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SoulHunter (DayZ)

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Everything posted by SoulHunter (DayZ)

  1. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    DayZ Double Developer Blog 14th May 2013

    Hey there, I would like to ask a question @Matt. Do you guys plan on adding something like; http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/134044-just-a-simple-poll-regarding-gore/ or http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/134375-realistic-hunting-in-dayz-inspired-by-thehunter-2013/ or http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/103123-flashlight-stab-attack/ or http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/135591-add-moar-rivers/ ? =) Thanks Regards
  2. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    DayZ StandAlone - Wind and Windage

    Hello there, To simply summarize this idea, I want to be added into SA for good. Comments/ideas are much appreciated. Source:( http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/134674-dayz-gunplay/#entry1312907 ) Reason: I thought this kind of an idea deserves its own thread. If this kind of a thing had been posted before, then please forgive my ignorance/selfishness. Regards
  3. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    Looking for Testers

    Im down for it, you guys STILL need testers ? xD
  4. How come can you fight with someone in a "NON PvP" server saying:"I'm not breaking any rules!!1!1!!one!!111!" ? o.O
  5. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    Standalone Suggestion

    If I understood the idea well, you want zombies not to be able to get in the vehicles or on top of them in order for us,the players, to be able to use vehicles as a temporary escape-thingy place ? It could be nice tho.. But some vehicles are hard to climb on them lol :P Maybe a new feature called "climb" would be helpful to get for example on the vehicles. And about getting im them.. Most of them are like pieces of metal scrubs.. x)) I dont think you would desire to get in them instead of getting eaten by zeds =))
  6. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    DayZ StandAlone - Wind and Windage

    oh.. LoL!! ^^" did not rly expect this coming... hehe :'D thankies for the source/info! x'))))
  7. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    Dayz Gunplay

    -Its up to the servers.. Not the game... =) -Well, then we are lucky that we dont have such a "style" in dayz nor arma series ? =) -There is already a mod for this kind of an implementation, as an example of which;
  8. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    Dayz Gunplay

    cus you simply dont.
  9. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    Just a simple poll regarding gore.

    Those are very basic gore mods.. If they could remind you of such stuffs, then you should better go with nicer games tho dunno rly lol... Seeing zombies eating people' intestinals would not help this case as well.. c.c
  10. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    failure to feed / extract jamming and such.

    I cannot imagine why a zed would eat a glock...
  11. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    Implementing Skill Bars in SA

    Hey there, I would like to see a skill bar like; Which looks I know a lil bit WoWish, which is something I desire to see in SA =) Its ok if we wont have skills but being able to use "emotes" like we do in WoW would be great! Those skill-bars would be used only for RP purposes tho.. and also could be disabled like in WoW. =) What are you guys thinking about it ? Being able to emote like "dancing" "saluting" "laughing" "teabaging" "crying" "rolling around" "highfiving" "gesturing" "blinking/winking" "hugging" "clapping" via a skil-bar and such would be good ? =)) Thanks Regards
  12. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    Implementing Skill Bars in SA

  13. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    [Stand Alone] No Cars in Alpha.

    Those animals will also be remade as well
  14. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    SA shoot guns out of hands

    Great info! More detailed;
  15. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    Implementing Skill Bars in SA

    Hey I rly thought this was a good idea ._. I like rping c.c
  16. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    Implementing Skill Bars in SA

    Thats why I wrote it would only be used for RP purpose and also could be enabled/disabled manually :P And yeh, just found that pic on google in 1 sec... Only for those who have never seen a HUD like that :)
  17. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    Maps or countries you would like to play in

    I would like to see Newyork.. and Los Angels if possible!! =)))
  18. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    SA shoot guns out of hands

    shooting people's guns out of their hands or shooting them in the hand to make them drop their gun... Sounds pretty nice but it should not be something being able to happen so likely... However I would like to see shooting people's weps would make their accurate worse for 1-2 seconds... So they should again try to aim what they have been aiming before getting shot in hand/on the wep they hold.
  19. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    [SA] Penumbra mechanics

    Its epic!! I hope this will be implemented into the game!!! It would make people so much happy and pleased!!! =D=D=D It would give people many game-play possiblelities LOL!!! =D=D
  20. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    SA DAYZ Prison Yes or No

    This would be an amazing improvement!
  21. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    SA DAYZ : Shopping Mall

    It would be an awesome plcae for RP Activities!!! =)))
  22. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    (SA inventory) Controller-friendly inventory mode.

    Its just epic! The feature showed in the last picture must be able to be controlled with the mouse-wheel x))
  23. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    Just a simple poll regarding gore.

    Its damn epic x)))
  24. Its a good but useless idea. People use their mobiles to use skype to communicate with eachother (some peep.. But if there would be such a restriction for 3rd party voice programs....)