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SoulHunter (DayZ)

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Everything posted by SoulHunter (DayZ)

  1. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    To anyone who sees this post

    If you are new I advice you not to go to the cities. Go to the small towns to loot.. When u got enough tool for hunting, you could survive also in nature. I remember being infected for 2-3 hours long.. Hunting everywhere to keep my blood high. And when finally antibiotics spawned in hospital, I was like full health (= Hunting for life.
  2. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    To anyone who sees this post

    If you are not in a combat, it would not be considered as "combat logging".
  3. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    Where are all the devblogs?

    Personally alpha does not really mean a lot for me.. But after beta, it would indeed be a disappointment for me If I could not spend an hour without facing 3-5 bandits over and over again.. I mean, the world is big, but not that big considering how far a player can go in a few hours. In mod, I used to move around (forests and kinda generally) for long hours. I generally end up dying to a bandit when I get in the cities, which is something I'd really not like to see in SA for sure. In many server everyone tries to kos no matter what. I hope SA will improve the humanity aspect of the game a lil bit.
  4. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    Where are all the devblogs?

    Hey! Wanna get another massive crate of qualified beer? I am in to, if you'd accept! Btw if the game would pop up before then, you'll buy my game too hehe ((=
  5. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    Where are all the devblogs?

    I appreciated much you taking time to respond me elaborating the case, which has already been answered/elaborated though. I like your way of contacting with ordinary members as an administrator. Regarding which, I thank you for your time/afford (I guess..) and wish you to go on like this in the rest of your life as knowing that this would only bring you success anyway. Regards
  6. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    My birthday is in Tulga

    You are not talking like a 13 yo but... >>.<<
  7. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    My birthday is in Tulga

    Derp. You are right. My bad. Thankies
  8. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    Where are all the devblogs?

    dunno if it would be appreciated to ask this in here, but may I ask for your concerns on the pre-alpha considering you are one of those who test the game so far? Giving people something to imagine would hold them 2 more days until the holy dev-blog ((= Maybe the ones who have access to the tests here could make a thread elaborating their thoughts of the game/improvements etc..
  9. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    Need help Dayz

    What kinda GPU you got ?
  10. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    My birthday is in Tulga

    /sigh Its my first time being that close to you.I ve never talked to you before as well, nor wanted to. And you were just banned a while ago, so I never thought that I would get into a convo with you in the first place.. Consider me as a foliage plant here and don't mind me please.
  11. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    My birthday is in Tulga

    IMO he really wanted to murder some guy that would come to the fake/weird party. But because of the risk that more than one person might go there, they wanted to be able to have themselves healed after a possible conflict. He lied about his age and this day being his bd. He also wrote sth on reddit about it before as I could remember correctly. He is imo addicted to that server and sweltered being a big fat useless noob there, and due to which he wanted someone to bring him a vehicle for free. Anyway he is banned on the forums now tho.. ^I could swear he was just banned a min ago o.O
  12. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    My birthday is in Tulga

    I can now understand why he asked for morphine as well...
  13. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    Where are all the devblogs?

    You sir are imo one of those who are 10% of the fanbase of DayZ, who are just gonna hate no matter what would happen. You are still gonna buy it even the game would be released a year later, like the rest of the haters.. How does it feel knowing this fact while being a hater? Hehe (= Regards
  14. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    High FPS = More Zeds???

    What a broken system.. I still cannot believe that the current system we got in the mod is like that... So if you got a nice PC, you will suffer.. And if a player with a bad PC would appear behind you, he will experience 1-2 FPS instead of 10 FPS cus of the loads of zeds that are generated due to your awsum GPU and CPU..
  15. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    The Ultra Rare in DayZ (game not mod)

    Even though in general I agree with you, I'd disagree with the logic of finding ammo. This is not FailZ in which you would 4-5 rounds in every clip you would across.. In reality, most of the ammo should have been already found/used. But the missed ones would be "full" not with a few rounds..Think about it. Why would the clips have only a few rounds in the first place? People would rush and take their guns/ammo etc and try to survive in the beginning of an apocalypse. Not get most of the ammo from a clip and let a few stay at home.. Nobody aint got time for dat... They would get as much ammo as possible with them. If there are still ammo that can be found around, then they are the "missed" ammos that must not have been touched anyway. Just mo on the case Regards
  16. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    Where are all the devblogs?

    And they laughed at me when I mentioned this point of pre-alphas.. >>.<<
  17. I was not pointing out that what the "majority" might have thought was right, but calling people "kiddos" or making conclusions without making a proper research about the people complaining about something was wrong. What I elaborated afterwards was meant to point out that in any community (gaming, tech, art or w/e) there are always problems caused by natural mistakes/trolls/anything else. No one can expect a community to be problem-free ever. Knowing that there is a group of people ready to cry for everything popping up should not mean that all the problems appear in a community caused/trolled by them. Problems appear/are resolved everywhere as the history has shown us over and over again. If it is not liked to see people seeming to have problems as they try to point them out, then they should be pointed out, not over-drawn just because "kiddos" also cry somewhere else as they have always been doing since the creation of the reality.
  18. Because I follow the news as an ordinary member of a community. I am in a position to be able to realize the reason why people got mad, which was the misleading of the infos at gaming meetings (not the "kiddos" or "the media".). It is clear what's said around. People who seemed mad at that moment made posts "elaborating the reason why they got mad" instead of going all around crying rivers in the first place. In such a place like reddit, such childish actions would not be appreciated anyway. After Dean elaborated the case that he and the development are in and took actions what he believed needs to be done, people then got calmed down after a while. <- That would not happen if those "kiddos" are ordinary known "kiddies" who just cry for everything anyway.. There are still people crying to see a release, which does not mean that all the whining always belonged to them. If there are people who seem upset for some reason making posts elaborating the reasons of them being upset, then they really think there are some issues they'd not like to see happening. You cannot judge people just because they think different. As a tip, if you would see more whining around than there is supposed to be, there then is a real -and probably growing- issue.
  19. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    Where are all the devblogs?

    I do not really know the way how they are getting the rid of it (I assume you do not as well). If you would assume the bubble like a real bubble which has a proper radius meaning the client would only know all the infos in that sphere, then you are right. It would then not get the rid of ESP completely, and ways to get around it would be found by the hackers easily. But if we would consider this "bubble" as a logic not really a literal "sphere" then we would assume that only the infos that an ordinary person could get without hacking would be gathered by the client meaning that the ESP would be mostly solved. e.g:"Your client could not get info of an item which is 3 meters away from your character but behind a wall/such regarding your character's position, where your character could not see it." If that^ is the case by the "bubble" logic, then it would be wrong to see it as a sphere in which your client would get all the infos.
  20. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    Where are all the devblogs?

    To be more clear, if that "bubble" would work, there would then be no "ESP" or such hacking activities, which has been impossible for all the MMOs until now no matter what, which would just be an amazing evolution for online-gaming so far......
  21. It was not said to be in literal. The amount of people who generally make up weird problems for no reason is not really something that needs to be considered as an important issue in any community. They are most likely trolls that come from other communities.. By that said^ I did not mean that Dean might have caused the issues we had around before.. Many things can cause many other things. Everyone on this planet is not from the same country. People of the world have different cultures, different languages, different lifestyles, different ways of analyzing/understanding things etc. Even a small communication mistake could cause big problems, which doesn't mean that the fault is at the community or it's rulers. PS:What's up there stated is purely MO. Regards
  22. Be nice towards people. If there is no problem, then there would be no whining. Dean admitted that it was a mistake to put the "2 months" release limit and apologized for it after the reaction bumped up anyway. Btw those "kiddos" are actually not "kiddies" and they actually do represent most of the community. People did not get mad cus of the game not being released in the first place. Do your research well before attempting to make conclusions and blame people around who you have mostly no idea about. Thanks Regards
  23. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    Rocket said..

    It is my first time seeing that Dean got such a rate for one of his reddit posts.. It is a clear sign that the community doesn't like to be mistaken a lot. I hope rocket recognizes that and plans to do something about it..
  24. SoulHunter (DayZ)

    Rocket said..

    seems like alpha will miss that date as well hehe ^^ ; http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1iu4fv/summarizing_rockets_posts_from_the_last_couple_of/cb83pzw?context=3