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About Navillus

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Location
    New Orleans
  1. Navillus

    Anyone else bored?

    Thanks ;) . Though I wouldn't call myself a total noob. This post was a joke (sarcasm is kind of hard to get for non-native English speakers so don't feel stupid).
  2. Navillus

    Anyone else bored?

    Well, I'm bored as hell with what DayZ has to offer at this point. When is a new update coming out? ...jesus christ, Rocket better not be spending time with family and loved ones during this time of year.
  3. Navillus

    MOD on a server

    Never give anything to anyone. It's a scam.
  4. Navillus

    Enough is enough

    Because wasting 3 minutes of your life made it all worth while.
  5. Navillus

    Enough is enough

    I can overlook most of the glitches and other players being stupid, but there is one thing that bothers me so much it might just make me quit forever. When you drink a soda you hear it pop open, then glug glug glug then you put it away and that's that. There is no sigh of relief after drinking!!! Who drinks a can of soda without making a refreshing 'aaahhhhhh' right afterwards??? This needs to be made priority number 1.
  6. Navillus

    Server Hopping (Character Reset?)

    So basically this is what you are saying: I don't like this game, but I want to continue playing it. And by playing it I mean exploiting glitches and loop holes that way I can make the game less enjoyable for more people. Are you for real or is this just a troll thing?
  7. Navillus

    Is my game hacked?

    No that's not a hack. Just a random glitch. It happened occasionally on the mod. I'd be willing to bet you were spawned in novy sobor.
  8. To the OP, I don't necessarily agree with what you have to say but your points are pretty valid. In response to your 3 suggestions: 1. I feel like zombie "sensibility" is alright for now, maybe some tweaking is needed as time goes on, but I dont view them as overly smart or overly stupid. 2. I really like your idea of having a variation of zombies, each with different speed. 3. Again, this is a really good idea, when a zombie sees another zombie going crazy, they become alerted to the situation. I think it's pretty obvious that zombies are an ongoing development, and I believe rocket has mentioned this several times. When more zombies are added to the map things will start being different. I believe they do need to be very dangerous to make the game fun, but definately need some variation to avoid that monotonous routine of getting away.
  9. Navillus

    Servers not showing and waiting for host

    all is well, but now i get some kind of "dayZ.cfg.3dperformance" error
  10. Navillus

    Servers not showing and waiting for host

    It would be funny if the DEVs just did this to filter out all the assholes who complain about paying for a game that is not working perfectly. Obviously these people are morons and don't deserve early access if they get upset about a game with hundreds of disclaimers and even Rocket saying "do not buy this game yet". And morons never survive the Zombie Apocalypse. So anyone who has said anything along the lines of ..."I paid thirty bucks and everything isn't perfect for me" Leave now please, and never come back, because I am 100% positive that a comment like that is indicative of someone who is also going to play like an asshole
  11. Navillus

    Name change

    You guys are great. I love this community.
  12. Navillus

    Name change

    Is it possible to change your name, or am I just stuck with my old STEAM ID?
  13. Navillus

    Servers not showing and waiting for host

    lol, great plan. Think I'll do the same.
  14. This thread may be a fail, but I was thinking a less whiney place to whine about the game is needed. Also with a disclaimer: I am a fanboy, and will defend this game to the end. When I say things annoy me they do, but I also love the game so far and am really proud to be a part of it. Here it is, a few things that bug me after <24 hours of gameplay. 1. VOIP...I hear random people who are no where near me talking on direct chat. lol...about an hour ago I heard some guy yelling at his wife not to bother him when he is wearing his "at home pants" The ABSOLUTE worst though, is the awful feedback noise that happens and no way to shut it off. 2. Other random noises... I am constantly hearing the drinking noise and zombie growl 3. The hunger/thirst/bleeding interface. I dont know how hungry or thirsty I am, and I have seen a bunch of forum posts about this, so i don't think i need to say any more. 4. Always night. I left work early today so i could get a couple hours of daytime game play in. It was dark at 3 in the afternoon. bummer. I do like nighttime gameplay, but I like the 24 hour cycle better. *a note to anyone who wants a 24/7 daytime server...Why the F*** did you get the standalone at such an early stage...or even why do you even pretend to like a survival game that is not hard to survive? Since I am pretty sure the DEVs are aware of all of these already, I thought this thread would just be a nice place to vent frustrations after dying. So, to the community, what else is happening that you find bothersome? EDIT: lol I forgot the most annoying part, people who don't want to play the game for what it is. I just started playing again and as usual i am listening to some dumbass with his voip always on, and he is all like "oh no, waaaaa, im in kamenka, I'm just going to get out my laptop and look at a map online....derp