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About scoup

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    On the Coast
  1. Hello, I just wanted to let you know that your game-mod is one of the baddest Mods i have played in arma. And of cause I’m going to let you know the reasons. First of all, all the Servers lag so horrible that you cannot enjoy the game (if there where something to enjoy). This has nothing to do with the amount of players in game, because Ace or PR Servers don’t lag even with more people on it. Let’s talk about the Zombies… The Zombies in the game are just totally fucked up. First they just stumbling around of course only in town or villages, because they don’t like too much of the green stuff I guess… (Forests and Grain fields) But the same Zombies can run like Usain bolt… and then we got the “Jumper”? who act like monkeys but sometimes stand up run and knock you down before you can even say “what the fuck is it…..” dead… but the good thing is the Zombies have good manners cause the don’t run in houses… they eat you alive… but running in Houses. And when you dead, of course you lose everything… Yeah that makes since in a MRPG. You die and you lose everything… that’s cool. After 5 hours searching and Sneaking and Searching and Sneaking is it really cool to lose all the stuff that you had… a specially when a guy come out of nowhere and just shoots you right in the face, maybe just because he also just got killed and is mad that he lost everything. I would love the see a World of Warcraft or Diablo III player who dies once in the game and has to start from scratch. He would probably kill someone… An other thing is that you game has no Goal… just nothing… You start off with nothing then you search for stuff, sneak a bit and kill some other players if you wish or even create a car, but then you don’t really know what else you should do?. Maybe because THERE IS NOTHING ELSE TO DO! You got no Quest, no Bosses to fight; you cannot create a group or see playersnames, nothing. Even when you play with Friends over TeamSpeak the most asked Question is “Where did you go?”. You cannot even capture a House. What is the Goal? Just Surviving? Well… that’s a little… boring maybe? DayZ is pretty much for people how cannot afford to buy a good zombie game or for people who have never played a good Zombie game., cause the only good thing about DayZ is that you can have it for free. if you think im one of the things in not right, please correct me.