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SoulHunter (DayZ)

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Everything posted by SoulHunter (DayZ)

  1. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    Walking Dead Mod

    For da sake of Holy God.. stop spamming the forums! -.-
  2. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    Crafting, why not building?

    I dont think everything should be barricaded nor a lot of barricade should spawn in the game in the first place. Maybe establishing sth to get the opportunity to barricade doors/windows of a spesific building would solve this sorta problems ?
  3. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    Walking Dead Mod

    the community of that game was saying that the game was being prepared to move Unity Engine.. If real, not a "great" choice imo..
  4. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    Just saw Rocket again.

    lol what an epic thread :'D
  5. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    Crafting, why not building?

    I dun think demon said such a thing.. Or my brain just forced me to forget it as it is just too awful to see.
  6. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    Walking Dead Mod

    /agreed. But if any hit would be a potential dead, then a little bit slow zeds would make much sense imo. As an example of this kinda zeds; If the zeds would be like that^ and would be so powerful with their infection etc, then it would be more fun to run from them tho :P It would then make us feel "really" scared if we would see some zeds around us. =) I would also go with dangerous zeds with high speeds but in such case it would be near impossible to survive then.. It is not needed for the zeds to be slow like hell, but they can at the very least be a lil bit slow so we can have much more experience facing those zeds..
  7. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    Cannibalism and drinking your own urine

    isnt it illegal to adv. sites ? especially selling sites.. especially weird ones.. ? -.-
  8. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    Crafting, why not building?

    I would be just fine if we just could barricade doors/windows of the buildings. I wanna live in a small town with my friends.. :x
  9. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    Medical Knowledge

    It is about knowledge. If you would by any way know what med you should take for your character's sickness, then you are good to go.. It is not like onlly med educated players or sorta should have an advantage over the rest of the community.. It is about "your knowledge of meds and stuff" but not "your character's knowledge". Lets say you managed to learn the basic med stuffs just before the day SA gets released. (which is sth very easy to do anyway) That would not be "cheating" but searching/learning. So if you know what med you should get for possible sicknesses in game whatsoever, then you are good to go.
  10. as said before, it will help a lil (to me.. maybe a "HUUUGEEE" difference to you) "IN REGARDS TO LOAD TIMES ETC". Not FPS really... And if you guys cannot wait a few more seconds (which ik sucks anyway) go get an IOFX for $2500 and ur PCs load everything within 5 sec. Its said by microsoft that win8 is actually a win7 with a few more features and that touch tech as everything that can run on win7 can also run on win8. Thats why the products of "microsoft" and any other company that were used to run on win7 have still the description like; Supported OSs:"XP, Vista, Win7" but not "Win8" anyway. If you have some application that can run on win7 but cannot run on win8 (which I cud hardly believe) then "those application-wannabies" are actially not ordinary application but sth weird.. PS:Im guessing ur being confused about "32b OS" and "64b OS" or "Linux" etc.. If thats the case, then there would ofcourse be a problem with OS cus they do not really mean to support eachother or such... So if you would try to run a Linux program or a 64b program on a 32b microsoft OS, then you will probably have a bad time.
  11. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    Can this rig run DayZ?

  12. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    Dude, the Zombie aggro radius is a bit ridiculous!

    *coughs* mod *coughs* broken *coughs*
  13. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    Cant understand KOS moaners :s

    KoS'ers are just noobs cus its the only thing they can do in a survival game like this to turn it into a FPS game like the little brats do in every other game cus they cannot rly play CoD or any ordinary FPS game without whining around due to their FPS skills and lowest PC specs ever seen in this reality..
  14. an SSD could not make that much difference. Maybe a little bit in regards to game/map load time etc...
  15. win8 is win7.. -.- there can be nothing that can run on win7 but not on win8....
  16. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    Starting in a bed and sleep in a bed

    Well its already confirmed that the players will spawn in the buildings anyway :P
  17. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    Starting in a bed and sleep in a bed

    A good idea. You wake up/spawn in a room. You see the zeds outside of the building and look around quickly to get some supplies and get out of the building asap.. Or you try to protect that room/house/building against zeds! It would be fun tho :P
  18. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    Fix the grass

    That was not really mean to be a question tho. But to consider it so, then the answer wud be "Yes." I think it would be cooler just to see some footprint on the ground when someone would move around. It would be more logical cus you could actually keep tracking the target even though there is no "high grass" around but normal grass/pure ground. Anyone knows any ArmA II mod for such a feature ?
  19. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    Cannibalism and drinking your own urine

    not in normal conditions mate
  20. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    Cannibalism and drinking your own urine

    Not at all.. Its not salty or such anyway -.- You could even drink it directly without attempting to clean it a lil with a fire or such if you are that desperate lol.. Might taste shitty but would not kill you or "make you even more thirsty".. z.z
  21. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    Fix the grass

    Isnt all you wrote up there^ how its like already ? Weird...
  22. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    Better performance, but at what cost?

    Consider it that the specs u got on ur pc are the abilities of the character you have. If they are good, then your char would see people from miles away easily.. If they are bad, then your char might even be a big blind guy who even cannot see what is 30-40 meters away from him lol...
  23. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    Softcore and Hardcore servers for Dayz Satandalone

    Another nice idea so far
  24. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    Better performance, but at what cost?

    I hope they would make the game so that it would look like the way DayZ looks like with SweetFX! :3
  25. She ? A girl is come up with a public server and does such stupid thingies ? HAHAHAHA!!1!!! :'D Seems like she is a terrible admin and a terrible person in real life, but considering she rules a public server already, she then must not be "so terrible" at doing something... ya know ;D haha.. what a BS... There shud be a rule added for the admins to be changed every 2 weeks or such.. Otherwise it is normal for power-hungry admin-wannabies to show off around due to the human nature anyway..