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Everything posted by ASAP Ferg

  1. ASAP Ferg

    Unrealistic Injurys when falling etc

    well its kind of stupid. i have a deck like 6 foot above my pool and i jump in and dont snap my ankle lol so i guess ur right about the water part
  2. ASAP Ferg

    Lock a car, break window to steal

    most cars dont have alarms
  3. ASAP Ferg

    Locking Car Doors

  4. ASAP Ferg

    money and newspaper

    you know. before ww2, the value of the Mark was 1/40,000th of a cent. it was more usefull to use paper money as toilet paper to wipe your ass or to start a fire. hehehe the value would be even less during an apocalypse
  5. ASAP Ferg

    Epinephrine autoinjector

    i think he means auto-injector as in when you get shot in the chest with a 7.62 you wake up right away (automatic injection)
  6. ASAP Ferg

    Attn Community: Help needed - wind and windage

  7. ASAP Ferg

    Unrealistic Injurys when falling etc

    A fracture is not necesarily a broken bone. it could be like at twisted ankle. If you fall from 2 meters (6.6 feet) you will probably mess up your foot and wont be able to walk without some painkillers. You would also probably get pretty messed up from falling into water from a high height, as water is comparable to concrete in hardness from certain hights.
  8. u cant turn them off. u can only delete them. but ya thats good i guess.
  9. ASAP Ferg

    Too much pvp not enough survival

    stop bitching
  10. ASAP Ferg

    Zombie guts (SA idea)

    that episode was yucky when they cut the guy with the hatchet :(
  11. ASAP Ferg

    Disconnect/ Combat Log Penalty

    i voted no
  12. ASAP Ferg

    bleakness of the world

    ... :(
  13. ASAP Ferg

    Invincible Knockout Fix?

    just wait for them to wake up. then put ya chrome to their dome
  14. ASAP Ferg


    well. there should be something like STALKER. like an NPP. and maybe zeds fucked it up and mutant zeds from there (bloodsuckers). very deadly, like takes a whole mag of as -50 to kill them from very close. but it would be very strong like in stalker. and kills you in one hit so you hear roar. you fuckin run
  15. where the fuck did u get a tank