you download dayz free if so give me a link and good youtube tuturils you could tell me to downoad dayz with dayzcommander? thanks guys TheMoreBetterChild
  16. TheMoreBetterChild

    How Do I Download Day Z From Dayzcommander

    ok thanks you very much :D
  17. TheMoreBetterChild

    How Do I Download Day Z From Dayzcommander

    im so sorry but what is a beta patch? and do you need arma combined opertaitons it get dayz?
  18. TheMoreBetterChild

    How Do I Download Day Z From Dayzcommander

    what does the latest patch mean im not so good a computers XD
  19. TheMoreBetterChild


    nice video man :D just had a quick look at it and good :D
  20. TheMoreBetterChild

    How Do I Download Day Z From Dayzcommander

    that didnt help
  21. if i had dayz i would do you know any links to get me day z?